STGOD2k6 Diplomacy
Moderator: Thanas
- Glimmervoid
- Jedi Master
- Posts: 1344
- Joined: 2005-01-29 09:00am
- Location: Some were in the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm.
- Contact:
OOC: This is about my meeting with Spyder.
"I would choose to save my people, I would always choice to save my people, even if it cost me my life. I would stand alone, I would fight until my last breath, until the last yocto-joule in my blaster was gone if it was needed. There is nothing I would not or could not do for the Silver Flame." said Coldrock his voice strangly calm.
"I would choose to save my people, I would always choice to save my people, even if it cost me my life. I would stand alone, I would fight until my last breath, until the last yocto-joule in my blaster was gone if it was needed. There is nothing I would not or could not do for the Silver Flame." said Coldrock his voice strangly calm.

- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
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The man in the white coat smiled.
"Then you're hired." Coldrock was given with a small device, a communicator vaguely similar to what an ancient people would describe as a cell phone. When he looked up, the man was gone.
A door opened, revealing the Egbert waiting for departure on the other side. It appeared as though they weren't as deep inside the asteroid as they though they were, or they'd gone in a circle, or the room moved, or the Egbert moved to a closer dock... Either way the scientists in the party were left scratching their heads and they weren't the only ones. Hired? For what exactly, Coldrock may never know.
"Then you're hired." Coldrock was given with a small device, a communicator vaguely similar to what an ancient people would describe as a cell phone. When he looked up, the man was gone.
A door opened, revealing the Egbert waiting for departure on the other side. It appeared as though they weren't as deep inside the asteroid as they though they were, or they'd gone in a circle, or the room moved, or the Egbert moved to a closer dock... Either way the scientists in the party were left scratching their heads and they weren't the only ones. Hired? For what exactly, Coldrock may never know.

- Biozeminade!
- Posts: 3874
- Joined: 2003-02-02 04:29pm
- Location: what did you doooooo щ(゚Д゚щ)
Agristation 512 was owned by a corporation whose name translated roughly as Solar Farm Systems. The facility was over a century old, and consisted of enormous mirror arrays feeding into clusters of slowly-rotating agriponic cylinders, whose inner surfaces were thickly carpeted with the various staple crops of the Pfhor. Altered for optimum growth in microgravity, the shoots reached almost to the axis of each module, where technicians dismounted from their turbolift and drifted slowly down to tend to the harvest. Nine days out of ten, at any rate.
A little over three months ago, another SFS station further spinwards of 512 had staged a protest against the reduction of their already slave-level wages, spacing produce and detaining the onboard security team. The action sparked a spirited discussion in the Plenum regarding the continuing deregulation of the agriculture industry, but not before SFS security had docked with one of the station's three hab modules and released a cardiotoxic agent into the ventilation network, killing some sixty strikers. Additional protests arose from within the Plenum itself, but once it emerged that the workers were in breach of contract (and almost entirely belonging to the Aggregate caste) they hadn't a leg to stand on. Whilst the punitive actions undertaken by SFS were harsh, they were within their rights.
Station 512 was heading for a similar fate, it seemed. Recently identified conclusively as the origin of a number of illegal transmissions across the corporate data-net to neighboring agristations and habs, 512 had been isolated by Ambient Security gunships at the end of the previous day-cycle. A company-owned shuttle had attempted to leave the station without clearance and had been summarily destroyed. Shortly afterwards, 512's Flight Control section had gone offline.
The siege had now reached its second day-cycle, and Security was preparing to board the station. An armed SFS pinnace had been dispatched from a nearby asteroid with just under a hundred personnel underway. Before the institution of the blockade, the rebels had dismantled the comms equipment they had been using to broadcast their propaganda and had hauled the components into a shuttle bay. Once Security had arrived, a gunship had been posted to observe that sector of the station.
Almost simultaneous to the pinnace's final approach maneuvers, a score of space-suited figures emerged from access hatches and personnel airlocks framing the shuttle bay. As the gunship's crew was startled by the sudden shriek of the IR sensors, almost a dozen rocket-propelled grenades hurtled towards the security vessel. Sensing their approach, it lurched to the side with a hiss of maneuvering thrusters and angled to face the interlopers. Recoilless cannon shuddered, and a line of craters appeared along the side of the shuttle module, carrying fragments of metal and Pfhor into the void.
The fight wasn't over. As their coworkers died, two Aggregates wrestled a bulky cold-launched micromissile pack into position. An inaudible squeeze of a trigger spoon, and four antiship warheads were in the air. With brief flashes their engines ignited and the missiles crossed the kilometres from the station to the gunship. The craft came apart like the flint arrow-head it resembled, atmosphere venting.
A burst of comms traffic, and the shuttle bay doors opened. Nuzzling out came the tip of the reassembled communication array, fed by jury-rigged power and control systems. Pirouetting the array into place in the null gravity of the landing bay, the workers directed it towards an innocuous container vessel, stationary just outside the interdiction zone. This ship would go on to relay images of the coming massacre to every compatible station and outpost in the system.
A little over three months ago, another SFS station further spinwards of 512 had staged a protest against the reduction of their already slave-level wages, spacing produce and detaining the onboard security team. The action sparked a spirited discussion in the Plenum regarding the continuing deregulation of the agriculture industry, but not before SFS security had docked with one of the station's three hab modules and released a cardiotoxic agent into the ventilation network, killing some sixty strikers. Additional protests arose from within the Plenum itself, but once it emerged that the workers were in breach of contract (and almost entirely belonging to the Aggregate caste) they hadn't a leg to stand on. Whilst the punitive actions undertaken by SFS were harsh, they were within their rights.
Station 512 was heading for a similar fate, it seemed. Recently identified conclusively as the origin of a number of illegal transmissions across the corporate data-net to neighboring agristations and habs, 512 had been isolated by Ambient Security gunships at the end of the previous day-cycle. A company-owned shuttle had attempted to leave the station without clearance and had been summarily destroyed. Shortly afterwards, 512's Flight Control section had gone offline.
The siege had now reached its second day-cycle, and Security was preparing to board the station. An armed SFS pinnace had been dispatched from a nearby asteroid with just under a hundred personnel underway. Before the institution of the blockade, the rebels had dismantled the comms equipment they had been using to broadcast their propaganda and had hauled the components into a shuttle bay. Once Security had arrived, a gunship had been posted to observe that sector of the station.
Almost simultaneous to the pinnace's final approach maneuvers, a score of space-suited figures emerged from access hatches and personnel airlocks framing the shuttle bay. As the gunship's crew was startled by the sudden shriek of the IR sensors, almost a dozen rocket-propelled grenades hurtled towards the security vessel. Sensing their approach, it lurched to the side with a hiss of maneuvering thrusters and angled to face the interlopers. Recoilless cannon shuddered, and a line of craters appeared along the side of the shuttle module, carrying fragments of metal and Pfhor into the void.
The fight wasn't over. As their coworkers died, two Aggregates wrestled a bulky cold-launched micromissile pack into position. An inaudible squeeze of a trigger spoon, and four antiship warheads were in the air. With brief flashes their engines ignited and the missiles crossed the kilometres from the station to the gunship. The craft came apart like the flint arrow-head it resembled, atmosphere venting.
A burst of comms traffic, and the shuttle bay doors opened. Nuzzling out came the tip of the reassembled communication array, fed by jury-rigged power and control systems. Pirouetting the array into place in the null gravity of the landing bay, the workers directed it towards an innocuous container vessel, stationary just outside the interdiction zone. This ship would go on to relay images of the coming massacre to every compatible station and outpost in the system.
And when I'm sad, you're a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Ranaan Outpost, Gaian territory.
A small vessel flashed into normal space on the outskirts near the Gaian outpost in Ranaan. Immediately visible to Gaian sensors, the vessel identified itself.
"This is Adrian Rhodes from the Antigan Defense Beurau. I help manage defensese resources for various interested parties throughout the central region. A contract crossed my desk a short time ago regarding a possible deployment in one of the regions west of this position. The Silver Flame, I believe the locals call it. Anyway, it's a fairly simply contract. Just a couple of patrols, keep tabs on any wayward visitors, make the pirates nervous. That kind of thing. Normally I'd pass the contract on to Concord, but I thought this might be a good opportunity to make some new connections. Returns on the contract include a substantial amount of Antigan trade debt, as well as access to future contracts, trade deals and you get on Concord's good side, they have their uses. This is one of those 'if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' deals, if you forgive the expression. I'll give you some time to think about it. If anyone wants to meet me to discuss the offer in more detail, you can reach me on this frequency."
A small vessel flashed into normal space on the outskirts near the Gaian outpost in Ranaan. Immediately visible to Gaian sensors, the vessel identified itself.
"This is Adrian Rhodes from the Antigan Defense Beurau. I help manage defensese resources for various interested parties throughout the central region. A contract crossed my desk a short time ago regarding a possible deployment in one of the regions west of this position. The Silver Flame, I believe the locals call it. Anyway, it's a fairly simply contract. Just a couple of patrols, keep tabs on any wayward visitors, make the pirates nervous. That kind of thing. Normally I'd pass the contract on to Concord, but I thought this might be a good opportunity to make some new connections. Returns on the contract include a substantial amount of Antigan trade debt, as well as access to future contracts, trade deals and you get on Concord's good side, they have their uses. This is one of those 'if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' deals, if you forgive the expression. I'll give you some time to think about it. If anyone wants to meet me to discuss the offer in more detail, you can reach me on this frequency."

- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
"We don't usually deal with diplomats in any official capacity. If there's anything in particular you wish to bring to Concord's attention we have an office on Tyria, which isn't far from here. If you're looking at establishing political connections, it would probably be best to go speak with the guild representatives on Antiga. I'll let them know you're coming if you wish."Dahak wrote:Concord space
The destroyer was waiting patiently outside, carrying a diplomat and asking for permission to deliver him. They were patient.

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Edge of Gaian Space
Crobuzon’s lands were vast, and even the mobilization of the Iron Fleet and the calling up of soldiers from across the Empire did not reach every world under the Parliament’s heel. The Spiralsworn March, once the bleeding edge where Crobuzon and the Witchoracy had dueled for colonial possessions, was far away from the militaristic preparations taking place in the Sparse March and deep in the Empire’s core. The colonial conflicts in the March had been fought not by Civil Marines of the Militia, but rather by local catspaws, trained and equipped on the sly by the Parliamentary Empire in their fight against the invading forces of Tesh. The decades-long conflict on New Arzamas had broken the back of the Witchocracy. Crobuzon had moved in, and set up the Arzamasi as lords over many of the battered worlds. In half a century, the long-fingered, furred jungle primitive had become interstellar pashas, ruling over sultanates provided for them by the guns of the Iron Fleet.
Strangely, the major business interests in the Spiralsworn March were not dominated by humans. Rather, Bas-Lag based khepri capitalists had banded together with local Arzamasi nobility. This marriage of two sharply different xenian species was tolerated thanks to the power of the khepri economic cartels in the Parliament and the importance of the Arzamasi ruling class.
At the top of this hierarchy was a woman known as the Scarab Queen. Khepri males were mindless animals, scarabs the size of small dogs, leading to a society in which the crimson-skinned and beetle-skulled women were the only sentient members. Perhaps the most successful of these was Lady the Honorable Jun ii Crais.
Lady the Honorable Ju nii Crais had had her interest only momentarily piqued when Croix had cited her own business interests during his speech. After all, the Ostward Examinations Ltd. Company was considerably wealthier than Salácus Street Northwest. The group of petty lords and semi-successful capitalists that made up Salácus had made the Company their primary form of income. Meanwhile, Ostmarch Expansions Ltd. Had Crais’ considerable personal wealth behind it, not to mention the incomes of half a dozen major subsidiary and affiliate companies- for instance, most of the rockmilk extraction in the Spiralsworn March came through a corporation which had the same board of directors as OEL.
The exploration fleet of OEL was of significantly higher quality. It was ranging into territory far more heavily populated than the border-realms where the Silver Flame resided and the Sparse March took it’s name. As such, the first twenty-two aetherclippers of the OEL fleet were sleek, well-appointed vessels. Each one was painted a glinting white, trimmed in finest gold filigree. The seal of the OEL was set in each prow in polished brass.
The INS Starwalker traveled towards a destination not chosen by random, but rather, thanks to previous intelligence. Traders from distant lands had just recently began penetrating the former breadth of the ruined Ghosthead Empire, only to find Crobuzon’s empire growing steadily over the remains like moss over marble ruins. The OEL had contacted some of these individuals, receiving word of other neighboring powers.
The Board of Directors, at Lady nii Crais’ gentle direction, had authorized the Starwalker expedition even as the Iron Fleet headed northwest at full steam. While the other exploration corporations busied themselves with war, OEL would open new trade lanes to distant powers.
The traders had spoken of a series of systems united under a strong central government, an industrialized society within range of a single vessel’s fuel supplies.
The Starwalker’s approach to the Gaian border did not go un-noticed.
Crobuzon’s lands were vast, and even the mobilization of the Iron Fleet and the calling up of soldiers from across the Empire did not reach every world under the Parliament’s heel. The Spiralsworn March, once the bleeding edge where Crobuzon and the Witchoracy had dueled for colonial possessions, was far away from the militaristic preparations taking place in the Sparse March and deep in the Empire’s core. The colonial conflicts in the March had been fought not by Civil Marines of the Militia, but rather by local catspaws, trained and equipped on the sly by the Parliamentary Empire in their fight against the invading forces of Tesh. The decades-long conflict on New Arzamas had broken the back of the Witchocracy. Crobuzon had moved in, and set up the Arzamasi as lords over many of the battered worlds. In half a century, the long-fingered, furred jungle primitive had become interstellar pashas, ruling over sultanates provided for them by the guns of the Iron Fleet.
Strangely, the major business interests in the Spiralsworn March were not dominated by humans. Rather, Bas-Lag based khepri capitalists had banded together with local Arzamasi nobility. This marriage of two sharply different xenian species was tolerated thanks to the power of the khepri economic cartels in the Parliament and the importance of the Arzamasi ruling class.
At the top of this hierarchy was a woman known as the Scarab Queen. Khepri males were mindless animals, scarabs the size of small dogs, leading to a society in which the crimson-skinned and beetle-skulled women were the only sentient members. Perhaps the most successful of these was Lady the Honorable Jun ii Crais.
Lady the Honorable Ju nii Crais had had her interest only momentarily piqued when Croix had cited her own business interests during his speech. After all, the Ostward Examinations Ltd. Company was considerably wealthier than Salácus Street Northwest. The group of petty lords and semi-successful capitalists that made up Salácus had made the Company their primary form of income. Meanwhile, Ostmarch Expansions Ltd. Had Crais’ considerable personal wealth behind it, not to mention the incomes of half a dozen major subsidiary and affiliate companies- for instance, most of the rockmilk extraction in the Spiralsworn March came through a corporation which had the same board of directors as OEL.
The exploration fleet of OEL was of significantly higher quality. It was ranging into territory far more heavily populated than the border-realms where the Silver Flame resided and the Sparse March took it’s name. As such, the first twenty-two aetherclippers of the OEL fleet were sleek, well-appointed vessels. Each one was painted a glinting white, trimmed in finest gold filigree. The seal of the OEL was set in each prow in polished brass.
The INS Starwalker traveled towards a destination not chosen by random, but rather, thanks to previous intelligence. Traders from distant lands had just recently began penetrating the former breadth of the ruined Ghosthead Empire, only to find Crobuzon’s empire growing steadily over the remains like moss over marble ruins. The OEL had contacted some of these individuals, receiving word of other neighboring powers.
The Board of Directors, at Lady nii Crais’ gentle direction, had authorized the Starwalker expedition even as the Iron Fleet headed northwest at full steam. While the other exploration corporations busied themselves with war, OEL would open new trade lanes to distant powers.
The traders had spoken of a series of systems united under a strong central government, an industrialized society within range of a single vessel’s fuel supplies.
The Starwalker’s approach to the Gaian border did not go un-noticed.
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
GNCL Emberwind, on the Prowl!
Docking with the alien chamber, the party from Emberwind's staff stepped through into the chamber. Wrapped in their protective uniforms and sealed helmets, Northbloom stepped rowards. "Well. Let's begin." she said, now gazing upon the strange alien as her hands fell to table.
"We do not want hostilities with our neighbors, but we also value our privacy. My Government has compiled the following for discussion.." she began, idly wondering where these talks may go. Appearing in the air was floating, ethereal image, of the full proposed treaty in what approximated the Alien language...
GNC Autumn, in the Gaian System.
Thunder was allowed a parking orbit about the moon of Gaia herself, and a delegation was allowed down to the planet itself. Docking with the Thunder, Autumn's commander smiled, walking onto the ship.
"Air-Mage Drif'ayn, we have a shuttle waiting for you aboard our ship." the woman said with a cordial nod, gesturing along into her ship. What awaits him below?
The Festive Ranaan System Outpost...
The Station Commander at Ranaan scrambled from his pod, pushing aside the cushioned walls to get to his feet. An alien craft had entered his system, and he sped to the Space Control Center once called.
"We're recieving hails, Commander. They're identifying themselves as.. mercenaries of some sort." A comm officer reported.
The Commander shook his head. "Politely decline. We don't hire outsiders to patrol our space. Let them know that we may be interested in information on others, but we can handle ourselves."
GNC Moonspear, on Border Patrols... towards Starwalker...
"Commander, alien craft on our sensors."
"Another one?" Commander Summerfall turned her head away from the Avatar's pod, back to the main holographic display. She had been in a long discussion, learning more of what was occuring across the Compact. Foreign nations all around decided for some inexplicable reason that now was the time to contact them...
"Shipmind is predicting from known information that the contact is an exploratory ship. It's course leaves no question that it knew we were here." the sensor operator reported back.
"Set course for intercept, steady burn." Summerfall ordered. This ship did not go unnoticed indeed. The cruiser came to life, her powerful drives lighting to accelerate for the OEL ship...
Docking with the alien chamber, the party from Emberwind's staff stepped through into the chamber. Wrapped in their protective uniforms and sealed helmets, Northbloom stepped rowards. "Well. Let's begin." she said, now gazing upon the strange alien as her hands fell to table.
"We do not want hostilities with our neighbors, but we also value our privacy. My Government has compiled the following for discussion.." she began, idly wondering where these talks may go. Appearing in the air was floating, ethereal image, of the full proposed treaty in what approximated the Alien language...
GNC Autumn, in the Gaian System.
Thunder was allowed a parking orbit about the moon of Gaia herself, and a delegation was allowed down to the planet itself. Docking with the Thunder, Autumn's commander smiled, walking onto the ship.
"Air-Mage Drif'ayn, we have a shuttle waiting for you aboard our ship." the woman said with a cordial nod, gesturing along into her ship. What awaits him below?
The Festive Ranaan System Outpost...
The Station Commander at Ranaan scrambled from his pod, pushing aside the cushioned walls to get to his feet. An alien craft had entered his system, and he sped to the Space Control Center once called.
"We're recieving hails, Commander. They're identifying themselves as.. mercenaries of some sort." A comm officer reported.
The Commander shook his head. "Politely decline. We don't hire outsiders to patrol our space. Let them know that we may be interested in information on others, but we can handle ourselves."
GNC Moonspear, on Border Patrols... towards Starwalker...
"Commander, alien craft on our sensors."
"Another one?" Commander Summerfall turned her head away from the Avatar's pod, back to the main holographic display. She had been in a long discussion, learning more of what was occuring across the Compact. Foreign nations all around decided for some inexplicable reason that now was the time to contact them...
"Shipmind is predicting from known information that the contact is an exploratory ship. It's course leaves no question that it knew we were here." the sensor operator reported back.
"Set course for intercept, steady burn." Summerfall ordered. This ship did not go unnoticed indeed. The cruiser came to life, her powerful drives lighting to accelerate for the OEL ship...
Last edited by Nephtys on 2006-02-09 05:39pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
"Well, they are not...hospitable it seems," the Air-Mage of the destroyer murmurred. The doplomat nodded slightly.Spyder wrote:"We don't usually deal with diplomats in any official capacity. If there's anything in particular you wish to bring to Concord's attention we have an office on Tyria, which isn't far from here. If you're looking at establishing political connections, it would probably be best to go speak with the guild representatives on Antiga. I'll let them know you're coming if you wish."Dahak wrote:Concord space
The destroyer was waiting patiently outside, carrying a diplomat and asking for permission to deliver him. They were patient.
"Not the way I exprected them to behave. But maybe that assassination onboard the ship did unsettle them a bit. I would advise to move our presence to this planet of Antiga."
"Very well," the Air-Mage nodded.
The ship answered the Concord, politely requesting to announce them on Antiga.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

Nephtys wrote:<snip>
Tadom got the datalink and answered subvocally, the translator picked this up and sent it over to the Gaians in their own language. "Agreed. Our aims are the same.
"The exact location of the territorial divide must be set quickly. To this end, I propose that all unexplored space between our respective borders be set in ownership based upon distance. We are prepared to place defensive systems on our bordering systems and are willing to offer reasonable assurances that no offensive buildups are being carried out on our side so long as it is reciprocated."
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Thunder reached out with its sensors, both technological and magical, and took in the area around the Gaian home. It was an interesting place to be sure, though terribly lacking in magic, the ship decided.Nephtys wrote: GNC Autumn, in the Gaian System.
Thunder was allowed a parking orbit about the moon of Gaia herself, and a delegation was allowed down to the planet itself. Docking with the Thunder, Autumn's commander smiled, walking onto the ship.
"Air-Mage Drif'ayn, we have a shuttle waiting for you aboard our ship." the woman said with a cordial nod, gesturing along into her ship. What awaits him below?
Air-Mage Drif'ayn, House Del'Chu, looked at the Gaian and smiled. Despite some heavy differences, he felt that these people could, one day, be prove to be a good relation to have. At least he shouldn't crash his career here, either, he chuckled.
"I am ready," he finally said. "I look forward to this. Lead the way."

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
"No no, no." Came the response, followed by a polite laugh. "I'm from the Antigan government, we're not mercenaries. I believe your people met some of our associates not too long ago, Concord? Look, I'll level with you, my resources aren't as unlimited as my superriors seem to think they are, middle management - you know how it goes. Anyway I normally contract out Concord for these sorts of jobs, but this given that this is the first job we've taken outside our region I would absolutely love to get some support from the international community on this. Also, it solves a number of problems with the logistics. If you guys could take the Silver Flame contract off my hands, it would really help me out. Is there any way I could discuss this further in person?"Nephtys wrote:The Festive Ranaan System Outpost...
The Station Commander at Ranaan scrambled from his pod, pushing aside the cushioned walls to get to his feet. An alien craft had entered his system, and he sped to the Space Control Center once called.
"We're recieving hails, Commander. They're identifying themselves as.. mercenaries of some sort." A comm officer reported.
The Commander shook his head. "Politely decline. We don't hire outsiders to patrol our space. Let them know that we may be interested in information on others, but we can handle ourselves."
Adrian talked too much, a diplomat would have probably just stuck with the last sentance. Still, we live and learn.

- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Ranaan Station...
Antigan Government? What was that? The Station Commander stood and rapidly began to phraise a reply. "Excuse me, but... what exactly are you offering? If you aren't some kind of mercenary analogue, then...?" he asks.
"As for a meeting, I believe this communication will do until we can clear a few things up." he said, before transmitting his response. He turned to sink into thought on how to deal with these people. Pirates? Who was really worried about pirates nowadays? Were these foreigners that backwards?
Skimming over Gaia...
Sliding through the air, the atmospheric shuttle moved through across the surface of the great planet. The Autumn's commander waited by, her hands folded behind her back, as the viewport showed images of the lush green and violet world sliding below her, with twisting growths and exotic forests arranged in no apparent order.
Far ahead and rapidly coming into view was a tall city climbing into the clouds. Silver spires of polished metal were adorned with great climbing vines and moss. Standing now, touching Drif'ayn's shoulder was the Autumn's avatar, a woman wrapped in her own jumpsuit and long weaves of green moss.
~We have taken a special interest in you. Your people's ways interest us.~ she whispers, watching as they near the city. Landing along a great ivory dome miles across. The door opened and the shuttle came to a stop.
"You're going to see something no outsider ever has." The Commander cuts in. "Consider yourself fortunate." she gestures out the door, leading the way for Drif'ayn towards the structure.
Docked with Emberwind...
Northbloom and her staff remained in their suits, looking across the table. She nods slowly. "Our government may be willing to agree to such. We have no interest in acquiring your territory or meddling your affairs." she says slowly, not entirely sure of that herself.
Back home, the Apopheosian Party had becoming more complacent, and an extremist element was becoming more vocal at times. Could they someday be the initiators of a war of aggression? She hoped not.
"The following borders are acceptable to us, but we wish to review this agreement again, and make adjustments if needed in two of our years." Makina then offered, her hands at her side. How would the quadruped alien react?
Antigan Government? What was that? The Station Commander stood and rapidly began to phraise a reply. "Excuse me, but... what exactly are you offering? If you aren't some kind of mercenary analogue, then...?" he asks.
"As for a meeting, I believe this communication will do until we can clear a few things up." he said, before transmitting his response. He turned to sink into thought on how to deal with these people. Pirates? Who was really worried about pirates nowadays? Were these foreigners that backwards?
Skimming over Gaia...
Sliding through the air, the atmospheric shuttle moved through across the surface of the great planet. The Autumn's commander waited by, her hands folded behind her back, as the viewport showed images of the lush green and violet world sliding below her, with twisting growths and exotic forests arranged in no apparent order.
Far ahead and rapidly coming into view was a tall city climbing into the clouds. Silver spires of polished metal were adorned with great climbing vines and moss. Standing now, touching Drif'ayn's shoulder was the Autumn's avatar, a woman wrapped in her own jumpsuit and long weaves of green moss.
~We have taken a special interest in you. Your people's ways interest us.~ she whispers, watching as they near the city. Landing along a great ivory dome miles across. The door opened and the shuttle came to a stop.
"You're going to see something no outsider ever has." The Commander cuts in. "Consider yourself fortunate." she gestures out the door, leading the way for Drif'ayn towards the structure.
Docked with Emberwind...
Northbloom and her staff remained in their suits, looking across the table. She nods slowly. "Our government may be willing to agree to such. We have no interest in acquiring your territory or meddling your affairs." she says slowly, not entirely sure of that herself.
Back home, the Apopheosian Party had becoming more complacent, and an extremist element was becoming more vocal at times. Could they someday be the initiators of a war of aggression? She hoped not.
"The following borders are acceptable to us, but we wish to review this agreement again, and make adjustments if needed in two of our years." Makina then offered, her hands at her side. How would the quadruped alien react?
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4736
- Joined: 2005-05-18 01:31am
[Note: It occured to me that the Diem and the Republic have not properly introduced themselves. In the interest of keeping things moving along, we are going to assume that an exchange along the lines of: "Greetings, we are representatives of the Mekidar Republic. We are the Diem-noiy, pleased to meet you." Did in fact take place, we just neglected to put it in the transcript.]
Contact Point 2
"Our merchants will certainly find something that the Diem can use, and there is little doubt that you have things to offer in exchange. I assure you, trade can always take place so long as there are interested parties. As for borders, we find them to be an inherently useless concept. Unless we both claim the same planet, in which case borders would need to be drawn-up for that planet. Otherwise, the Republic sees no point in establishing boundaries over arbitrary tracts of space.
We would wish to speak with a properly authorized representative of the Diem in order to establish formal diplomatic relations and draw-up some trade agreements. It is also within our interest to learn about the Diem-noiy as a whole, as part of our mission of exploration."
Prinus System
The diplomatic team began to talk amongst themselves about the actions of the locals.
"They seem to be hailing us in various differnet languages and cyphers. If I'm not mistaken this is the diplomatic equivalent of screaming for a response."
"I suppose we should give them one."
"What language though? The one the hailed us in first is probably best, it is the basic Trade Language everyone spoke back during the Great Wars and the period preceding them."
"Alright, so we continue on our current course, and hail them withe the basic message that indicates we are not here to kill anyone."
"Not yet anyway."
"Why must you be so pessimistic? Before we got out of subspace you were placing bets on us getting blown to pieces, now you are suggesting that maybe will go to war for no apparent reason. How did you make it into a diplomatic team anyway?"
"I'm not pessimistic when dealing with foreign entities."
The banter continued for a minute or two. The diplomatic team was enjoying an unspoken joke at the expense of the Gaians, who where screaming for a response of some sort. Meanwhile the Mekidar took their sweet little time in doing everything from entering stellar orbit to finally answering the hails. Naturally though, the joke would stop once they actually began communicating.
Rock transmitted to following message, "We are on an exploratory and diplomatic mission. It is our intent to contact and establish relations with the space faring nation or nations in this region."
[Note: About the basic Trade Language comment. I'm basing it on the fact that during the large diplomatic meeting near the cluster, nobody seemed to have trouble talking to eachother.]
Contact Point 2
"Our merchants will certainly find something that the Diem can use, and there is little doubt that you have things to offer in exchange. I assure you, trade can always take place so long as there are interested parties. As for borders, we find them to be an inherently useless concept. Unless we both claim the same planet, in which case borders would need to be drawn-up for that planet. Otherwise, the Republic sees no point in establishing boundaries over arbitrary tracts of space.
We would wish to speak with a properly authorized representative of the Diem in order to establish formal diplomatic relations and draw-up some trade agreements. It is also within our interest to learn about the Diem-noiy as a whole, as part of our mission of exploration."
Prinus System
The diplomatic team began to talk amongst themselves about the actions of the locals.
"They seem to be hailing us in various differnet languages and cyphers. If I'm not mistaken this is the diplomatic equivalent of screaming for a response."
"I suppose we should give them one."
"What language though? The one the hailed us in first is probably best, it is the basic Trade Language everyone spoke back during the Great Wars and the period preceding them."
"Alright, so we continue on our current course, and hail them withe the basic message that indicates we are not here to kill anyone."
"Not yet anyway."
"Why must you be so pessimistic? Before we got out of subspace you were placing bets on us getting blown to pieces, now you are suggesting that maybe will go to war for no apparent reason. How did you make it into a diplomatic team anyway?"
"I'm not pessimistic when dealing with foreign entities."
The banter continued for a minute or two. The diplomatic team was enjoying an unspoken joke at the expense of the Gaians, who where screaming for a response of some sort. Meanwhile the Mekidar took their sweet little time in doing everything from entering stellar orbit to finally answering the hails. Naturally though, the joke would stop once they actually began communicating.
Rock transmitted to following message, "We are on an exploratory and diplomatic mission. It is our intent to contact and establish relations with the space faring nation or nations in this region."
[Note: About the basic Trade Language comment. I'm basing it on the fact that during the large diplomatic meeting near the cluster, nobody seemed to have trouble talking to eachother.]
United Systems Space
CSS An translated out of hyper. Signals analysis had determined that this system was one of several controlled by a space faring power. An begin broadcasting a standard first contact greeting.
CSS An translated out of hyper. Signals analysis had determined that this system was one of several controlled by a space faring power. An begin broadcasting a standard first contact greeting.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Biozeminade!
- Posts: 3874
- Joined: 2003-02-02 04:29pm
- Location: what did you doooooo щ(゚Д゚щ)
The Lh'wher Autonomics Sodality was a moderately successful business which had recently been contracted to produce probe drones for the LPG. The company was situated on an equatorial archipelago in the centre of Lh'owon's only major ocean. Ranks of tightly-packed plascrete sheds were painted gold by the setting sun, and activity was minimal. Visible from street level over the roofs of the corporate barracks were the fuller domes perched on the shoreline, manufacturing bays containing dozens of 'bots in various stages of construction. The day's third work cycle was nearing it's close, but the light filtering through windows on the domes' upper stories would burn long into the night as LAS's barely-adequate workforce toiled.
M'lchze (Tacted) hurried along the empty streets of the company town, foot catching once in a tangle of weeds protruding from the crumbling 'crete road. Above, comm lines swayed gently in the salt-laden breeze coming in from the water, stirring some ancestral memories of a wetter, more humid clime. M'lchze brushed those aside and paused briefly at an intersection, checking the street numbers stenciled on the walls against his datapad. He turned right and started jogging.
A pair of Aggregate Pfhor looked up and stared at the passing figure disinterestedly, before returning to the task of setting up their nutrigel kiosk. One looked up again when the higher-caste returned slightly faster to buy an avian-flavoured nutripack, setting off at a run after paying.
The streetlights had started to come on, tinting the shadows in dim orange. M'lchze slowed down to a walk, and held his breath for a few short seconds. In the sternum pocket of his jumpsuit, the datacard felt heavier than it was. Emerging onto the expanse of a recreational green zone, he selected a bench not quite covered by the circles of diffuse light. Sitting down, he stopped for a moment and tore open the nutripack. Funnily enough, it tasted almost like it advertised. He checked his chronometer.
A few minutes later, he finished the pack. Reaching below his neck, he made as if to brush some stain away, grabbing the datacard. Slipping it into the greasy packaging, he threw it over his shoulder and into a bush. Standing upright, he made his way back to his workplace as casually as he dared.
In the rapidly-deepening shadows of the park, a sanitation droid whirred about its nighttime patrol, pausing only once to seize something in crab-like claws before stuffing it into a ventral compartment.
Night continued to fall.
M'lchze (Tacted) hurried along the empty streets of the company town, foot catching once in a tangle of weeds protruding from the crumbling 'crete road. Above, comm lines swayed gently in the salt-laden breeze coming in from the water, stirring some ancestral memories of a wetter, more humid clime. M'lchze brushed those aside and paused briefly at an intersection, checking the street numbers stenciled on the walls against his datapad. He turned right and started jogging.
A pair of Aggregate Pfhor looked up and stared at the passing figure disinterestedly, before returning to the task of setting up their nutrigel kiosk. One looked up again when the higher-caste returned slightly faster to buy an avian-flavoured nutripack, setting off at a run after paying.
The streetlights had started to come on, tinting the shadows in dim orange. M'lchze slowed down to a walk, and held his breath for a few short seconds. In the sternum pocket of his jumpsuit, the datacard felt heavier than it was. Emerging onto the expanse of a recreational green zone, he selected a bench not quite covered by the circles of diffuse light. Sitting down, he stopped for a moment and tore open the nutripack. Funnily enough, it tasted almost like it advertised. He checked his chronometer.
A few minutes later, he finished the pack. Reaching below his neck, he made as if to brush some stain away, grabbing the datacard. Slipping it into the greasy packaging, he threw it over his shoulder and into a bush. Standing upright, he made his way back to his workplace as casually as he dared.
In the rapidly-deepening shadows of the park, a sanitation droid whirred about its nighttime patrol, pausing only once to seize something in crab-like claws before stuffing it into a ventral compartment.
Night continued to fall.
And when I'm sad, you're a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
The Air-Mage watched the world slide past below him. He was a proper Falau'un, born on the homeworld and not the colonies. A world with forrests and actual ground still seemed strange and unnatural to him, even though he's been to many worlds. The city, though, climbing in the air did remind him, like a faint whisper, of the vast and huge mountains of home.Nephtys wrote:Skimming over Gaia...
Sliding through the air, the atmospheric shuttle moved through across the surface of the great planet. The Autumn's commander waited by, her hands folded behind her back, as the viewport showed images of the lush green and violet world sliding below her, with twisting growths and exotic forests arranged in no apparent order.
Far ahead and rapidly coming into view was a tall city climbing into the clouds. Silver spires of polished metal were adorned with great climbing vines and moss. Standing now, touching Drif'ayn's shoulder was the Autumn's avatar, a woman wrapped in her own jumpsuit and long weaves of green moss.
~We have taken a special interest in you. Your people's ways interest us.~ she whispers, watching as they near the city. Landing along a great ivory dome miles across. The door opened and the shuttle came to a stop.
"You're going to see something no outsider ever has." The Commander cuts in. "Consider yourself fortunate." she gestures out the door, leading the way for Drif'ayn towards the structure.
He felt the hand touch him and didn't flinch outright. He consumed her words and smiled.
"I am touched," he answered her. "It is a intriguing home you have. I hope soon I will be able to show you the wonders of my home. But for now, I indeed consider myself fortunate."
He followed her out of the shuttle, towards that strange structure.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

"Two years would be acceptable." Tadom wondered why this meeting was even needed. The hundreds of little details were already being worked out through the communications channels, simply discussing them in person would take days. Even the important issues like border placement and figuring out a system where later disputes would be resolved, without resorting to combat, didn't require a physical presence.Nephtys wrote:<snip>
The pure "alieness" of the humans was unnerving and would probably result in waryness for a very long time because they would probably never be fully understood.
"I do belive that this agreement should assure that all of our interests are covered for any forseeable eventuality. Before I leave I will transmit a gift to your ship. A copy of our pre technilogical history. ((OOC: Edited so any means of identifying the location of the home system, such as stars and the color of the sun, are removed or altered slightly)) With the data you have already given us, I hope this will allow greater understanding between our races."
Tadom stood from the couch and walked out of the room.
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
"Acknowledged, transmitting coordinates. You may proceed when ready."Dahak wrote:"Well, they are not...hospitable it seems," the Air-Mage of the destroyer murmurred. The doplomat nodded slightly.Spyder wrote:"We don't usually deal with diplomats in any official capacity. If there's anything in particular you wish to bring to Concord's attention we have an office on Tyria, which isn't far from here. If you're looking at establishing political connections, it would probably be best to go speak with the guild representatives on Antiga. I'll let them know you're coming if you wish."Dahak wrote:Concord space
The destroyer was waiting patiently outside, carrying a diplomat and asking for permission to deliver him. They were patient.
"Not the way I exprected them to behave. But maybe that assassination onboard the ship did unsettle them a bit. I would advise to move our presence to this planet of Antiga."
"Very well," the Air-Mage nodded.
The ship answered the Concord, politely requesting to announce them on Antiga.
"Then I'm someone that has a few connections and I'm here to make another one. It's difficult for me to describe what I'm offering. Open connections, influence, backchannels, their value is all too often under appreciated. I can understand if you're reluctant to accept, some strange foreign vessel shows up near one of your border worlds and you get presented with a job offer from a man who claims to be an important figure in the governing body of a nation you've never even heard of. This would be easier for both of us if I had some means of demonstrating my credentials, something which is a little difficult on the end of a transmitter."Nephtys wrote:Ranaan Station...
Antigan Government? What was that? The Station Commander stood and rapidly began to phraise a reply. "Excuse me, but... what exactly are you offering? If you aren't some kind of mercenary analogue, then...?" he asks.
"As for a meeting, I believe this communication will do until we can clear a few things up." he said, before transmitting his response. He turned to sink into thought on how to deal with these people. Pirates? Who was really worried about pirates nowadays? Were these foreigners that backwards?
There was a pause in the communication while Adrian thought.
"Hmm, perhaps I could satisfy your curiosity. I can provide information on the various entities that operate in the nearby regions. I can tell you about Antiga, the other guild worlds and of course Concord. What would you like to know?"

- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4736
- Joined: 2005-05-18 01:31am
Hubira System
"Odd," commented one of Boulder's officers, "I would have expected them to ask us to stop relative system primary."
"We've got company, five ships heading our way to escort us," a sensors officer announced.
"Keep current velocity and the Fold Drive ready to engage at all times," ordered the captain.
The pulsing signal had stopped as soon as the natives contacted them. The diplomatic team got ready to reply. Project Argus had determined that the entity in this area, designated X-3, came fairly close to matching the signal patterns of the Cornish Hurling Empire. Despite the fact that the Empire was located on the other end of the Cluster, the folks running Project Argus were certain that the match was no coincidence.
The ship began transmitting, "This is MKS-124 Boulder of the Mekidar Republic." A Mekidar vessel identifying itself, before starting formal diplomatic dialogue with a foreign nation, was something of a breech in protocol, but the higher-ups back home had decided that in this case it might be worth it to do so from the get-go. "As representatives of the Republic, we are on an exploratory and diplomatic mission to contact and establish diplomatic relations with the nation or nations in this area of space," there was a short pause. "It is our understanding that remnants or successors to the Cornish Hurling Empire have established themselves in this region. The Republic is interested in re-establishing contact with our old trading partners."
[OOC: Actuallly ordering Boulder to "set delta-v to zero relative system primary" isn't something odd. At current course and speed, it is likely that the ship won't be getting anywhere near any planet or installation. Plus there are five ships that will keep it from doing anything funny.]
"Odd," commented one of Boulder's officers, "I would have expected them to ask us to stop relative system primary."
"We've got company, five ships heading our way to escort us," a sensors officer announced.
"Keep current velocity and the Fold Drive ready to engage at all times," ordered the captain.
The pulsing signal had stopped as soon as the natives contacted them. The diplomatic team got ready to reply. Project Argus had determined that the entity in this area, designated X-3, came fairly close to matching the signal patterns of the Cornish Hurling Empire. Despite the fact that the Empire was located on the other end of the Cluster, the folks running Project Argus were certain that the match was no coincidence.
The ship began transmitting, "This is MKS-124 Boulder of the Mekidar Republic." A Mekidar vessel identifying itself, before starting formal diplomatic dialogue with a foreign nation, was something of a breech in protocol, but the higher-ups back home had decided that in this case it might be worth it to do so from the get-go. "As representatives of the Republic, we are on an exploratory and diplomatic mission to contact and establish diplomatic relations with the nation or nations in this area of space," there was a short pause. "It is our understanding that remnants or successors to the Cornish Hurling Empire have established themselves in this region. The Republic is interested in re-establishing contact with our old trading partners."
[OOC: Actuallly ordering Boulder to "set delta-v to zero relative system primary" isn't something odd. At current course and speed, it is likely that the ship won't be getting anywhere near any planet or installation. Plus there are five ships that will keep it from doing anything funny.]
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Gaia, where the Party's at!
Inside the immense dome, the entourage of Drif'ayn entered the grand Heart of Gaia, a massive patch of green and violet, pulsating slowly and emitting ethereal rays of color into the roof of the dome. Thirty Two indivduals sat in a ring along the far side of the room, with hundreds below, clad in the white and green of those bonded to the plant that controlled their world.
Across the air, a voice called over a speaker.
"Representative of the Falau'un people, The Forum and Gaia welcome you." called the Prime Speaker, standing before the seats of the other members.
"Our initial exchange was brief, but our representatives have spoken well of your delegation. I on behalf of all entities of our planet, extend a welcome and intent to discuss the relations between our people. Our Planet wishes to speak with you as well for her own knowledge. Would you be receptive of our offer of a cultural exchange between our worlds?"
With Emberwind, and the Not-so-foul Xenos...
Hours of details and discussion had finally settled, and Avatar's link with the network had responded with the Forum's approval. Makina Northbloom nodded, and turned. "Then we're agreed. Thank you for this gift. Should you desire to contact us again, we will set up a frequency for you, and allow you to make use of our massgate facility to send diplomatic personel at a later date." she nodded.
So it was agreed. A non-interference treaty was finally signed between the two nations.
Inside the immense dome, the entourage of Drif'ayn entered the grand Heart of Gaia, a massive patch of green and violet, pulsating slowly and emitting ethereal rays of color into the roof of the dome. Thirty Two indivduals sat in a ring along the far side of the room, with hundreds below, clad in the white and green of those bonded to the plant that controlled their world.
Across the air, a voice called over a speaker.
"Representative of the Falau'un people, The Forum and Gaia welcome you." called the Prime Speaker, standing before the seats of the other members.
"Our initial exchange was brief, but our representatives have spoken well of your delegation. I on behalf of all entities of our planet, extend a welcome and intent to discuss the relations between our people. Our Planet wishes to speak with you as well for her own knowledge. Would you be receptive of our offer of a cultural exchange between our worlds?"
With Emberwind, and the Not-so-foul Xenos...
Hours of details and discussion had finally settled, and Avatar's link with the network had responded with the Forum's approval. Makina Northbloom nodded, and turned. "Then we're agreed. Thank you for this gift. Should you desire to contact us again, we will set up a frequency for you, and allow you to make use of our massgate facility to send diplomatic personel at a later date." she nodded.
So it was agreed. A non-interference treaty was finally signed between the two nations.
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
The almost forgotten Ranaan Station...
"We have little interests in the affairs of others. If they leave us in peace, we do not bother them." the station commander replied tersely, to the Antigan ship at the edge of the system. "Although your offer of information is intriguing. What do you ask in return for details of our neighbors? I will forward your response to my superiors. If they believe it is a worthy exchange, perhaps we can speak further."
"We have little interests in the affairs of others. If they leave us in peace, we do not bother them." the station commander replied tersely, to the Antigan ship at the edge of the system. "Although your offer of information is intriguing. What do you ask in return for details of our neighbors? I will forward your response to my superiors. If they believe it is a worthy exchange, perhaps we can speak further."
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Ranaan System
"Merely your trust, Commander. Although if you had any data on planetary ecology you'd be willing to offer I know a few interested parties that would make use of such information. That is of course purely optional. My primary objective at this time is establishing lines of communication.
"If your superriors would consider the Silver Flame job I mentioned earlier, their assisstance would be useful, but it's not a priority. I was going to ask Concord to send a patrol there anyway. So instead let's focus on information. What would you like to know?"
"Merely your trust, Commander. Although if you had any data on planetary ecology you'd be willing to offer I know a few interested parties that would make use of such information. That is of course purely optional. My primary objective at this time is establishing lines of communication.
"If your superriors would consider the Silver Flame job I mentioned earlier, their assisstance would be useful, but it's not a priority. I was going to ask Concord to send a patrol there anyway. So instead let's focus on information. What would you like to know?"

- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
It took him some moments to fully appreciate and understand what he was seeing. It was quite strange on first glimpse, but still not frightening-strange. He listened carefully and quickly conversed with the crew, and through the ship, with home before he answered.Nephtys wrote:Gaia, where the Party's at!
Inside the immense dome, the entourage of Drif'ayn entered the grand Heart of Gaia, a massive patch of green and violet, pulsating slowly and emitting ethereal rays of color into the roof of the dome. Thirty Two indivduals sat in a ring along the far side of the room, with hundreds below, clad in the white and green of those bonded to the plant that controlled their world.
Across the air, a voice called over a speaker.
"Representative of the Falau'un people, The Forum and Gaia welcome you." called the Prime Speaker, standing before the seats of the other members.
"Our initial exchange was brief, but our representatives have spoken well of your delegation. I on behalf of all entities of our planet, extend a welcome and intent to discuss the relations between our people. Our Planet wishes to speak with you as well for her own knowledge. Would you be receptive of our offer of a cultural exchange between our worlds?"
"Thank you for allowing me, and the Falau'un Council, this unique welcome. We certainly are not like each other, but, frankly, you intrigue us. The Falau'un are more than receptive to a cultural exchange between our nations. We would like to extend the same welcome you gave me and my crew here to a delegation of yours."

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

"As a miltary vessel, I am fully authorised to negotiate policy on behalf of Diem civilisation. If you require an actual member of the Diem-Noiy species we can expect that one will be avalable in a short time.Adrian Laguna wrote:<snip>
"As for your take on territorial claims, your concepts have no parallel within our experiences, requiring study before any agreements to this can be reached."