Where do people get this kind of gall?? It truly floors me.
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The Bad Science Behind Gay Activist Arguments
I suppose we shouldn't be surprised to discover that activist judges who make up law to forward a political agenda rely of activist professionals who make up science. Still it comes as a shock to see the extent to which gay activists have taken over American's mental health professional organizations and are using their position to present falsified science.
Two articles — one by Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, "The Trojan Couch: How the Mental Health Guilds Allow Medical Diagnostics, Scientific Research and Jurisprudence to be Subverted in Lockstep with the Political Aims of their Gay Sub-Components" and the other by Dean Byrd, "When Activism Masquerades as Science" — document how the mental health professional organizations' duty to science has been subverted.
The gay activists have engaged in a campaign of myth making going back decades. Through careful maneuvering they have been able to set themselves up in positions of power within professional organizations like the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association. Once in power, they manipulated these organizations into putting out statements which forward myths created by gay activist to forward their agenda and into submitting deceptive friend of the court briefs in key cases – such as Lawrence v. Texas and Romer v. Evans.
These briefs and statements pretend to be science. They contain footnotes and references, designed to give the impression that they refer to scientific articles which supports the claim made in the sentence which precedes the reference. Most people don't have the time or resources to check out each reference. They assume the references are legitimate.
Those who have checked out the sources of the gay activists' claims have, however, discover that there is nothing there. No solid evidence. Instead the articles referenced are opinion pieces supporting the gay political agenda, articles by gay activists simply restating their myths, invalid research using small samples, and studies whose conclusions ignore their authors' actual findings. Many of the studies violate every rule for good research and are no better than anecdotal evidence gathered from friends. All this has been extensively documented by a number of researchers.
In a few instances the activist authors cite solid research, but then distort the findings. Satinover points out that a key myth promoted by gay activists — namely that people are born that way and can't change — is the basis for the claim made in friend of the court briefs that homosexuals constitute a legal "class" and are therefore entitled to legal protection.
Not only is there no solid scientific proof of the claim that same-sex attraction is genetically determined, firmly established in adolescence, and essentially unchangeable, one of the studies referenced in the activists' brief proves the exact opposite. The brief for the Lawrence case cites a statistically valid, well respected study by Edward Laumann and associates, "The Social Organization of Sexuality" as evidence for their claim that homosexuals are a "class," even though one of Laumann's major conclusions is that homosexuality is not a stable trait. According to the study, the percentage of persons experiencing same-sex attraction, self identifying as gay or lesbian, and/or engaging in homosexual behavior peaks in adolescence and declines with age. Most of this change occurs spontaneously. Laumann's conclusions have been confirmed by subsequent research.
It is frightening that judges are making law based on fake science and appalling that professional organizations are distorting science. One has to wonder about all those investigative journalists who parrot the gay activists' fake science and never bother to check the references. Discovering the distortions is not difficult. Any layman could look up the studies, read them, and discover that they don't say what the activists' claim.
But what is worse is that the myth that people are born gay or lesbian and can't change is being sold by the educational establishment to students. Adolescents experiencing same-sex attractions are encouraged to "come out." Once out they are easily seduced into sexual relationships. The majority will discover later to their embarrassment that this was only a phase. However, for a significant percentage of the young men so deceived this realization will come only after they have been infected by a nasty sexually transmitted disease.
The gay activists know they are distorting the evidence. A few members of their own community have question this strategy and expressed concerned about the effect of basing their political claims on falsified evidence. However, given the success of this strategy there is every reason to believe that the gay activists will continue to use it.
Those who rely on the mainstream media will continue to be deceived and vulnerable adolescents seduced into dangerous choices.
Dale O'Leary is a writer, pro-family activist and educator living in Rhode Island. Her e-mail address is daleoleary@thefactis.org.