Supreme Moron wrote:
Obviously an abuse of power.
You really want a banning don't you. I'm betting you didn't even read the rules. Allow me to quote the pertinent ones.
AR6 wrote:Flaming of the staff is permitted, but only with respect to their views stated in any given thread, not their administrative actions. Those who pre-emptively or falsely accuse the moderators of "abuse of power" (a common troll tactic designed to discourage enforcement of rules against them) will be disciplined.
DR3 wrote:Pursuant to the previous rule, do not start threads solely for the purpose of criticizing an individual member of the board. Only the administrative staff is permitted to attack people in that manner, and they generally do it because the person has broken the rules.
PR8 wrote:Posts are to be made in the relevant forum.
This one isn't much, really, just icing (sp?) on the cake.
PR4 wrote:On this forum, it is considered perfectly acceptable to flame people simply for being dishonest or stupid, no matter how polite they are. I am aware that on most forums, stupidity or dishonesty alone are not considered grounds for flaming. However, those forums' rules do not apply here.
Not really a violation, just a pointer. If you can't take cussing, stay out of here. Ooooh, just found a good one.
AR3 wrote:Pursuant to the previous rule, if you are upset at the mods for enforcing our rules, either complain privately to an admin (who may or may not ridicule your complaint), keep your trap shut, or leave.
Wow, quite a list you've racked up. Here's to having all the rules in an easily copyable format! *takes sip of Root Beer*
Kill one man, you're a murderer. Kill a million, a king. Kill them all, a god. - Anonymous