Oops, extra zero.Ire, is that really 174k?
I wish.
Moderator: Thanas
Oops, extra zero.Ire, is that really 174k?
Yea, I just spied you.Noble Ire wrote:Oops, extra zero. I wish.Ire, is that really 174k?
Silly peon. I possess a power so arcane and powerfult that your mind would wither if you ever attempted to harness it. For you see, I possess the power of Bureaucracy!Our great leader should perhaps take some cash from the coffers and make himself more presentable than his minions.
Are you saying you've been hitting people with at least 15 million?Pu-239 wrote:I'm just flooding all my money into offense, defense be damned, plus a couple unit production upgrades. I figure I can make a lot of money farming... right now at ~5.5K, which should be above the defense of most people. Unit production is at 60K, money at 1M/turn (would be higher, but I'm going for pure superweapons, since the loss in offensive power after each attack is getting irritating w/ the normal ones (due to attacking those w/ defenses only a few hundred thousand below, which results in single attack/repair cycles). Nowadays I don't even go for anyone below 15K
Er, make that 10MSoontir C'boath wrote:Muahahaha.
Are you saying you've been hitting people with at least 15 million?Pu-239 wrote:I'm just flooding all my money into offense, defense be damned, plus a couple unit production upgrades. I figure I can make a lot of money farming... right now at ~5.5K, which should be above the defense of most people. Unit production is at 60K, money at 1M/turn (would be higher, but I'm going for pure superweapons, since the loss in offensive power after each attack is getting irritating w/ the normal ones (due to attacking those w/ defenses only a few hundred thousand below, which results in single attack/repair cycles). Nowadays I don't even go for anyone below 15K
You must be probing a lot of users.
Seven did a whole lot of damage it seems, although some of it may have just been Crystalforce selling off destroyable resources. As for the other two, I haven't even recieved confirmation that they participated.Ire, how did our allies do during the assault?
They pool the attack strength of your entire alliance/officer network against a single target (to pretty awesome effect; one of my commander strikes did more than 11 million damage). However, they take a lot of turns, based on the number of people in your alliance/officers. I haven't been able to use an Alliance strike due to this (240+ turns).And have you figured out what the alliance and unified strikes do?
Make me your commander!Soontir C'boath wrote: Edit: I need a CO without any officers or anyone willing to tax 25%. At critical I'm still making 700k and that'd mean I'll possibly get raided every three hours or so. It has to be 25% so you can take 200k from me reducing me to 500k/turn
Fuzzy is the one you're farming? Well, all right. It'll be 600k per turn you'll be getting from me when I have no covert alert and about 175k when I'm at critical.Beowulf wrote:Make me your commander!Already taxing fuzzy at 25%.Soontir C'boath wrote: Edit: I need a CO without any officers or anyone willing to tax 25%. At critical I'm still making 700k and that'd mean I'll possibly get raided every three hours or so. It has to be 25% so you can take 200k from me reducing me to 500k/turn
50-50, when the coffers reach 10mil?Soontir C'boath wrote:Fuzzy is the one you're farming? Well, all right. It'll be 600k per turn you'll be getting from me when I have no covert alert and about 175k when I'm at critical.Beowulf wrote:Make me your commander!Already taxing fuzzy at 25%.Soontir C'boath wrote: Edit: I need a CO without any officers or anyone willing to tax 25%. At critical I'm still making 700k and that'd mean I'll possibly get raided every three hours or so. It has to be 25% so you can take 200k from me reducing me to 500k/turn
I wonder how we'll distribute this...
Might also be a result of his upgrades in Medical and Strenght. I have been upgrading those and I don't see an impact in my ranking stats, but they hve to do something.Soontir C'boath wrote:I'm starting to see a trend with super-weapons. It seems they are able to reduce the enemy's action as much as a million. Such as just recently, I attacked someone with 16 superweapons and sixty troops totally around 4.4 million action and I attacked with a supposed action of more than 5.3 million and yet it registers to be 4.1 million damaged caused to him.
Yea, I lost there...
Medical rate only effects how much your troop losses will be reduced and P.E. and Strength correlates with the offensive and defensive action so I don't think it's those two.Ender wrote:Might also be a result of his upgrades in Medical and Strenght. I have been upgrading those and I don't see an impact in my ranking stats, but they hve to do something.Soontir C'boath wrote:I'm starting to see a trend with super-weapons. It seems they are able to reduce the enemy's action as much as a million. Such as just recently, I attacked someone with 16 superweapons and sixty troops totally around 4.4 million action and I attacked with a supposed action of more than 5.3 million and yet it registers to be 4.1 million damaged caused to him. Yea, I lost there...
Superweapons aren't manned. So if you attack with say.. 10 hiveships, you won't take any 'personel' losses.Soontir C'boath wrote:Medical rate only effects how much your troop losses will be reduced and P.E. and Strength correlates with the offensive and defensive action so I don't think it's those two.Ender wrote:Might also be a result of his upgrades in Medical and Strenght. I have been upgrading those and I don't see an impact in my ranking stats, but they hve to do something.Soontir C'boath wrote:I'm starting to see a trend with super-weapons. It seems they are able to reduce the enemy's action as much as a million. Such as just recently, I attacked someone with 16 superweapons and sixty troops totally around 4.4 million action and I attacked with a supposed action of more than 5.3 million and yet it registers to be 4.1 million damaged caused to him. Yea, I lost there...
I think the super weapons have major minus modifiers against whoever opposes them. It sounds plausible since they do cost in the tens of millions.
I like to revise my previous statement and I will and have in my armoury superweapons this early on. Though that's only because I make enough workers a day that a thousand or two workers a day won't truly affect my income growth. And 20 million + used on them each day would seriously hamper my growth so I'm going have to think about what I'm going to do about this.
All your production, or did NI give you that 47 mil from the alliance vault (I saw it proposed alliance money go to people in the alliance to upgrade, no idea if that is what was done or not)Pu-239 wrote:Ugh, 50M stolen while I was out...
Raise your Realm Alert to critical.Pu-239 wrote:Ugh, 50M stolen while I was out...