So the Rakata hyperdrive tech was Force-based, and the others created workarounds to this? Does this mean that the Corellians got their tech from the Rakata, rather than the Hyperspace aliens? Or does it mean that their tech was originally also built around using the Force?It wrote:The first interstellar space drive known to make use of hyperspace was developed by the Rakata, who built their Infinite Empire around technology using the dark side of the Force to travel through hyperspace.
Around 25,000 BBY, two hundred years after the fall of the Infinite Empire, the peoples of the planet Corellia finally discovered ways of working around the Force-attuned components of the Rakata technology and produced their own version of the hyperdrive; the Duros also independently created such workarounds.
Furthermore, what kind of workarounds are they talking about? Workarounds are generally sub-optimal temporary solutions to problems, so that would mean that hyperdrives are inherently Force-based. But perhaps they used the Dark Side for navigation, and then used navicomputers for that instead. But then, that wouldn't be a workaround, it'd be a fix and shouldn't really be mentioned at all (e.g: "Corellian hyperdrives did not need the Force to function", instead). "Workaround" seems to imply that the Force-using parts are still there...
I really hope that it's a case of bad choice of words or fan-wank, because otherwise I can easily see this as the dumbest thing ever. Hyperdrives being dependent on a mystical energy field with its own will. So it isn't tech then, it really is magic

Though, it would be a cute explanation as to why there is no extragalactic travel. I mean, if they can achieve speeds in excess of hundreds of millions times c, then they should be able to go to neighbouring galaxies within weeks. But if hyperdrive doesn't work outside the GFFA because the Force only exists there (or at least doesn't exist to the same degree in intergalactic space) then they could never leave...
BTW, which timeline is correct, SW Wiki's, or Wikipedia's? Wikipedia says the universe was created 7.5 billion BBY, but the other says 13.7 billion BBY, making the GFFA an extremely young galaxy, as it apparently formed 5 billion BBY in both timelines (which actually seems very unlikely as the majority of the stars in the galaxy would then only be first-generation).