Are Jedi Stunts Realistic?

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Post by Perseid »

Crazedwraith wrote:How does TK change the fact he went from no horizontal motion to speeding along on a car?
It's possible he could have used TK to keep himself in one piece when grabbing the speeder as he fell. Some TK feats don't seem to require as much concentration (or hand gestures) as others do so I can't see the problem with Anakin using the Force to augment his strength, and a bit of TK to keep his arms in their sockets.

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Post by Cos Dashit »

Now would he have had to make a conscious effort to use TK or would it have just come naturally? I would think a Force-user of his aptitude needn't make the effort.
Please forgive any idiotic comments, stupid observations, or dumb questions in above post, for I am but a college student with little real world experience.
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Post by AK_Jedi »

Batman wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:How does TK change the fact he went from no horizontal motion to speeding along on a car?
Do we know there was no horizontal motion? If we do I'll gladly withdraw the claim but TK means Whineakin need not be in freefall.
There most definately was a large difference in relative horizontal velocity, regardless of whether or not Ani is traveling horizontally at all. Go back and watch AOTC sometime. The camera stays with Ani, and from that perspective, Zam was traveling very fast past camera. This implies a huge horizontal acceleration when he hits.
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Re: Are Jedi Stunts Realistic?

Post by Wicked Pilot »

Cos Dashit wrote:Do the amazing stunts Jedi pull go too far? Are they realistic even for a Jedi?
In AotC, a Jedi is in a free-fall through traffic dropping tens of stories before landing on the desired vessel. I know they use pre-cog, but can they use it for such intricate acts that require perfect timing?
Same with the elevator scenes in RotS, both on the way up and down.
Again in RotS, when Obi-wan and Anakin swing miraculously a great distance to land on small, moving surfaces.
Too much?

I found it believable up through TPM. It's a lot of the fighting in AOTC and ROTS that I'm not too happy with. My take on it is that during The Matrix came out and wire-fu became the thing it rubbed off onto Lucas and thus you have a major difference in fighting styles between TPM and AOTC. I personally think the fight at the end of TPM was the best of the trilogy.
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Post by Isolder74 »

this is like asking are Superman's feats realistic
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Post by Surlethe »

Cos Dashit wrote:Now would he have had to make a conscious effort to use TK or would it have just come naturally? I would think a Force-user of his aptitude needn't make the effort.
There's no need to bifurcate between conscious effort and coming naturally; presumably, he's trained enough that, while it doesn't come naturally, he doesn't have to concentrate on simple TK. It's like walking: nobody walks naturally, but after years of practice, we don't have to think about it, either.
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Post by VT-16 »

Let's see, most of the fantastic stunts take place when the Jedi are in their prime and not reduced to some old hermits and a total n00b.

Moving on to ROTJ, we have Luke with more experience, deflecting bolts, cutting through a speeder bike AS IT PASSES BY AT SEVERAL HUNDRED KPH, and jumping off a similar bike under similar circumstances and landing almost exactly where he jumped off, rather than flying through the air and smashing into a tree/the ground.

I also remember Luke going from vertical to horisontal relatively quickly as he falls through Cloud City's interior. Not as quick as Anakin onto Zam's speeder, but I'd think his organs would go through some turmoil nontheless.

The only non-OT events, would be the Jedi's use of wires and not having their arms cut off in AOTC and ROTS.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Batman wrote:And who says there was any sudden accelleration? Telekinesis, remember?
Do you even realize how stupid this line is?
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Post by Batman »

Darth Wong wrote:
Batman wrote:And who says there was any sudden accelleration? Telekinesis, remember?
Do you even realize how stupid this line is?
I fail to see why. It turns out I was wrong, but I see it as entirely possible for Anakin to gradually increase his forward velocity via TK throughout the fall, until it matches that of the speeder.
That's not what he did but I fail to see the inherent stupidity of the idea.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Batman wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:
Batman wrote:And who says there was any sudden accelleration? Telekinesis, remember?
Do you even realize how stupid this line is?
I fail to see why. It turns out I was wrong, but I see it as entirely possible for Anakin to gradually increase his forward velocity via TK throughout the fall, until it matches that of the speeder.
Oh for fuck's sake, it's stupid because the possibility of telekinesis has nothing to do with the question of whether he was suddenly accelerated. The question of his acceleration is resolved by watching the scene; it is a simple matter of observation.
That's not what he did but I fail to see the inherent stupidity of the idea.
That is what makes you an idiot.
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Post by Batman »

I admitted up front that I didn't know wether there was sudden acceleration or not, not having seen the movie in quite a while. I proposed TK as a possible explanation for there not being any should that have been the case.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
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Post by Batman »

Nevermind, I finally got it. :oops:
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
'Hey, we both have a Martian's phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt.'
'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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