Ender wrote:Kuroneko wrote:The so-called "CME" resulting from a DS shot into a star would be around the same order of magnitude as the Alderaan blast by conservation of energy. Comparing this with an ordinary coronal ejection event is silly, since they are relatively weak compared to the superlaser. The DS will survive simply because it survived Alderaan, not because the "CME" is weaker.
You are assuming that it will result in the blast returning, or causing a direct liftoff. However, the power and force of the beam mean that, unless it strikes at the proper angle to hit the core, the blast penetrating though and continuing on is more likely.
There is that, but I think you're overstating the situation considerably. Let's see if we can set some bounds on this 'punching through' effect. I'll assuming 10% stellar radius, which is only about five Earth diameters. That's not particularly significant considering the scale and violence of the Alderaan explosion, especially since this is a low-density environment. In the region 0.90 < r < 0.99, the solar density is ρ(r) = 2.0008r²-4.0726r+2.0712 g/cm³, making the average density in this region μ = 1.0708e-2g/cm³. For stellar radius R = 6.9598e10cm and cross-sectional beam area A, this means the beam will interact with a mass of 0.09RμA =
[6.7e7g/cm²]A, more of the top 1% is counted. That assumes completely radial path, which is a lower bound. For an upper bound, the trajectory should be tangent to r = 0.90 sphere, i.e., it becomes a sector chord c with apothem a = 0.90 and sagitta s = 0.09 (again, the top 1% is ignored), c = 2[(a+s)²-s²]^{1/2} = 0.82. The upper bound is then (cR)μA =
Now, let's compare this with an Earth, with radius R = 6.371e8cm and mean density μ = 5.515g/cm³. Assuming A<<4πR², the beam interacts with at least 2RAμ =
[7.0e9g/cm²]A. We know that the superlaser should fail to go through this amount of matter. The case of Earth and top 10% of the Sun are only one or two orders of magnitude apart, particularly in the case of the off-radius shot. Just as another comparison, the radial shot for Luna has 1.9e9 as the coefficient, which is even closer. I believe this makes it quite reasonable that the superlaser will deliver most of its energy in the top 10% of the sun should it be fired there.
Wyrm wrote:Would there be a columnating effect because the shot would be pumping energy into a rough cylinder in the stellar atmosphere, thus the Death Star experiencing more backwash than from blowing up an Earth-sized planet (whose energy would be spread evenly in all directions)?
I don't believe there would be much of that. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, the above analysis also shows that some non-radial shots into stars are more dangerous to the surrounding system than radial ones, simply because the energy will be delivered closer to the surface, but an non-radial shot should also cause the energy to be more directed away from the Death Star.