Warhammer 40K RPG is in the making

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Warhammer 40K RPG is in the making

Post by Gunhead »

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So it seems 40K will also making an appearance on RPG scene. I'm not too big on 40K, but I just got my Warhammer fantasy roleplay 2nd ed. main book today, and it's pretty good.

I've played in some campaigns in the 40K setting, some were good
others not so. It does offer a variety of game settings worth exploring, and I'm hoping this won't suck.

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »


I hope they expand a bit more on it though, or at least provide an easily-moddable system. I'd want my games to run the gamut of Imperial society.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Hopefully more fluff to actually flesh out the universe and like Gaius pointed out...more venues then just being a solider and going "For the (insert thing, person, slimy whatis you worship)!!".

40K does have potential because the universe they have is large, but at times more depressing then reading about Goths in a coffee bar.

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Post by Azazal »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:Yes.

I hope they expand a bit more on it though, or at least provide an easily-moddable system. I'd want my games to run the gamut of Imperial society.
God I hope it's a real RPG and not the wantabe that was Inquisitor.

What looks odd to me is they said 3 games - play an =I= in game 1, an RT in game 2, and then Deathwatch in game 3. I'm guessing the core mechanics will be the same, just different skills/character generation options in each game. Looks like a way for GW to milk more cash out of folks. I can see the conversation:

"Ok we'll make and RPG, but how to we get the most cash from the suckers, ahh I mean our customers?"

"Well we can release modules like they do for D&D"

"Aren't the modules only a few dollars each?"

"Correct, maybe 10 to 15 each, we can make several dozen modules without a problem."

“But people would have to buy the modules, correct? What if they don’t want a particular one?”

“Silence fool, the cattle will buy whatever we put in front of them.”

“True, but don’t we need to entice them? Look at the success of Inquisitor as an RPG.”

"Hmmm, good point. Wait I have a better idea, we release new versions of the game, each has the same core rules, but we put in different character creation info. Game one is based on the Inquisition, and game 2 can be Rogue Trader based."

"What about marines, without them, people will never play."

"Ahh, we save them for last. Release them in game 3, and by that time we will have had enough time go by that we can include a price increase."

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Post by Gunhead »

What got my hopes up was that the same crew that made WFRP 2nd ed. are also working on this project. I can see myself buying this just for the background and settings I can then exploit shamelessly on other games.

One more thing about the WFRP 2nd ed. THE CAREERS! OH, GOOD GOD THE CAREERS! Just as an idea base they rock like there's no tomorrow.

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Post by Azazal »

Found this over on warseer:
Black Industries Dan Sivils Reports: I got a hold of a Press pack for Black Industries which had a CD of Image assets and other information from Black Industries. It also contained a FAQ sheet of sorts on the new Warhammer 40K RPG. Included is also an official blurb about the DC Roleplaying game. In addition, here is a picture of the official logo and

character image. Below are the details of that FAQ:

FAQ & Background information

Overall title
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay
(It is not called Warhammer 40,000 the Roleplaying Game, The Warhammer 40000 Roleplaying Game, 40K Roleplay, etc)


Component games
Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader (title tbc)
Deathwatch (title tbc)

Release dates
We’re intending there being eighteen months between each system release, thus:
Dark Heresy - March 2007
Rogue Trader - September 2008 (GenCon premiere)
Death Watch - Spring 2009 (GTS premiere)
(Important: last two dates are distinctly tentative)

Dark Heresy Beginning system.
Key theme - Investigation
Players are part of an inquisitor’s retinue rooting out corruption (bad humans), heresy (Chaos taint) and alien threats. Psykers, military men, interrogators and other trainee inquisitors, etc. Think Traveller meets Call of Cthulhu - and like the latter if the team really do turn up the Chaos heresy they’ve been seeking, they’re in real trouble.

Rogue Trader Intermediate system.
Key theme - Exploration
Players are Rogue Traders and their retinue training and double-dealing between the stars. Navigator houses and astropaths. Explorator teams seeking out new or forgotten worlds. Bandits, pirates and treasure hunters. Dark eldar renegades; ork freebooters; kroot mercenaries.

Deathwatch Advanced system
Key theme - Devastation
Players are Space Marines from the Astartes on secondment to the Deathwatch or Grey Knights, formed in small, high power bands rooting out heresy and free to roam far from battlefields (unlike regular Space Marines). Our superhero game - these guys are seriously powerful, and will require skilful players.

Game system
Developed from the framework of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - if you play that, you’ll find the concepts similar and many mechanics still in place.

All three games will be 100% compatible, offering new and increasingly advanced rules as each new game appears.

Support products
A complete range, releasing in similar frequency and formats to the WFRP range. High quality, often full colour.
•Area sourcebooks
•Advanced rules sourcebooks (eg psykers, starship combat)
•Campaigns and adventures
•GM and player accessories

As with WFRP, the game is being developed and packaged for BI by Green Ronin, the award winning Seattle-based rpg company. Founders Nicole Lindroos and Chris Pramas are industry veterans with an enviable track record in successful games companies including Wizards of the Coast.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Can you imagine a MMORPG of the 40k universe? I'm no Warhammer fan (don't have the money), but if they did that I'd seriously consider getting involved.
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Post by Azazal »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:Can you imagine a MMORPG of the 40k universe? I'm no Warhammer fan (don't have the money), but if they did that I'd seriously consider getting involved.
Well there is a Warhammer Fantasy one in the works - Warhammer Online

Not sure how it wili do against WoW, but if it does well, maybe a 40k version could be made
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Ghost Rider wrote:40K does have potential because the universe they have is large, but at times more depressing then reading about Goths in a coffee bar.
What are you talking about? Goths in a coffee bar are funny!
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Post by Lancer »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:Can you imagine a MMORPG of the 40k universe? I'm no Warhammer fan (don't have the money), but if they did that I'd seriously consider getting involved.
No, I couldn't, because I couldn't begin to imagine how many DVDs would be required just to hold a map for a single subsection of a hiveworld (which would be equivalent to a large modern city by its own right).
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Im a bit confused. Is this pen & paper or computer?
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Post by Dartzap »

P&P, I was confused as well...
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Dartzap wrote:P&P, I was confused as well...
In that case. Totally gonna get this when it comes out and try it out with some friends. Gonna need to do some other study on 40K to make sure I have my stuff down, but definately getting this. March 2007 eh... That's quite a while.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Excellent. Green Ronin really delivered with the Black Company and WFRP adaptions and I can say with a high level confidence that they are likely to deliver the high level of quality (and attention to fluff) that we all desire. The project is in excellent hands.
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Post by Duckie »

Hopefully there'll be less HP than a standard RPG or at least some method of high casualty play. :wink:

It is 40k, after all.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Uraniun235 wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:40K does have potential because the universe they have is large, but at times more depressing then reading about Goths in a coffee bar.
What are you talking about? Goths in a coffee bar are funny!
Sure, laughing at them...not being one of them :P .

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Post by The Dude »

I haven't bought an RPG book in years, but I'll be looking forward to this one.
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Post by weemadando »

I liked the old homebrew conversion of WHFRP to 40K. This looks to be the same damn thing but with a price tag.
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Post by Solauren »

Any word if it will be D20 System, True20 or other?

D20 System I'd buy, otherwise, meh
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Solauren wrote:Any word if it will be D20 System, True20 or other?

D20 System I'd buy, otherwise, meh
It uses some of WFRP's mechanic which is not D20 but based on d10 and percentile dice. Thank the Ruinous Powers that we are spared the horror of d20 40K. They kept to core of the origianl WFRP game, but cleaned it up and fixed its problems. Green Ronin got a fist full of awards for their work last year and as a fan of both Black Comany and Warhammer, they deserved them. I should also mention their attention to background materials and detail was superb.

Both Black Company and WFRP feature brutal critical hit and grievous damage rules. I can't imagine them not including something like that for 40K.
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Post by Stark »

Matt Huang wrote:No, I couldn't, because I couldn't begin to imagine how many DVDs would be required just to hold a map for a single subsection of a hiveworld (which would be equivalent to a large modern city by its own right).
What a worthless contribution. MMORPGs are so realistic! Orgimmar had real Orc architects and city planners design a'vibrant, living city' that is 'just like you'd find in the real Orc world'. :roll:
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Rogue traders, you say? It'd be sweet to play as someone who isn't constantly engaged in a life-or-death battle. :P
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