Winston Blake wrote:This one's a bit hard and i don't really remember the fight sequence. I think that if Dooku got his choke in through a short gap in Obi-Wan's TK-guard, then causing him to struggle/suffer would make it impossible to regain the concentration needed to block the Choke. Achieving this makes Dooku otherwise vulnerable, but since Dooku managed to also kick Anakin away, he's safe for a while and can afford the complex TK.
It may have simply been Dooku managing to get a really lucky opening, with both momentarily vulnerable, so Dooku goes for the quick kick to lesser Jedi and risks a big move that might take the older one out of the fight completely. I think it can be explained as a brief chance that Dooku realised was a huge opportunity, and with no other threats for a few seconds he thought the effort of TK was worth it.
I guess that's the only plausible explanation.. it was a minor opening, exploiting it was a gambit, and Dooku decided to take the chance. On Sidious' orders, he couldn't miss out on an opportunity like that, since he was told specifically to separate the two Jedi in order to set up Skywalker for a situation that would lure him further to the Dark Side.
Cos Dashit wrote:Didn't Dooku say something like, "You have hate and anger but you don't use them"? I think that qualifies as not using the Dark Side.
That, sir, is the point! Watch the scene: Dooku is merely toying with the younger Jedi at first, but after goading the Skywalker with that line,
that is when he gives in and starts using his anger and hate, and it's at that precise point that he starts owning Dooku. Another step on the path of the Chosen One's spiral into the abyss.
Cos Dashit wrote:Another thing to remember is that if they took a second to concentrate on the whole organ-exploding thing, their enemy would just swipe at them with their lightsabre and the duel would be over.
Good point raised on the (non-)viability of TK attacks in a lightsaber duel. It takes a certain degree of concentration to perform, but lightsabers are so damn deadly that a lapse in precognitive attention on the weapons could leave you in pieces before you pull off the TK.
In addition, it also seems to exhaust the user, which would also later make them more vulnerable to lightsaber attack. The most viable use of TK in a close-quarters lightsaber tangle seems to be broad, flat "Force walls" first mentioned in the AotC novelization; apparently Force walls are imprecise and passive enough that it doesn't don't require much focus to put one up, but from the novel's description, the feat is still exhausts a Force user's vitality. In fact, it's was described as one of the factors leading to Anakin's defeat at Dooku's hands.
"..history has shown the best defense against heavy cavalry are pikemen, so aircraft should mount lances on their noses and fly in tight squares to fend off bombers". - RedImperator
"ha ha, raping puppies is FUN!" - Johonebesus
"It would just be Unicron with pew pew instead of nom nom". - Vendetta, explaining his justified disinterest in the idea of the movie Allspark affecting the Death Star