Republic Commando: Triple Zero

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Connor MacLeod
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Republic Commando: Triple Zero

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Anyone pick it up yet? I did today and I'm starting to read it. I figured someone might as well put up the thread for commentary.
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Re: Republic Commando: Triple Zero

Post by Xess »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Anyone pick it up yet? I did today and I'm starting to read it. I figured someone might as well put up the thread for commentary.
I may get it from the library. I am hesitant to shell out money for Traviss' work after my experiences with her on the OS.
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I'm going to pick it up some time this week when I get the time. I have a weak spot for urban combat. :)

I still really want to read Dark Lord however... :(
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Re: Republic Commando: Triple Zero

Post by Noble Ire »

Xess wrote:
Connor MacLeod wrote:Anyone pick it up yet? I did today and I'm starting to read it. I figured someone might as well put up the thread for commentary.
I may get it from the library. I am hesitant to shell out money for Traviss' work after my experiences with her on the OS.
Despite the incident on the OS, I'm still going to pick it up eventually. Fortunantely, her odd views on some things didn't effect the quality of her first book; I hope the trend continues.
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Re: Republic Commando: Triple Zero

Post by Xess »

Noble Ire wrote:
Xess wrote:
Connor MacLeod wrote:Anyone pick it up yet? I did today and I'm starting to read it. I figured someone might as well put up the thread for commentary.
I may get it from the library. I am hesitant to shell out money for Traviss' work after my experiences with her on the OS.
Despite the incident on the OS, I'm still going to pick it up eventually. Fortunantely, her odd views on some things didn't effect the quality of her first book; I hope the trend continues.
Very true. I will probably get it aswell. I'm just hesitant.
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Connor MacLeod
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

I've started reading it, and I'm kinda liking it. (I've skimmed ahead, and I'm not sure I'd like it as much as Hard Contact, but its still a enjoyable read.)

There is mention of the 3 million figure, but this might not be a big issue considering this supposedly takes place only about one year after Geonosis. (Besides which, I've hated the clone army idea from the get go to begin with - there's no real way you can make it work out even if you have quadrillions of troops without a massive increase in qualitative superiority - IE better gear, rather than what a standard stormie carries.)

Anyhow, the 3 million figure might be open to interpretation in a few different ways i guess (3 million republic commandoes/ARCs for example..)

We do learn that the Katarn armor comes in a black "stealth" variant, and that the mark 3 version of the armor can withstand a light blaster cannon round (the black stealth armor can withstand a laser cannon shot) and having a grenade go off right under it won't even scratch it.

There's also mention of an Acclamator being able to singlehandedly reduce the surface of a planet to molten slag, as well as that same ship destroying a separatist vessel shortly coming out of hyperspace (or possibly while in, I need to re-read the section) using missiles.

Interestingly enough about hyperspace, alot of that early section implies that vessels can be detected (At least very close to their emergence from lightspeed.)
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Post by Cykeisme »

Connor MacLeod wrote:There's also mention of an Acclamator being able to singlehandedly reduce the surface of a planet to molten slag, as well as that same ship destroying a separatist vessel shortly coming out of hyperspace (or possibly while in, I need to re-read the section) using missiles.
And as we know, those missiles the Acclamator has are huge
Btw I'll be getting those gunnery deck screenshots for the Acclamator torpedo thread later today.. got sidetracked.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Interestingly enough about hyperspace, alot of that early section implies that vessels can be detected (At least very close to their emergence from lightspeed.)
While hyperspace detection has not been explicitly mentioned before, there's no indication that it isn't possible, either. ANH kinda suggested that Han actually had to take action in hyperspace to evade pursuit and tracking from the Star Destroyers that were after the Falcon.
Anyway, there's no reason to think that hyperwaves (whatever they are) will not interact with tachyonic hyperspace objects. If they're reflected, they can be used for detection of objects in hyperspace.
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Post by 000 »

Just finished reading it. I have mixed feeling about it-- on one hand, Traviss's prose is still a pleasure to read and the main plot was pretty solid; on the other, few of the characters are very likeable, Traviss's opinions pretty obviously leak through the text, and there's far too much Mandalorian nonsense. Plus the sense of scale is all off-- Traviss is sticking to her guns on the clone numbers issue.

Maybe later I'll post a list of intersting observations.
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Post by VT-16 »

Plus the sense of scale is all off-- Traviss is sticking to her guns on the clone numbers issue.
She has the "3 million clones" number as the title of her OS blog, ffs. I didn't expect any less form a work of hers.

And this whole "cute" little fixation on Mandalorian culture that she has is getting a bit worn by now. :S
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Post by 000 »

So I'm not the only one who saw her blog title change as a bit of deliberate nose-thumbing... :P

I really tried to ignore it. When there's a passage with Ordo noting how there's about a million troops in the field at the time, deployed on a mere few hundred worlds... a year into the war... it's hard to ignore the elephant in the room.

And the book is the best support yet for capships-- at least Acclimators-- being crewed almost entirelly by clones. How she can write about that and not have it occur to her that her number is way too small is beyond me. :?
Last edited by 000 on 2006-03-11 12:29pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by VT-16 »

I could just as easily put some "cute" little title that had the "millions of divisions" quote from ITW: AOTC in it, but I'm not a total reactionary asshole. :roll:

Her ordeal with being contradicted pretty much amounted to "You found a flaw in my writing, so obviously you care too much! THERE ARE PEOPLE DYING IN THE WORLD. CARE ABOUT THAT!!!111 NOT NUMBERS!!111!"
Ordo noting how there's about a million troops in the field at the time, deployed on a mere few hundred worlds.
But of course, the rest are gearing up for several massive offensives!
....ok, enough bending over backwards to make that shit stick....
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Post by Mange »

VT-16 wrote:I could just as easily put some "cute" little title that had the "millions of divisions" quote from ITW: AOTC in it, but I'm not a total reactionary asshole. :roll:
I made a post about the AOTC:ItW in a discussion with her about the three million figure in TZ, and she told me that I was "selective" with my sources and referred to a post by nitflegal over at TFN (+ ... t=21854925) as other novels (such as LoE and other novels as well as comics, see list above) doesn't agree with the number of clones or droids that I posted (I used Peña's article on the number of droids, which basically is the same as in the ROTS:ICS). She also said that her figures are from canon and that they were approved by LFL which I countered with that the sources I referred to are part of the same canon. I had to swallow hard and let it go after I was politely warned by a moderator.
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Post by The Original Nex »

So I'm not the only one who saw her blog title change as a bit of deliberate nose-thumbing...
I believe that was towards me specifically when I quoted her old blog title "You can never have too many clones" back to her during that "debate". I still have it in a summary to one of my blogs concerning the incident.
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