He's probably laughing his ass off right now.
Moderator: Thanas
Before you respond, I have to come clean: Minutes before the attack, Revan PMed me, telling me he suspected I was making offensive advances against his alliance (who knewI have been talking to some friends of mine and if you do not give your immediate uncondisional surrender you and your entire alliance will be destroyed this is your last chance. I warn you I have been given permission to use every resource I have witch is several alliances oh ya you will also be paying back naq and units that whereaboutsabouts lost because of your rediculis attempt at war. for gve any miss spellings I have not slept in many days and am getting tired
It's weird, I don't seem to be able to reaccept anyone right now. I keep on getting that "no modifications" screen. Hopefully it will fix itself by tomorrow. Continue fighting now if you wish, or stop; I hope to have you back in the fold soon.I just got kicked from the alliance somehow, and I'm asking to rejoin so I can get back in on the battle. That being said, if that guy was serious, it could mean a lot of trouble. Better to live to fight another day.
I was thinking along similar lines, and I shall respond as such. Negotiations, perhaps, but never complete surrender.However, if you are going to seek peace with them, you can't do an unconditional surrender. We have our honor to uphold.
Pay back the naq and units? Tell him to go fuck himself. This "wah wah you will pay me back for what you destroyed" shit I keep seeing from the people obsessed with this game is old.Noble Ire wrote:Darth revan has delievered an ultimatum:
Before you respond, I have to come clean: Minutes before the attack, Revan PMed me, telling me he suspected I was making offensive advances against his alliance (who knewI have been talking to some friends of mine and if you do not give your immediate uncondisional surrender you and your entire alliance will be destroyed this is your last chance. I warn you I have been given permission to use every resource I have witch is several alliances oh ya you will also be paying back naq and units that whereaboutsabouts lost because of your rediculis attempt at war. for gve any miss spellings I have not slept in many days and am getting tired). When I told him he suspected correctly, he offered "negotiations" to avert conflict. I declined, telling him that reperations had to be made in blood. However, I did respect that he at least had the courage to speak with me, so I alerted him of the impending attack (so no spy npisd), no specifics, but enough for him to try to protect his weaker members. I had hoped he would regard this conflict as an honorable combatant in return for my gesture.
So what say you, my warriors? Am I at fault? Shall we submit?
Or do we continue, and resolve this when the battle is done?
That's probably my fault as I left. Read your messages, I posted something about a tax plan during the night that you most likely will find in your favor.A-Wing_Slash wrote:I just got kicked from the alliance somehow, and I'm asking to rejoin so I can get back in on the battle. That being said, if that guy was serious, it could mean a lot of trouble. Better to live to fight another day. However, if you are going to seek peace with them, you can't do an unconditional surrender. We have our honor to uphold.
You told them, and let them armor up? Hell, you think they care about their lower members? FUCK NO! They just sold everything we could hit them with! Hell, they just sold everything that was hitable, then stayed online in the armory repairing as we(seven) hit them with everything we had!Noble Ire wrote:Darth revan has delievered an ultimatum:
Before you respond, I have to come clean: Minutes before the attack, Revan PMed me, telling me he suspected I was making offensive advances against his alliance (who knewI have been talking to some friends of mine and if you do not give your immediate uncondisional surrender you and your entire alliance will be destroyed this is your last chance. I warn you I have been given permission to use every resource I have witch is several alliances oh ya you will also be paying back naq and units that whereaboutsabouts lost because of your rediculis attempt at war. for gve any miss spellings I have not slept in many days and am getting tired). When I told him he suspected correctly, he offered "negotiations" to avert conflict. I declined, telling him that reperations had to be made in blood. However, I did respect that he at least had the courage to speak with me, so I alerted him of the impending attack (so no spy npisd), no specifics, but enough for him to try to protect his weaker members. I had hoped he would regard this conflict as an honorable combatant in return for my gesture.
So what say you, my warriors? Am I at fault? Shall we submit?
Or do we continue, and resolve this when the battle is done?
Indeed, I suspected as much. Nevertheless, I felt somewhat honorbound to tell them something, considering their offer, which I could not accept until after the assault. Still, I only gave warning (no specifics) about ten minutes before the attack started; I think we got a lot of them still unprepared.Oh well, for future refrence, any war data needs to be on a private forum, and you NEVER tell the enemy.
To be honest, I can't think of the specifics myself. I believe it had to do with farming, and their subsequent unresponsivness, though.I don't even know how this 'war' started.
I don't know about this. Many of them have dropped in rank but not by as much as I expected. Some we certainly cought unawares. Others seem to be holding up rather well. I think they did have forewarning and more than just Noble Ire's warning. Their resistence doesn't look organized. If only we could see who was online, then we'd know for certain.I think we got a lot of them still unprepared.
We have such excellent security.Ehe, sorry, I sorta leaked the fact that war was declared when Gordash threatened to attack in kind.
Since I'm fracking bored.Soontir C'boath wrote:I don't even know how this 'war' started.
So yes, it was a member getting farmed. Obviously, we should have just ignored it.Imperial Overlord wrote:In Chaos wars, a Darth revan has been hitting me hard. I would appreciate punitive action.
Darth revan
Followed by them declaring war on us.Imperial Overlord wrote:Yes. A sab plus a gutting hit early in the game.
Negotiations had better not involve reparations.Noble Ire wrote:After PMs with The Disciples, and Revan himself (who seems to have calmed down a bit), I think we can start negotiating a cease-fire.
So, I am hearby ordering a temporary halt of attacks on Crystalforce. You have all done well; it could have gone better, but I think we made our point.
I assure you, they will not. If they demand them, the most they will get is a symbolic pitance out of my own pocket, if that.Negotiations had better not involve reparations.
I shall keep that in mind if and when war is again necessary.As for this attack, telling them what was going on as bragging points or because it is honorable... what part of "war" did you guys not quite get? Its not to look big and bad, its not to be honorable, its to fuck the other guy up beyond all recognition.