Lazarus wrote:
Lightsaber dueling however is entirely freeform, and I can't remember ever seeing a Jedi or Sith lunge at an opponent and impale them.
Darth Sideous and Darth Maul both use impaling lunge attacks quite effectively onscreen.
Good point about the different types of fencing and different types of scoring in each. It's also worth mentioning that they don't exclusively use two handed grips, that's more something they did in the first movie, because George told everyone the sabers were supposed to be "really heavy" plus they had those wires running up their sleeves, and they wanted to hide them easier (though we still see the wire up Alec Guinness's wrist in at least one shot during his fight with Vader).
There's a lot of one handed work in the later movies, especially in the prequels. There is definatley some foil and epee fencing influences here (Dooku even does a fencing salute to Yoda), but there's also many other influences too like Kendo, samurai sword fighting, broadsword, wood chopping and even tennis moves, plus probably some made up stuff (those spins for example).
The OT came out before the Highlander movies, but I can't help but see influences from the Highlander fights in the Prequels. Of course the original Highlander had help from one of the great fight choreographers who worked on Errol Flynn in the Adventures of Robin Hood, etc. so it wouldn't be surprising if people like Bob Anderson and Nick Gilliard learned from that school and shared influence.