Manhatten Project is a dipshit troll

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Manhatten Project
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Manhatten Project is a dipshit troll

Post by Manhatten Project »

Soontir C'boath is a hypocrite. He tell me that I spell manhattan wrong when he does too. Lock this if personal attacks are not allowed, but otherwise, point that out to him, as he doesn't want to listen to me.
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Soontir C'boath
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

Wow. I've already explained myself in the other thread, you buffoon. If you're going overboard because of spelling, I wonder what else will set you off. :roll:
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Post by Stark »

It's even in the wrong forum! :)

Think about this. Is your name spelt wrong? Yes. Yes it is.

You can cry and bitch about it all you want, but you spelt it wrong. You lose.
Manhatten Project
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Post by Manhatten Project »

Stark wrote:It's even in the wrong forum! :)

Think about this. Is your name spelt wrong? Yes. Yes it is.

You can cry and bitch about it all you want, but you spelt it wrong. You lose.
One, I don't lose. Sure my name is spelled wrong, but you would think someone pointing out that would also spell the same name correctly.

Two, you spelled 'spelt' wrong.
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Post by Manhatten Project »

Soontir C'boath wrote:Wow. I've already explained myself in the other thread, you buffoon. If you're going overboard because of spelling, I wonder what else will set you off. :roll:
Cussing me out isn't really explaining you self, is it?
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Personal Vendettas is against the rules.

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Soontir C'boath
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

I said in that very quote to look into the other thread, dipshit.

Apparently you can't fucking read for your life.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Post by Manhatten Project »

Soontir C'boath wrote:I said in that very quote to look into the other thread, dipshit.

Apparently you can't fucking read for your life.
In case you are too f****** stupid to realize, I did read the other thread, and you cussed me out, ok. Now let's shut up and move on.
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Post by HSRTG »

You are an idiot. Allow me to quote where he explained.
SC wrote:And if you had a brain, you would realize I do know how to spell as I just corrected you and thus my frakkin location is meaningless you cumquat.

Fact: My location has been there ever since I joined (four years ago) and I have never touched it since. It should be obvious that I learned since then, right asspaste?
This is right in the original thread you ass. Didn't you even read it before it was locked? Or are you just stupid?
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Manhatten Project wrote:
Soontir C'boath wrote:I said in that very quote to look into the other thread, dipshit.

Apparently you can't fucking read for your life.
In case you are too f****** stupid to realize, I did read the other thread, and you cussed me out, ok. Now let's shut up and move on.
OMFG you really are a fucking n00b. Here it's okay to say "Shitlicking cocktastic fuckidiotic donkey-anus-spelunking hypocritical fucktard whore" (which describes you btw). Soontir cussed you out after you tried to use a red-herring to distract us from the fact you posted flamebait, dipshit.

Plus you have an extremely low threshhold for considering something cussing. Grow a fucking skin. :finger:
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Soontir C'boath
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

Your brain is a blackhole of infinite stupidity isn't it?

You brought this upon yourself you fucking dumbass. In fact, I was only trying to be helpful when I pointed it out to you, you dumbfuck but apparently you can't even accept help with a spelling error. You can't even accept help building your computer when you asked for it without calling someone a "dipstick."

Is your ego too easily wounded that making spelling mistakes stabs thee to hard? Awww, do you need a lolipop or a teddy bear to comfort you? I can send one right away if you'd like, straight from my mom's collection to your baby hands.

You're going to make mistakes of various degrees in your life, if you can't even live down a spelling error. YOU ARE FUCKED when you get to the real world, dipshit.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Post by Manhatten Project »

I am sorry about all of this. No, I am not pulling the trekkie "I concede" tail. I got a little carried away because I am a little tense right now. Sorry about misinterpreting your comments. I will be more receptive in the future. About the computer, he mentioned something that I had already pointed out to be false.
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Post by Manhatten Project »

Manhatten Project wrote:I am sorry about all of this. No, I am not pulling the trekkie "I concede" trick. I got a little carried away because I am a little tense right now. Sorry about misinterpreting your comments. I will be more receptive in the future. About the computer, he mentioned something that I had already pointed out to be false.
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Post by Elfdart »

Manhatten :lol: Project, you are one dumb twat. You should have just dropped the matter instead of acting like an adolescent drama queen. So you can't spell, big deal. But not being able to spell and bitching at others over YOUR fuckups is uncool. You suck.
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Post by fgalkin »

I could lock this thread for the blatant violation of DR3 "Pursuant to the previous rule, do not start threads solely for the purpose of criticizing an individual member of the board. Only the administrative staff is permitted to attack people in that manner, and they generally do it because the person has broken the rules."

Instead, I have decided to HoS it, and edit the title a bit. Horsemen, enjoy!

Have a very nice day.
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Post by Manhatten Project »

Elfdart wrote:Manhatten :lol: Project, you are one dumb twat. You should have just dropped the matter instead of acting like an adolescent drama queen. So you can't spell, big deal. But not being able to spell and bitching at others over YOUR fuckups is uncool. You suck.
Thank you, but I wasn't doing that. Can we please lock this so you won't team up on me anymore. I said something stupid. So what? Get off your soapboxs, (and eat the soap inside!!) lol!! :roll:
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Post by Raxmei »

I prepared Explosive Runes today.
Manhatten Project
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Post by Manhatten Project »

fgalkin wrote:I could lock this thread for the blatant violation of DR3 "Pursuant to the previous rule, do not start threads solely for the purpose of criticizing an individual member of the board. Only the administrative staff is permitted to attack people in that manner, and they generally do it because the person has broken the rules."

Instead, I have decided to HoS it, and edit the title a bit. Horsemen, enjoy!

Have a very nice day.
Obviously an abuse of power. BTW, I gave up being a troll. It isn't fun.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Manhatten Project wrote:Thank you, but I wasn't doing that.
Yes you were.
Manhatten Project wrote:Can we please lock this so you won't team up on me anymore.
How about no.
Manhatten Project wrote:I said something stupid. So what?
And you broke at least HALF of our rules in quick succession, and quite a few of those say they warrant an instant ban. Think about that..
Manhatten Project wrote:Get off your soapboxs, (and eat the soap inside!!) lol!! :roll:
You are in no position to give orders, fucktard.

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

fgalkin wrote:
Manhatten Project wrote:
fgalkin wrote:Niether news nor politics. Moved to Testing. Also very close to violating board rules.

Have a very nice day.
Hey, moron. The prez of the U.S. is politics.

BTW, how is that violating board policy?
1) The News and Politics forum is for serious news, not some lame joke a retard like you will find on the net.

2) The "no threatening of heads of state" rule. While the joke did not do that, I'm leery of any combination of "kill' and "Bush" due to the unwanted attention of the Secret Service it may bring to the board.

6 Flaming of the staff is permitted, but only with respect to their views stated in any given thread, not their administrative actions. Those who pre-emptively or falsely accuse the moderators of "abuse of power" (a common troll tactic designed to discourage enforcement of rules against them) will be disciplined.
Have a very nice day.
Manhatten Project wrote:
fgalkin wrote:I could lock this thread for the blatant violation of DR3 "Pursuant to the previous rule, do not start threads solely for the purpose of criticizing an individual member of the board. Only the administrative staff is permitted to attack people in that manner, and they generally do it because the person has broken the rules."

Instead, I have decided to HoS it, and edit the title a bit. Horsemen, enjoy!

Have a very nice day.
Obviously an abuse of power. BTW, I gave up being a troll. It isn't fun.
AR6 Violation two counts. You lose!
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Post by Manhatten Project »

I will stop, if you don't ban me. Actually, I will stop anyways. I just don't see why you are ganging up on me when I already conceded your victory and pledged to act less trollish.

BTW, can't you take a joke?
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Manhatten Project wrote:I will stop, if you don't ban me. Actually, I will stop anyways. I just don't see why you are ganging up on me when I already conceded your victory and pledged to act less trollish.

BTW, can't you take a joke?
Victory!? Maybe in the sense of of an Abrams Tank division versus a small anthill...

Besides, you've admitted to be trolling as it is anyway. Not a rule violation per se, but it's like going to the White House and declaring, "HI, I'm Al Qaeda!"
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Post by Manhatten Project »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
fgalkin wrote:
Manhatten Project wrote: Hey, moron. The prez of the U.S. is politics.

BTW, how is that violating board policy?
1) The News and Politics forum is for serious news, not some lame joke a retard like you will find on the net.

2) The "no threatening of heads of state" rule. While the joke did not do that, I'm leery of any combination of "kill' and "Bush" due to the unwanted attention of the Secret Service it may bring to the board.

6 Flaming of the staff is permitted, but only with respect to their views stated in any given thread, not their administrative actions. Those who pre-emptively or falsely accuse the moderators of "abuse of power" (a common troll tactic designed to discourage enforcement of rules against them) will be disciplined.
Have a very nice day.
Manhatten Project wrote:
fgalkin wrote:I could lock this thread for the blatant violation of DR3 "Pursuant to the previous rule, do not start threads solely for the purpose of criticizing an individual member of the board. Only the administrative staff is permitted to attack people in that manner, and they generally do it because the person has broken the rules."

Instead, I have decided to HoS it, and edit the title a bit. Horsemen, enjoy!

Have a very nice day.
Obviously an abuse of power. BTW, I gave up being a troll. It isn't fun.
AR6 Violation two counts. You lose!
The joke can go both ways. BTW, how can any of us get an F-16 to assassinate the prez on the Air Force One, especially considering there is other fighters escorting it constantly.

I am sorry about the AR6 violation. I should have read the rules slower.

BTW, I am not a retard.
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Post by HSRTG »

Moron wrote:Thank you, but I wasn't doing that.
You did already. Try scrolling up asshat.
Drama Queen wrote:Can we please lock this so you won't team up on me anymore.
Oooooooh, bad idea. You just gave an order to the mods. I haven't seen a Horsemanization live yet, but this just might be it. If you don't know what that is, I suggest using the search feature of the board to look up one "Arminius". You'll be enlightened.
Dipshit wrote:I said something stupid. So what? Get off your soapboxs
There wouldn't be any soapboxes if you hadn't blown this all out of proporation. All you had to do was accept the critisism and the teasing, and eventually people would've welcomed you. People still will, but it'll take longer. I suggest lurking and schoolwork, personally. Helped my posting to no end.
Troll wrote:Get off your soapboxs, (and eat the soap inside!!) lol!!
You spelled "soapboxes" wrong. One exclamation mark is also the correct way to indicate emotion. I'd do something to the post in a quote at the bottom, but I really need to dig my room out. I hope the Horsemen have fun doing their job, I sure will reading the end product.

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Post by Shinova »


*waves the pitchforks*
What's her bust size!?

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