EU Luke

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EU Luke

Post by Stravo »

I was examining Luke's wikipedia entry, in particular interested in his exploits in the EU post ROTJ to get a grasp on his potential power levels and such because of my portryal of Luke in Starcrossed would want to touch on some of these added abilties.

I saw something about "Green Lightning" and from what I read its supposed to be a variant of Force Lightning and resembles green sparks that kills whatever it touches? Does that sound accurate?

Also the entry states that by the end of the Vong saga Luke was considered the greatest saber duelist in the galaxy and it talked about him single handedly cutting his way through thousands of Vong warriors and his saber appearing like it was every where at once because he moved so fast.

If anyone can give me similar run downs and even suggest which books show Luke showing off these abilties I would be most appreciative. I was sorely disappointed by Luke's portrayal in the early post ROTJ EU (KJA's in particular) that portrayed Luke as this sort of conflicted angsty guy not much more powerful than ROTJ era. My idea of post ROTJ Luke is more like his portrayal in Dark Empire when he singlehandedly takes out an AT AT by Force crushing it.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

The Green Lightning is from NJO, I believe.
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Re: EU Luke

Post by Ace Pace »

Stravo wrote:
Also the entry states that by the end of the Vong saga Luke was considered the greatest saber duelist in the galaxy and it talked about him single handedly cutting his way through thousands of Vong warriors and his saber appearing like it was every where at once because he moved so fast.
Thats the only one I'm sure of, that happens in the final Vong book, TFP(or was it TUF?) where Luke assaults the Vong fortress on Coruscant, with Jacen and Jaina, and effortlessly cuts apart vong rushing at them the whole way.
I can try and find page numbers if you wish.

However there is not much hope outside of that, while Luke(when he acts) is very impressive,Dark Tide where he easily beats up 2 vong warriors, this was when they were still unknown, most of the time he is passive.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

"green lightening" IIRC was Jacen Solo's trick in DEstony;s Way. It was a stun form of lightening that oddly seemed to work on Vong.

Odd bcuase Jacen previously failed to hurt Vong with lightening (although jaina had managed it) and also because Vong were immune to blaster stun.
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Re: EU Luke

Post by Annatar Giftbringer »

Stravo wrote: I saw something about "Green Lightning" and from what I read its supposed to be a variant of Force Lightning and resembles green sparks that kills whatever it touches? Does that sound accurate?
Sounds like Voldemort's kill-spell from Harry Potter :D
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Post by Agent Fisher »

In Stackpoles book, I, Jedi, Luke takes on about eight or more (cant remember) half trained Jeensaari, without breaking a sweat. His only problem with that fight was that he didnt want to just kill them.
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Post by Cykeisme »

Agent Fisher wrote:In Stackpoles book, I, Jedi, Luke takes on about eight or more (cant remember) half trained Jeensaari, without breaking a sweat. His only problem with that fight was that he didnt want to just kill them.
Even Stackpole's self-insertion, the wanked-out Corran Horn, defers to Luke's movieness in this book. Horn was almost killed by one Jeensaari, but Luke later took out the whole bunch of them alone.. and did it effortlessly.
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Post by Batman »

Okay, those are from memory so if I'm wrong by all means correct me.
Before the Storm: uses the Force (presumably via TK) to recreate Darth Vader's fortress on Coruscant in a matter of moments
The Courtship of Princess Leia: Luke safely lands himself, Isolder, and Isolder's fighter from an apparently freefall drop from orbit, again presumably via TK
Same source: flies the MF, operates its weapons, and manages the shields simulatanously with a skill that defies Han's and Isolder's comprehension
Heir to the Empire: Does a Xena on a support pillar with his lightsabre, making it and the supported structure collapse. Without the Force.
(Hey, I found it impressive)
Spectre of the Past: contemplates tearing apart hull sections/weapon emplacements on a pirate capship, also contemplates mind-controlling the crew. Not definite but rather indicates Luke believing he could actually do that and he should have a pretty good grasp of his abilities by now.
Sorry if that's not what you're actually looking for, Stravo.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Cykeisme wrote: Horn was almost killed by one Jeensaari, but Luke later took out the whole bunch of them alone.. and did it effortlessly.
That one jenesaari was the master of the group though, while the others were mere apprentices...
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Post by Batman »

Cykeisme wrote:Indeed.
Even Stackpole's self-insertion, the wanked-out Corran Horn, defers to Luke's movieness in this book. Horn was almost killed by one Jeensaari, but Luke later took out the whole bunch of them alone.. and did it effortlessly.
Damn right. Horran's comment:"Off to my left, Luke moved through the Jensaarai with such skill and ease that I realized the only help he'd needed from me back on Courkrus the night we faced their brethren was for me to hold his cloak."
And that's against opponents wearing lightsabre-resistant armour.
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Post by Anguirus »

Before the Storm: uses the Force (presumably via TK) to recreate Darth Vader's fortress on Coruscant in a matter of moments
I will note that all these are my subjecive opinions...but that's BULLSHIT. That tops the Emperor Reborn by leaps and bounds.
The Courtship of Princess Leia: Luke safely lands himself, Isolder, and Isolder's fighter from an apparently freefall drop from orbit, again presumably via TK
That's pretty flurking powerful...but not out of the question for an AT-AT-crushing uber-Jedi wih the wisdom of Yoda and raw Force power of Anakin.

Of course, the vastly different portrayals of Luke by different authors show that it's very rare for anyone to get the character (or his powers), and the individual fan might as well pick and choose.
Same source: flies the MF, operates its weapons, and manages the shields simulatanously with a skill that defies Han's and Isolder's comprehension
Luke too has amazing, Anakin-level piloting. Pretty cool, but not the "blowing Prequel Jedi away" power usually shown.
Spectre of the Past: contemplates tearing apart hull sections/weapon emplacements on a pirate capship, also contemplates mind-controlling the crew. Not definite but rather indicates Luke believing he could actually do that and he should have a pretty good grasp of his abilities by now.
Yeesh, it's like he's Professor X and some sort of TK god all in one. At least Zahn uses Luke's personal crisis to rein him in a little. Power without restraint is NOT the good side of the Force, according to his perception.
Damn right. Horran's comment:"Off to my left, Luke moved through the Jensaarai with such skill and ease that I realized the only help he'd needed from me back on Courkrus the night we faced their brethren was for me to hold his cloak."
And that's against opponents wearing lightsabre-resistant armour.
True, true, but honestly, the Jensaarai were pussies. :P

But it's always nice when Luke gets some ass-kicking in.
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Post by Batman »

Anguirus wrote:
Before the Storm: uses the Force (presumably via TK) to recreate Darth Vader's fortress on Coruscant in a matter of moments
I will note that all these are my subjecive opinions...but that's BULLSHIT. That tops the Emperor Reborn by leaps and bounds.
So? As I stated beforehand it's from memory so I might be wrong but if I'm not then sorry that's what happened.
Of course, the vastly different portrayals of Luke by different authors show that it's very rare for anyone to get the character (or his powers), and the individual fan might as well pick and choose.
Bullshit. Under SoD Luke can do that stuff, period.
Same source: flies the MF, operates its weapons, and manages the shields simulatanously with a skill that defies Han's and Isolder's comprehension
Luke too has amazing, Anakin-level piloting. Pretty cool, but not the "blowing Prequel Jedi away" power usually shown.
Urm-leaving alone that excepting Ben the PT Jedi piloting skills are up for grabs at least where the movies are concerned, Luke piloted, did the gunnery, AND managed the shields AT THE SAME TIME. To an extent that baffled Han who WAS at least moderately familiar with the stuff Luke could pull off (he WAS there for the BY, you know).
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Post by Anguirus »

So? As I stated beforehand it's from memory so I might be wrong but if I'm not then sorry that's what happened.
Like I said, it's my opinion. I haven't read Before the Storm but I've seen that absurd feat referenced before.
Bullshit. Under SoD Luke can do that stuff, period.
You are correct of course, which I believe is profoundly unfortunate for fans of the character and of decent Star Wars literature. The same editorial staff that vigorously enforced various technical minutiae executed little oversight over Luke's creeping power level and inconsistent portrayal.

All Zahn could do was say that Luke had been tempting the Dark Side by doing so and that he would stop.
Urm-leaving alone that excepting Ben the PT Jedi piloting skills are up for grabs at least where the movies are concerned
Canonically, Luke and Anakin are on the top tier of Jedi pilots, but Luke's mad Falcon flying skillz are no more exceptional than Anakin's landing of the Invisible Hand with little more than braking thrusters and remote-controlled airlock hatches. In other words, at least Luke's not simply "God" in this scene. The Nightsisters amaze Han almost as much as Luke does by shooting down his missiles at incredibly close range.
Luke piloted, did the gunnery, AND managed the shields AT THE SAME TIME.
What's so amazing about that? The Falcon has been flown by one person before competently. Luke was using minor TK on the control board as well as the precog that allowed Anakin to be the finest Jedi pilot...remarkable, but hardly rebuilding a fortress with his mind. In other words, this scene was cool as opposed to offensive. (IMO)
To an extent that baffled Han who WAS at least moderately familiar with the stuff Luke could pull off (he WAS there for the BY, you know)
Did Han and Luke ever fly together between Hoth and Dathomir? Of course he'd be blown away because he hasn't accompanied him on any combat missions between his status as a Force-sensitive pilot and the incredibly powerful Jedi Knight he becomes.

I'm not saying that Luke's ability in this scene isn't exceptional. Comparing him to Anakin Skywalker DEFINES exceptional piloting in the Star Wars universe. And Luke certainly blows away his mentor Kenobi.
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
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Post by Joe »

The green lightning as far as I recall was some lame NJO crap that Jacen used. It would paralyze enemies/render them unconscious, but not kill them.

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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Throughout Dark Empire and DE2: Generating a force shield to deflect blaster fire (up to the artillery-grade blasts of an At-At - blasts powerful enough to penetrate and damage the hull) as well as handle the momentum of deflecting said blasts.

Also causing said walker to crash to the ground by pushing on it.. but pushing in such a manner to cause its legs to actually buckle and splay outwards (much more difficult than merely tipping it over.)

The casle one, to my memory, is the most obscene example I can immediately recall to date (I'm sure there are others, but that's the tops for now.) Not only did he rebuild it, he actually manipulated it on a molecular/atomic level to camoflage it from observation by passerbys.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

I dunno if Luke used lightning in the last Dark Nest book (it portrays him as shooting some on the cover though.. weird that.)

I do remember that Teneniel Djo created a lightning bolt powerful enough to blast apart an AT-ST (suggesting its at least in the high MJ/low GJ range or so.)

Oh yeah.. remembering courtship of princess leia.. Teneniel Djo was also able to use the force to shield/redirect the engine thrust from the Falcon to prevent herself from being fried. Which is a very very nasty feat even if you assume the falcon was moving very slowly at the time.

And to put it in perspective, Luke was a far stronger/skilled Force wielder than Djo was. Of course in that book you had half-trained darkside witches swatting away blaster bolts without trouble.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

One of the best "recent" examples of Lukes power in combat is from Unifying Force IMO, where he mows through the elite guard of the Supreme Overload to reach him.
It wasn't until the eighth level that Luke and his niece and nephew met with resistance, but it was clear from the ferocity with which the warriors attacked—from above, below, and through the various access corridors—that the onslaught was likely to continue all the way to Shimrra's lair, and probably inside it, as well. If the warriors constituted the first line of defense, it was difficult to imagine what might await them at the summit, assuming they could even make it that far.

In most places the stairway wasn't wide enough for the two people to stand abreast, and in those stretches Luke had to face the brunt of the attacks. He was his own vortex, deflecting amphistaff strikes, whiplike lashes, and spurts of deadly venom; dodging or redi¬recting flights of thud bugs; parrying the thrusts of coufees, to side¬step, duck, maneuver his body in ways that seemed to defy gravity. Stunned or burned by Luke's green blade, thud bugs were ricocheting from the walls and high ceiling, chipping away at the yorik coral sur¬face. Dropped in their tracks, warriors sprawled with hands pressed to stumps of legs and opened foreheads, or with black blood welling where the lightsaber had found defenseless areas between living armor and tattooed flesh.

Jacen recalled watching his uncle on Belkadan, where the war had begun, wielding two lightsabers when he had come to Jacen's rescue. But the rescue on Belkadan paled in comparison to the control Luke demonstrated now.
His single blade might as well have been ten, or twenty.
He took the steps at a lightning pace, burning his way through dilating membranes but in complete control of his momentum. Seen through the Force he was a maelstrom of luminous energy, a Force storm against which there was no shelter. And yet all his energy poured from a calm center; an eye. He made no missteps. None of his actions were interrupted by thought.
In fact, Luke didn't seem to be there at all—physically or as an individual personality.

Jacen and Jaina were astounded—but they had little time to reflect. Their lightsabers were busy, as well, turning the blows Luke dodged, or defending assaults launched from below.

On the fourteenth level, where the Citadel's exterior wings sprouted from the hull, they reached a fork in the stairway.

Luke swung to Jacen. "Which way?"

He wasn't even breathing heavily.
And later Luke thinks to himself that he could have gone even futher in drawing power from the Force to do that. Also note that Jacen and Jaina by this time are elite in the ranks of the Jedi Knights. And THEY couldn't track Luke.
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Post by Murazor »

In the Black Fleet trilogy, Luke was able to rebuild Vader's private retreat from the raw materials with his telekinetic powers. He was able to manipulate gravity inside the building (when Han visited there was a lot of funky architecture) and manipulate air to create seats out of compressed air. Later, he destroyed (as in ripped to tiny pieces) the building and his starfighter with telekinesis. During the books he also learned some of the basic abilities of the fallanassis (sp?), allowing him to cloak the Vagabond of Teljkon.
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Post by Molyneux »

Perhaps Mace Windu's feats on Dantooine weren't *that* exaggerated, then, if Luke can pull off this level of speed and skill...
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Post by Mlenk »

In Dark Empire, didn't he basically create a clone or a "ghost" image of himself through the Force to trick Leia into leaving Byss with "him"? While not as powerful as some of the other feats mentioned here, it sounds complicated to me.
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Post by JediMaster415 »

Mlenk wrote:In Dark Empire, didn't he basically create a clone or a "ghost" image of himself through the Force to trick Leia into leaving Byss with "him"? While not as powerful as some of the other feats mentioned here, it sounds complicated to me.
He did something similar in the Dark Nest trilogy. Joiner King to be precise.

He cloaked the Jade Shadow and created a realistic illusion that affected everyone in the system. Of course, it left him with a Palpatine-esque face for a couple hours afterwards.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I think my favorite Luke-Power bit is in Courtship, where he's flying the Millennium Falcon by himself. Its already been mentioned, but he fires the main cannons with pinpoint accuracy, makes impossible turns, and has reflexes so sharply honed he can successfully fire missiles with the particle shields UP.

When did he crush ATAT's? Dark Empire?

P.S. Early in the NJO Luke takes out a Vong garrison single-handedly to rescue Jacen. Second or third book, I think.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:I think my favorite Luke-Power bit is in Courtship, where he's flying the Millennium Falcon by himself. Its already been mentioned, but he fires the main cannons with pinpoint accuracy, makes impossible turns, and has reflexes so sharply honed he can successfully fire missiles with the particle shields UP.

When did he crush ATAT's? Dark Empire?

P.S. Early in the NJO Luke takes out a Vong garrison single-handedly to rescue Jacen. Second or third book, I think.
The "garrison" was only a tiny handful of warriors, a squad or so. He duel wields lightsabres while doing it as well.

But in the extract I posted above, Jacen clearly thinks that is nothing in comparsion to what he was doing to Shimerias elite guards.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Do we have any high-end examples of the range of TK? I mean, how far away was the Sun Crusher when Kyp Durron turned it back on? That's fine control at an extreme distance.
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Do we have any high-end examples of the range of TK? I mean, how far away was the Sun Crusher when Kyp Durron turned it back on? That's fine control at an extreme distance.
Curtis Saxton calculated that the rough distance between Yavin (in whose atmosphere the Sun Crusher was located) and Yavin 4 (from where Kyp was 'summoning' it) was 1.52 million km. And that's just the distance; Kyp would need to pull it against not only Yavin's gravity, but the enormous pressure of the atmosphere of Yavin. To be fair, he was boosted by Exar Kun (who while alive could use the force to obliterate multiple stars at once), but it is still an incredible feat. I don't know if Luke has done anything comparable to that.
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