[quote="Doctor Doom"
Watch the fight scene on Mustafar between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Collateral damage is caused to the control panels in the control room, which is much less confined an area then the bridge of Grievous' ship.
fighting a magna droid and fighting another powerful jedi are on two seperate levels.
See previous. Control panels were damaged on Mustafar, which caused the collapse of the shield protecting the facility from the lava. This drastically changed the nature of the fight and quite nearly got both Jedi killed, and in the end allowed for Obi-Wan's final victory over Anakin.
we don't know what would have happened if the instruments were not touched, the fight could have ended sooner or longer. Regardless, fighting another jedi who has a lightsabre is much different than fighting a magnaguard.
The novelization specifically states that Obi-Wan during this battle was completely "in tune with the Force." That is, the Force itself was guiding his actions, not his mind. Therefore, unless the Force is incompetent, the logical conclusion is that the attack WAS coordinated. This fits all of the evidence, unlike your theory.
"in tune with the Force" != the force is creating a strategy to adopt by Obi to take-over the bridge, while at the same time, realizing (the force that is) that anakin is not using the force to guide him and that palpy is in danger, AND that grievous is a danger. The term is loosely worded.
See previous. Obi-Wan was being guided by the Force during this battle. While Anakin was not being guided by the Force, it is safe to assume that he at remained concious of Obi-Wan's actions during the fight and acted appropriately.
this is where the entire theory falls apart on your side. So both anakin and obi-wan were taking a different approach relative to how they were using the Force. Yet both of them seemed to take the exact or close to the exact amount of time to destroy the magnaguard. Why in the hell would the FORCE want obi-want to take 36 damn seconds to kill the thing? Why would anakin who WASN'T using the force want to take that long? It isn't syncronized swimming!
Interesting that you contradict yourself. Earlier in this debate you were complaining that Obi-Wan allowed the Magnaguard to back him AWAY from Palpatine, and now you are complaining that Anakin went CLOSER to Palpatine. Don't move the goalposts on us, it makes it difficult to debate you. Please try not to contradict yourself. Especially in an argument about contradictions. Makes you look bad.
I am not contradicting myself at all, i'm saying its stupid for obi-wan to have moved away from palpy, he had no idea if there were other droids coming up from behind the bridge, maybe 20 more magnaguards, regardless he had no idea, proof of this is when anakin and obiwan backed into an elevator without looking and there were 10 shitty droids in there, it surprised them.
Outright lie. It was a different Jedi in a completely different situation, as multiple people have displayed earlier in this thread. I won't bother repeating it, as it obviously didn't get through your skull the first dozen times.
Those things would matter if it was say, anakin compared to a 13 year old padwan. But its not the case! Anakin is the one who took 30+ seconds, and obiwan was the one that took 30+ seconds, and then another jedi takes on 20 of them, killing a few of them in the process.? It doesn't matter if she was 'giving ground', she was still doing battle with them,
This doesn't necessarily have to be a contradiction. The X-Wing over Endor could have been damaged or the shields could have been oriented in a different direction (which is possible, by the way, so please don't try and dispute that point), which is very likely considering that it was in the middle of a very heated space battle. Unless you can prove that the X-Wing in both situations were undamaged and had the shields oriented in the direction that the LTL was fired from and that the LTL was being fired at the same power level (remember LTLs can be scaled up or down in power output), there is no contradiction.
that was a lot of fluff for nothing. Anakin and obiwan weren't injured, the other jedi wasn't injured (and if the jedi was, oh god...even more of a contradiction) we know this already, so all the mention of shields this and that, i made a simple analogy, and you tried to turn the analogy into something that isn't relevant to WHY I made the analogy in the first place. I know you were trying to show that circumstances do take a toll, but in this case there isn't any proof that they were holding back, and why the force would WANT obi-want to take along time, makes no sense.
They weren't. The Force was. Read the novelization.
no you said he was in tune with the force, if you can give me an exact quote of the novel saying that the force was strategizing, then yes I will conceed that point, if it just says it was guiding his actions, that could as easily mean his lightsabre moves.
They did. It was the first time they had faced such opponents.
Irrelevant, relative to your answer the FORCE should have KNOWN how to fight them. So thats not helping you. However it fits my theory perfectly, the magnaguards were just damn good. Obi-wan and Anakin had seen so much combat through the clonewars, studied their opponents, practiced lightsabre form, fought other jedi, your telling me that a single magnaguard was going to be trouble, especially if the magna sucked dick like you are suggesting? It doesn't make sense.
On top of which, the Magnaguards have been shown to be stronger defensively against Jedi then offensively.
That is a mute point, regardless of WHERE the strengths of the magnaguard lay, they still take time to destroy and pose a threat to the jedi, even jedi make mistakes.
Watch the fight scene on Mustafar.
force user vs force user != force user vs robot