CaptainChewbacca wrote:Agemegos wrote:Also, CaptainChewbacca tells me to kiss my own arse because I was right and he was wrong and wants an excuse not to admit it. I call that both 'stupid' and 'flaming'.
I'm about to call YOU stupid and flaming, son. I insulted you because you took an attitude with me for complimenting you on your good work.
You have a way with compliments. Your position before this supposed compliment was that dworkin had done good work. Your position in the line after the supposed compliment was that Earth could be an example of a desert world, which is in contradiction of what I had just posted. So you thought I was wrong before, and you said I was wrong immediately afterwards. That wouldn't have been a problem if your 'compliment' was not worded exactly like an
ad hominem attack on my lack of credentials.
This thread is about how Star Wars planets can be earthlike. In a supercontinental condition, interiors CAN be incredibly super-arid and hot. I gladly conceede that that doesn't constitute a desert world,
Good. Thank you. You agree that dworkin's contention that Earth was once a desert world, proving the plausibility of Tatooine, is a fallacy.
since that's not something I ever asserted.
Well then, I think you could have expressed yourself better than this: "for a "harsh desert world" look no further than the age of dinosaurs".
Looking at the age of the dinosaurs, I see a harsh desert, but not harsh desert world. But no-one ever doubted teh existence of harsh deserts anyway. All that has ever been in question is (1) whole worlds covered with harsh desert and nevertheless having a breathable atmsophere, and (2) (in this thread) whether Earth ever was one.
We're all showing how extremes in earth climate in the geologic past are similar, though not identical, to various scifi planets.
And I agree that Earth during the Cryogenian super-glaciation is similar to Hoth. I think, however, that you would be wrong to suppose that Earth was ever anything like Tatooine or Kamino.
Dworkin was right about Snowball Earth being much like Hoth where at least 80% of the world was covered with thick layers of ice. From what I've seen equatorial ice is more likely given the incredibly high rates of carbonate production at the beginning of the Ediacaran.
Yes, I think dworkin is probably right about the Cryogenian, except for saying that it was recent, and except for saying that 'large scale life' struggled to survive it, if by 'large scale life' he meant plants and animals.
Some palaeogeologists still maintain that there would or must have been some bodies of open water, but as far as I can tell from the sidelines their arguments would be satisfied by volcanically-melted pools and don't even require tropical melting of sea ice. I would have no problem with calling a planet an 'ice planet' even though it had such isolated pools.
He is also right about the world at the time of the Panthalassic ocean being a
"water world" where over 80% of the surface was covered with water.
80% covered with water is not a 'water world'. It is not much different from Earth at present (71%). If people were living on it, the land-dwellers would outnumber the ocean-dwellers as much as on any normally habitable planet.
Besides, my understanding is that Pangaea had a surface area roughly equal to all the present continents combined, largely because it was all present continents combined. There can't have been much more water then, but more continental crust might have been submerged by shallow seas. Would you please point me to your source for the figure that Panthalassa covered 80% of Earth's surface.
The only place he's a little thin is over Tatooine
He's more than a little thin over Tatooine, he's way off base. Earth was never
anything like Tatooine.
He is also a little thin saying that Hoth was like Earth in a 'recent glaciation'. And he is at least a little thin saying taht Panthalassa covered the whole world except for a few mountain-tops and small islands.
What YOU are doing is being a little shit and getting bent out of shape because we didn't immediately suck dick and worship your wiki-fu.
If Wiki-fu were all it took!
You show promise, and if you can learn not to run around insulting people more experienced and better educated than you, you might actually LEARN something.
You would make a very serious error if you were to suppose that I had no experience before I joined this board. And you have no idea of how well-educated I am. There are no doubt people on this board with more than nine years of formal tertiary training, and with more than eleven years of research experience. But somehow I don't think dworkin is one of them.
As for learning things, a lot of people do learn things from boards such as this. And that is one reason that prominent falsehoods on such boards have to be corrected. Your hope that anyone might learn something here would be in vain everyone were to take the attitude that facts ought not triumph in discussion.