Ender wrote:Agemegos wrote:In general passive sensors don't range things as well as active. Radar-aimed guns are much more accurate in range than guns aimed by optical range-fingers, as well as working in conditions of reduced [optical] visibility.
I'd be interested in any numbers of further reading on this you could provide.
I can't cite anything specific, but I was thinking of the first-salvo accuracy of American radar-aimed battleship guns as compared to Japanese battleship guns aimed by optical rangefinders. The active sensors (radar) gave range as well as bearing by the principle of echosounding, and it seems to my that any active sensor must do the same unless it is emitting-detecting something with infinite speed. Passive sensors can give you range as well as bearing either by triangulation (optical rangefinders) or by calculating from signal-front delay or phase delay at a number of recievers. But the accuracy of that approach is limited by the separation of your detectors.
That shields block infared wavelength light and neutrinos is one way to do this.
If the shields block IR and neutrinos, then waste heat will not escape.
You realize shields are one way, right?
Then they won't keep neutrinos and IR from reaching any detectors.
It will accumulate inside the shields. If it also blocks re-radiation of weapons energy from targets and from teh exhaust plume you have more to worry about than just waste heat.
Energy shields are one way for certain, and the evidence that particel shields have to be dropped contradictory (states in text they need to be dropped, but we see a torpedo stopped by shields agaisnt the engines at Endor). Thuis this is not a concern. Shields would stop your sensors from reading the incoming emisions (barring what you had sticking out beyond the shields) but not what you throw out.
I see, I misunderstood. I though the claim was that the ISD's shield would make it stealth. I wasn't thinking in terms of a shield around the detector blinding it. That seems possible in principle, but the countermeasure is obvious: sensors on pylons or drones outside the shields.
It is comparative speed and comparative firepower that count. Even if both sides are unimpressive, the 'faster' ship can get away,
Typically warships are extremely close. Note that the Executor and its escorting Imperators both pulled 3,000 Gs above Endor. Like I said, they are all in the same order of magnitude, in fact it appears that there is less then 1,000 Gs difference between the fastest and slowest ships.
Well, I was sketching general principles. If all ships' performance is effectively the same, then firepower ought to be all that counts.
But 1,000 gees difference in ships that pull 3,000 gees is a significant performance difference: 33%. You don't have to be orders of magnitude faster than you opponent to choose the terms of engagement.
As for firepower, like I said, if you are running, you lose you heavy firepower.
True, but if you have more legs than the other guy you either get away, or else catch up right close and let him have it. He has to stop running if he wants to shoot back, and if he keeps running you can catch him again. (These simple tactical analyses are, of course, heavily modified when you can force engagement by threatening a stationary asset, or when the faster ship has a safe refuge in range, or somehow runs out of room to flee.
the ship with more firepower can win the fight.
The technicalities of shields make that a bit more complicated.
Granted. Armour did the same with big-gun battleships, too. WWI battlecruisers were essentially battleships without armour, and the theory was that they would be able to 'out-gun what they can't out-run'. What happened in practice was that their battleship guns were overkill against anything except a battleship: the difference between an eight-inch gun and a fourteen-inch gun doesn't make a lot of difference to either a cruiser or a battlecruiser. And when the battlecruisers went in against the heavies (eg. Jutland) it really mattered that each 14"-15" shell hit did a lot more damage to an essentially-unarmoured battlecruiser than it did to a battleship with over a foot of armour plate and the scantlings to back it up.
Anyway, though that is interesting stuff I'm afraid I've led us onto a bit of a tangent. If submarine-like 'lurk and devastate' tactics
do work in space it doesn't particularly matter what tactics would be like if they didn't. Let's get back on track.
Except the evidence shows that this is how it goes.
It is. And it has to be an explanation that makes sense.
I must also mesh with the observed evidence, first and foremost.
Indeed. An explanation that doesn't mesh with the observations that it is trying to explain is no explanation at all. But on the other hand, an explanation that doesn't mesh with teh things we are trying to explain observations in terms of isn't an explanation either.
In this instance, invoking neutrinos to explain the (observed) low temperature of ISDs would fail as an explanation if it didn't mesh with what we know about ISDs. But on the other hand, it would also fail if it didn't mesh with what we know about nneutrinos. At very least it would require further explanation.
The same is true of explanations of the drives and weapons that chew up the non-waste part of the power output: the engines, shields, and weapons.
The explanation that ISDs are stealthy because they convert the waste heat of their generators to neutrinos doesn't cut the mustard.
You realize that is the oficial explanation, right?
I realise that it is an official statement of some sort, and that it is offered as an explanation. But it only succeeds as an explanation if it is consistent with what we know of neutrions. If it isn't, for instance if it demands further explanation of why those neutrinos are not as detectable as neutrinos actually are, then it is at least insufficient.
(1) Neutrinos in such quantities would themselves be detectable
Yes, hence the issue.
Good. I see that we are on teh same page, even if I am sometimes a bit over-abstract or even obscure.
I suppose its possible they collaminate it into a beam
No, I don't think it is possible. We'd better ask someone whose physics background is in thermodynamics rather than electromagnetism, but I have a strong suspicion that such a beam would represent a lot of energy at very low entropy. In other words this would violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
They might possibly concentrate it into a cone, and point the cone away from know enemy sensors, I suppose. But I thinki thermodynmics requires that this would cost energy, and sets a fairly broad lower limit on the width of the cone.
(2) Drive exhaust and incandescant material in the weapon beams ought to be visible by eyeball for tens or hundreds of millions of kilometres.
Exhaust you should get scattered gamma flashes from collisions, particularily when it is turning. But you need not get thermal reading from the exhaust plumes. I can have an ice cube moving at .99 C afterall.
Only if the process you use to accelerate the icecube is godawful efficent. It takes roughly a 1500 joules of heat to heat a gram of ice from absolute zero to 273K and melt it. But the kinetic energy of a gram of anything at .99c is {1sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)-1}mc^2 = 6.08*0.001*3E8^2 = 5.5E14 J. Your engines have to be 99.9999997% efficient to accelerate an icecube to 0.99c without evaporating it.
Besides which, kinetic energy tends to degrade to heat. I expect that an icecube whipping through the interplanetary medium at 0.99c is going to heat itself by friction, and explode into a puff of incandescent vapour. Lets say that the interplanetary medium consists of five million hydrogen attoms per cubic metre. The cross-sectional area of the icecube will sweep out 3E8 cubic metres per square metre per second, so from the point of view of the icecube the interstellar medium is a beam delivering 1.5E15 hydrogen atoms per square metre per second. At 0.99c those atoms have a kinetic energy of (gamma-1)mc^2. Gamma is 6.08 we calculated before. The mass of a hydrogen atom is about 1.7E-27 kg. c^2 is 9E16. That's 1.4E6 Wm^-2, which is about a thousand times as bright as sunshine. It will evaporate 700 metres of ice a second.
Temperature is relative, and a low temperature is going to have very little emissions.
No, temperature is an absolute. Low temperature exhausts, and low temperature wreckage will have low emissions, but I don't think that either one is plausible without a lot of furtehr explanation.
This also fits with what we see on film; from an Imperator going full bore the thermal glare is only about 13 terawatts. Visible to the lengths you describe, but not on an interstellar scale.
Well, over an interstellar scale the ISD can outrun its own emissions anyway.
The tracers on the weapons I'm not sure what you are talking about. They are only a few kilowatts in strength, its not a thermal glow there dude; we see they are green and the human eye can't see green hot because of how our eyes are rigged. Same with purple. Anywyas, the essential guides confirm its nonthermal in nature.
Actually, I was not thinking som much of the glow of the bolts. I was thinking in terms of incandescent wreckage from the targets.