[Psyborg] Size of the Star Wars Galixy?

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[Psyborg] Size of the Star Wars Galixy?

Post by Psyborg »

Since the "G" level canon novelisations state that the Galixy is "Modest sized" and the Movies them selves state that the Galixy has a "Million Systems" two things can be relibly deduced.

1. The word "modest" means less than average size. Does any one know the average size, or spectral distribution of galixies by size? By the way our own Galixy is huge as these things go. Easily deep into the >90th %tile of size according to the last FAQ post at NASA with 200 Billion star systems.

2. Given that a galixy with a "million" of even a few million systems would be very small as these things go! Also since the "G" canon Movies state that the "Galixy has a million systems" this in it self would costrain the size to very small.

Since the two quotes above are "G" canon they must supercede the DK-ICS and all other "C" canon books.
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Post by Surlethe »

Read the fucking main site; it addresses your concerns. What makes you think a million star systems is the upper limit on the galaxy's size?
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Re: Size of the Star Wars Galixy?

Post by Vympel »

You're a fucking twit.
and the Movies them selves state that the Galixy has a "Million Systems" two things can be relibly deduced.
No, the ANH novelization states the Empire has a territory of 1,000,000 systems. Not "the galaxy is 1,000,000 systems".
Psyborg wrote: 1. The word "modest" means less than average size. Does any one know the average size, or spectral distribution of galixies by size? By the way our own Galixy is huge as these things go. Easily deep into the >90th %tile of size according to the last FAQ post at NASA with 200 Billion star systems.
What the fuck does our own galaxy have to do with the quote? Absolutely nothing. There are also galaxies millions of light years in size. Justify your assumption that the quote "modest sized" actually means "modest by comparison to the Milky Way".
2. Given that a galixy with a "million" of even a few million systems would be very small as these things go! Also since the "G" canon Movies state that the "Galixy has a million systems" this in it self would costrain the size to very small.
Since you're a twit and have assumed "modest sized" means "modest by comparison to the Milky Way" as well as being under the delusion that the galaxy has only a million systems as opposed to the territory of the Empire being 1,000,000 systems, this is rubbish.
Since the two quotes above are "G" canon they must supercede the DK-ICS and all other "C" canon books.
You moron, it's obvious to any rational observer that there is absolutely no reason to argue a contradiction with the EU which states repeatedly that the galaxy is 120,000LY wide. Further, the ICS seres has nothing to say on the size of the SW galaxy.
Last edited by Vympel on 2006-02-25 12:27am, edited 1 time in total.
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first there's no reason to assume that Trakin's quote includes all the star systems in existance in the Galaxy (it's hardly unlikely that most stars in the SW galaxy don't have colonized planets), since it refers to systems under Imperial control
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Post by Vympel »

Looking at this moron's other threads (especially where he contends that the TESB asteroids were merely fragmented despite disappearing in fractions of a second :roll:) I'm HoSing this twat.
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Re: Size of the Star Wars Galixy?

Post by Psyborg »

Vympel wrote:What the fuck does our own galaxy have to do with the quote? Absolutely nothing. There are also galaxies millions of light years in size. Justify your assumption that the quote "modest sized" actually means "modest by comparison to the Milky Way".

Since you're a twit and have assumed "modest sized" means "modest by comparison to the Milky Way" as well as being under the delusion that the galaxy has only a million systems as opposed to the territory of the Empire being 1,000,000 systems, this is rubbish.
You are not reading my post. I did not state in compairison to our Galixy. I stated that modest must mean that it is smaller than average. Whatever average is. I infact asked does any one here know the average size of galixies?

If the Empire only controles a million, then unless it is a very small, incredibly tiny small fraction of the total number of systems it must still be a very small galixy.

The arguments posted elswere on this site also smack of taking the largest possable explanation and then ignoring the rest. What does "Modest" mean to you? It is a "G" level quote and therefore must supercede the lessor canon quotes. The "Million" quote is also "G" level and I would like to see a transcript of the exact quote instead of taking your word for it.
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Post by Noble Ire »

You are not reading my post. I did not state in compairison to our Galixy. I stated that modest must mean that it is smaller than average. Whatever average is. I infact asked does any one here know the average size of galixies?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy It's not that hard to use. Since you probably won't bother to read it; I'll summarize: Galaxies can range from 10 million to a trillion stars in size. The Milky Way contains 300 billion stars. If you take that as "average", then yes, the Star Wars galaxy is comparitively sparse, although comperable in overall size. Star count doesn't equate to dimensions.
If the Empire only controles a million, then unless it is a very small, incredibly tiny small fraction of the total number of systems it must still be a very small galixy.
Considering the fact that most stars wouldn't even have habitable planets around them, your assumption is faulty; the Empire might exert a shpere of control over most of the galaxy, but it would and could only populated and directly control a small part of it.
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Re: Size of the Star Wars Galixy?

Post by Wyrm »

Psyborg wrote:You are not reading my post. I did not state in compairison to our Galixy. I stated that modest must mean that it is smaller than average. Whatever average is. I infact asked does any one here know the average size of galixies?
From the Free Dictionary
mod est (mod est) adj
  1. Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
  2. Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself; retiring or diffident. See Synonyms at shy1.
  3. Observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior, or dress.
  4. Free from showiness or ostentation; unpretentious. See Synonyms at plain.
  5. Moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range; not extreme: a modest price; a newspaper with a modest circulation.
Where in there does it say that "modest" has amongst its meanings "smaller than average?"
Psyborg wrote:The arguments posted elswere on this site also smack of taking the largest possable explanation and then ignoring the rest. What does "Modest" mean to you? It is a "G" level quote and therefore must supercede the lessor canon quotes. The "Million" quote is also "G" level and I would like to see a transcript of the exact quote instead of taking your word for it.
It comes from the ANH novelization, which although slightly below that of the films, is pretty high up on the food chain in terms of canon. Here, I'll even be nice and save you a bit of time and point you directly to where you find the quote on the main site:
Mike Wong's Imperial Industry Page wrote:From the canon novelization of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, softcover pg. 116: "This station is the final link in the new-forged Imperial chain which will bind the million systems of the Galactic Empire together once and for all." Spoken by Grand Moff Tarkin.
Psyborg wrote:If the Empire only controles a million, then unless it is a very small, incredibly tiny small fraction of the total number of systems it must still be a very small galixy.
Are the "million systems" Tarkin talks about all the stars of the territory, or just the inhabited holdings? Why do you need to "bind" the uninhabited, barren systems of the Empire together with the inhabited systems? Does the Empire feel threatened that a barren, uninhabited world will become surly and start demanding to be considered a star?
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Post by Psyborg »

Noble Ire wrote:
You are not reading my post. I did not state in compairison to our Galixy. I stated that modest must mean that it is smaller than average. Whatever average is. I infact asked does any one here know the average size of galixies?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy It's not that hard to use. Since you probably won't bother to read it; I'll summarize: Galaxies can range from 10 million to a trillion stars in size. The Milky Way contains 300 billion stars. If you take that as "average", then yes, the Star Wars galaxy is comparitively sparse, although comperable in overall size. Star count doesn't equate to dimensions.
If the Empire only controles a million, then unless it is a very small, incredibly tiny small fraction of the total number of systems it must still be a very small galixy.
Considering the fact that most stars wouldn't even have habitable planets around them, your assumption is faulty; the Empire might exert a shpere of control over most of the galaxy, but it would and could only populated and directly control a small part of it.
Instead of Wookipaedia try NASA instead. They state; g"Glixies range in size from 1,000LY to 1,000,000 LY and that the Milky Way has 200 million stars." Furthermore they state that the majority of stars have planets. No where does the canon state that they must be "Habitable" or exactly what is habitable to count toward the million canon count. In fact there is canon evidence that in-hospitable planets are numbered among the count. Like cloud city and which ever planet it is on.

By average I mean that size where 1/2 of all galixies are smaller and 1/2 are larger than the "Average size" Modest must then be smaller than that figure. I only sited the number because it supports the small size idea. My point is that "Modest" is smaller than "average" and it is from the "G" canon and thus supercedes the "C" canon from the books. By the way which book makes the 120,000LY statement?

I would also point out that the "Star Wars Core Rule Book" has exact figures for travel times, is trade marked with the three realivant licencing logos and positively states that it takes the fastest ships two days to get from the core to the rim. That would be four days from rim to rim. That is new, circa 2003?, "C" level canon data and very exact. if it is not contradicted by "G" level canon then it must stand.

How do you explain the less than a parsec distance covered in the co-fastest ship in the galixy at least according to the "C" level canon guide to weapons and ships, that takes many hours of "G" canon time?
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Post by Knife »

Psyborg wrote:
Instead of Wookipaedia try NASA instead. They state; g"Glixies range in size from 1,000LY to 1,000,000 LY and that the Milky Way has 200 million stars." Furthermore they state that the majority of stars have planets. No where does the canon state that they must be "Habitable" or exactly what is habitable to count toward the million canon count. In fact there is canon evidence that in-hospitable planets are numbered among the count. Like cloud city and which ever planet it is on.

By average I mean that size where 1/2 of all galixies are smaller and 1/2 are larger than the "Average size" Modest must then be smaller than that figure. I only sited the number because it supports the small size idea. My point is that "Modest" is smaller than "average" and it is from the "G" canon and thus supercedes the "C" canon from the books. By the way which book makes the 120,000LY statement?

I would also point out that the "Star Wars Core Rule Book" has exact figures for travel times, is trade marked with the three realivant licencing logos and positively states that it takes the fastest ships two days to get from the core to the rim. That would be four days from rim to rim. That is new, circa 2003?, "C" level canon data and very exact. if it is not contradicted by "G" level canon then it must stand.

How do you explain the less than a parsec distance covered in the co-fastest ship in the galixy at least according to the "C" level canon guide to weapons and ships, that takes many hours of "G" canon time?
Your an idiot. Where is it stated that the ~million member states of the Empire are individual planatary systems?

Because the Federation defeated the Dominon in the Gamma Quadrant: are we to deduce that the 150 member planets of the Federation equal 1/4 of the planets available in the milky way?

Check your reasoning, and I'd assume your preconcieved notions.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

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Post by Noble Ire »

Instead of Wookipaedia try NASA instead. They state; g"Glixies range in size from 1,000LY to 1,000,000 LY and that the Milky Way has 200 million stars."
A blatant lie. The NASA site states the number as 200 BILLION.
Furthermore they state that the majority of stars have planets. No where does the canon state that they must be "Habitable" or exactly what is habitable to count toward the million canon count. In fact there is canon evidence that in-hospitable planets are numbered among the count. Like cloud city and which ever planet it is on.
I'd like some evidence to support this. And Bespin; did you not see the massive city in its atmosphere? And that aside, did you miss the part when Lando notes that Bespin usually is removed enough to avoid Imperial notice?
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Post by Wyrm »

Psyborg wrote:Furthermore they state that the majority of stars have planets. No where does the canon state that they must be "Habitable" or exactly what is habitable to count toward the million canon count.
Does it make sense for Tarkin to describe binding together uninhabited systems in the "Imperial chain"?
Psyborg wrote:By average I mean that size where 1/2 of all galixies are smaller and 1/2 are larger than the "Average size" Modest must then be smaller than that figure.
I don't think I'm speaking out of turn in saying that your definition of 'modest' differs quite markedly from the rest of us. In the context of physical measurements, "modest" means "not excessive", which is basically what "average" means.

The statistician in me says that "average" usually means "mean", which is not what you described.
Psyborg wrote:I only sited the number because it supports the small size idea.
So if the number didn't support your small size idea, you would've ignored it?
Psyborg wrote:My point is that "Modest" is smaller than "average" and it is from the "G" canon and thus supercedes the "C" canon from the books.
I'm quite certain that the novelizations are explicitly stated as being second only to the films.
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Post by Xess »

Psyborg wrote: I would also point out that the "Star Wars Core Rule Book" has exact figures for travel times, is trade marked with the three realivant licencing logos and positively states that it takes the fastest ships two days to get from the core to the rim. That would be four days from rim to rim. That is new, circa 2003?, "C" level canon data and very exact. if it is not contradicted by "G" level canon then it must stand.
RPG stats are game mechanics and are thus not canon at all. And those travel times are flat out contradicted in the movies, unless you really think Anakin lied burning on Mustafar for days while Paly came to rescue him.
How do you explain the less than a parsec distance covered in the co-fastest ship in the galixy at least according to the "C" level canon guide to weapons and ships, that takes many hours of "G" canon time?
The waited in the Geonosian asteroid field for several hours then came went to Geonosis unpowered like a meteor as per the AOTC novel.
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Post by Lord Poe »

Did this piece of shit Darkstar troll actually think he could pass this off here again? These little pre-schoolers are really hurting since their board went down.

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*checks post* Nope. I did not spell Galaxy, nor did I spell it wrong. Must be talking to some one else....whew....
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Xess »

Knife wrote:

*checks post* Nope. I did not spell Galaxy, nor did I spell it wrong. Must be talking to some one else....whew....
Indeed, for Psyborg wrote in the thread's title and his OP and probably elsewhere "galixy".
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Post by Knife »

Xess wrote:
Knife wrote:

*checks post* Nope. I did not spell Galaxy, nor did I spell it wrong. Must be talking to some one else....whew....
Indeed, for Psyborg wrote in the thread's title and his OP and probably elsewhere "galixy".
In context; I'm probably the worst offender, or about, grammar wise or spelling in particular when it comes to long term members.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Xess »

Knife wrote:
Xess wrote:
Knife wrote:
*checks post* Nope. I did not spell Galaxy, nor did I spell it wrong. Must be talking to some one else....whew....
Indeed, for Psyborg wrote in the thread's title and his OP and probably elsewhere "galixy".
In context; I'm probably the worst offender, or about, grammar wise or spelling in particular when it comes to long term members.
Ahh well, pobody's nerfect at SD.net afterall.

Bad joke, I know. Sue me later. :P
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Post by Knife »

Xess wrote:
Ahh well, pobody's nerfect at SD.net afterall.

Bad joke, I know. Sue me later. :P
Standard procedure (check the senate if you wish, I assure you it is) is to knee cap you with a 12 gauge. Hold still now, my aim is (well good but the temptation to shoot you in the balls is strong) bad.

(edit for spelling. See, I told you!)
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Xess »

Knife wrote:
Xess wrote:
Ahh well, pobody's nerfect at SD.net afterall.

Bad joke, I know. Sue me later. :P
Standard procedure (check the senate if you wish, I assure you it is) is to knee cap you with a 12 gauge. Hold still now, my aim is (well good but the temptation to shoot you in the balls is strong) bad.

(edit for spelling. See, I told you!)

Ouch. But if it must be done it must be done.

*kisses leg* I'll miss you buddy. :cry: :lol:
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Post by Knife »

Xess wrote:
Knife wrote:
Xess wrote:
Ahh well, pobody's nerfect at SD.net afterall.

Bad joke, I know. Sue me later. :P
Standard procedure (check the senate if you wish, I assure you it is) is to knee cap you with a 12 gauge. Hold still now, my aim is (well good but the temptation to shoot you in the balls is strong) bad.

(edit for spelling. See, I told you!)

Ouch. But if it must be done it must be done.

*kisses leg* I'll miss you buddy. :cry: :lol:
Back OT, it's easy to refute the trolls bullshit with just the movies (which in case I'm not mistaken Darkstar still uses in his cannon :D ). ~70 years to cross a galaxy versus even ~2 days ( to be nice) is quite a difference.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Xess »

Knife wrote:Back OT, it's easy to refute the trolls bullshit with just the movies (which in case I'm not mistaken Darkstar still uses in his cannon :D ). ~70 years to cross a galaxy versus even ~2 days ( to be nice) is quite a difference.
Indeed it is. I've proven GT range guns, a large galaxy and fast hyperdrives from the movies alone many times on other boards.
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Post by Knife »

Xess wrote:
Knife wrote:Back OT, it's easy to refute the trolls bullshit with just the movies (which in case I'm not mistaken Darkstar still uses in his cannon :D ). ~70 years to cross a galaxy versus even ~2 days ( to be nice) is quite a difference.
Indeed it is. I've proven GT range guns, a large galaxy and fast hyperdrives from the movies alone many times on other boards.
Your cool. You're my new friend. GT range guns.. :D

:P I kidding you, of course.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Xess »

Knife wrote:
Xess wrote:
Knife wrote:Back OT, it's easy to refute the trolls bullshit with just the movies (which in case I'm not mistaken Darkstar still uses in his cannon :D ). ~70 years to cross a galaxy versus even ~2 days ( to be nice) is quite a difference.
Indeed it is. I've proven GT range guns, a large galaxy and fast hyperdrives from the movies alone many times on other boards.
Your cool. You're my new friend. GT range guns.. :D

:P I kidding you, of course.
But of course.

And due to my craptastic memory I forgot I actually show TT range guns more often than not. But using those numbers are just cruel to the poor rabid Trekkies, I do have some compassion. :P
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