Cos Dashit wrote:Batman wrote:
Wherever from? At best Han knew Luke had dabbled in The Force a little.
Leia, for one. Who was a major Rebel leader.
Where from? She knew he was close to Ben, that's it. The only times Luke exhibits Force powers in ANH is the lightsaber training on the trip to Alderaan and the torpedo launch. At best she knows he
wants to be a Jedi.
The subordinate did not have any positive information either.
All Tarkin had was a 'maybe' paired with a 'what if' from a worrisome Imperial.
Yeah, whatever. Because we all know people make statements like that ('we analyzed their attack pattern and there may be some danger' or thereabouts) all the time when they REALLY mean 'it is not theoretically impossible that they might succeed'. Oh please.
when one of my officers suggested we should leave, I would have turned around and slapped him across the face. "I've analyzed their attack pattern. There could be a threat."
Which indicates there is a threat actually worth mentioning. Note that the officer doesn't suggest breaking off the attack and running, hes says that maybe Tarkin should evacuate. How pray tell is that going to lose them the battle?
I am Tarkin. Tarkin is in the Death Star. There is a slim-to-none chance that a fighter might maybe possibly get to an exhaust port and blow the Death Star to dust,
And the probabilty of that is evidenced where? The rebels thought they could do it, Vader thought they could do it, Tarkin's subordinate thought they could do it so your assumption that it was improbable like there's no tommorow comes from where?
brought to my attention by a worrisome pansy. I dismiss this, knowing the Death Star is ultimate.
The knowledge of which comes from where?
That is what was going throught Tarkin's mind. If I were him in that situation, I would have done exactly as he had.
In which case you'd be an overconfident moron, too.
Jan Dodonna (just before BoY) - "Well, the Empire doesn't consider a small one-manned fighter to be any threat, or they'd have a tighter defense."
This shows the opinion of the Empire. Obviously, nobody expected any threat from the Rebels.
So? The Empire not expecting a threat does not equal the threat not existing. At best that means the Empire is just as overconfident as Tarkin is.
Rebel Fighter (regarding the plan of attack) - "That's impossible, even for a computer."
Even the Rebels doubted it.
That was Wedge, and that isn't exactly conclusive evidence. Rebel leadership thought it was doable,
Luke thought it was doable (based on his womprat hunting experience no less), Tarkin's subordinate and Lord Vader thought it doable...
And I never said an evacuation would lose them the battle, you're putting words in my mouth.
No I'm not. I'm saying
since the evacuation has no effect one way or another on the battle why is Tarkin so opposed to it?