Vympel wrote:No, it doesn't. Not only is it an absurd concept, as I raised the last time the force push was brought up, who recovers quicker when they're both blown across the room? Anakin, leaping in a force assisted charge across the room in a split second while Obi-Wan barely has enough time to recover and defend himself. In other words, the evidence is it cost Obi-Wan more. Anakin, as we know from the novel, has tremendous reserves of force energy which neither Dooku nor Obi-Wan could hope to match. Further, we don't know the exact "mechanics" of how two opposing force pushes even work.
It is not an 'absurd concept', we have two characters arm wresteling (for want of a better term) and they both 'pop' at the same time. One did not achieve dominance over the other - as we would have expected
if one character held such a dominance over the other. Anakin
recovering faster can be explained due to his obvious advantage in age and physical fitness (something which does play a role for Jedi).
Vympel wrote:Further, we don't know the exact "mechanics" of how two opposing force pushes even work.
Appeal to Ignorance falacy. Just because we don't know 'the exact "mechanics"' doesn't bar us from making educated guesses on what happened based on logic and observation. It is obvious that both combatants were experiencing
physical stress and exertion during their Force pushing contest - something that is consistant with when a Force user is using the Force (Yoda TESB, AotC, etc).
It also stands to reason that if
one combatant could have over powered the other in this contest
they would have.
Due to the fact that neither did, then it also is a fair conclusion that the combatants were evenly matched.
Vympel wrote:I never appealed to writer's intent, nor does your interpretation overrule the EU or the statement of character's- which is most certainly
not hearsay, by the legal definition
You're right, you haven't in this thread, but I think it's fair to say that you have in others. And as you well know EU or character statements, must and always take a back seat to observable facts shown in the movies. You cling to it being my 'interpretation', and yet have shown no logical or analytical
flaw in my hypothesis
other than to whine that it doesn't agree with the EU or nebulous comments made by the show's characters.
Vympel wrote:Dooku didn't sucker punch Obi-Wan in AotC.
I said duel
s dude. It is clear that I was refering to the RotS one.
Vympel wrote:Obi-Wan lost fair and square. And if Obi-Wan was as powerful as Anakin, don't you think that little force choke trick wouldn't have worked? Obviously, Obi-Wan did not see it coming. And you just said "true", but you missed the part about how force energy is an intergral part of when force users fight. They're using it constantly.
Let me point out that later in this very thread you will say that Anakin's use of Force walls is an "unusual skill", and that as far as I'm aware the novelisation doesn't state that any such thing was happening between Dooku and Obi-Wan.
Also, in the RotS novelisation shows Obi-Wan using little Force tricks on Anakin, and he knew that he could get away with it only once - since Anakin wouldn't be waiting for it - which if we
do assume that Anakin is more powerful than Obi-Wan, then using your arguement in the quote above, Obi-Wan shouldn't have been able to do that by default.
Vympel wrote:Further- unlike Yoda, Obi-Wan couldn't catch lightning in his hand and shoot it back- Dooku could deflect his own lightning with his palm easily.
Tough cookies. I never claimed that Obi-Wan could or couldn't deflect Sith Lightning with his bare hands like Yoda, I only pointed out that when Dooku tried to go down the 'pure Force power intimidation' routine Obi-Wan wasn't even phased, and Dooku had to resort to his lightsabre. Much like he did with Yoda.
Vympel wrote:No, you're missing the point. The only reason you have for saying x sporting team is better than y sporting team even though y beat x, therefore who-beat-who is bollocks, is because you have reason to believe x is better than y apart from that one loss, correct? So I say again, what reason do you have to believe that Obi-Wan is better than Dooku? He lost every time.
No. Jesus. My point, which I stated
twice in my reply is that rock-paper-scissors is a fucking
stupid way to quantify ANYTHING.
Vympel wrote:I'm referencing the novel here. It was hardly a question of hanging around the hangar.
I don't have the novel, I don't remember to what you refer. Please provide a quote.
Vympel wrote:Possibly, or just a joke compared to Vader's after 19 years of Sith training- it's "weak", not "weakened compared to". But not through any purposeful negligence on Obi-Wan's part in any event.
The Last Jedi' series shows that Obi-Wan's powers were already atrophing only
one year after RotS. Through a combination of lack of use and disillusionment. And if we are going to go with character quotes of Vader's 19 years of Sith training (and yet still wetting his pants in front of the Emperor), then I choose Obi-Wan's fork appreaciating food comment.
Vympel wrote:Not due to his posse. The Stormtroopers meant that Obi-Wan couldn't escape or withdraw- his favorite tactic when fighting Vader as we know. As it is, the maturity of Vader's mind compared to Mustafar already surprised him when they started fighting (again, novelization) and there's no convenient terrain or mindless rage to take advantage of this time. In that context, his quick surrender to the inevitable is quite understandable.
Dude; 'inevitable'. Your on crack, Obi-Wan told Vader flat out 'if my blade finds its mark' and then just changed his mind.
Vympel wrote:Yes, because it seems like you're saying Obi-Wan let his powers weaken to such a level from neglect or some such, thereby excusing his inability to defeat Vader. I never said they were the same level, he's no spring chicken, but the evidence is that old Jedi can still fight incredibly effectively.
Wait. I'm confused. What are we talking about?
Vympel wrote:Except he learnt it.
Yeah, and ... ? You said that it was 'silly' and 'ridiculous', I pointed out EU evidence which shows it has precedance - to which you obviously weren't aware - to show I'm not making this shit up.
Vympel wrote:And as I've said before, if I surrender to someone who's going to kick my ass anyway, the rejoinder "I let you win" is nothing but crap.
There is
fuck all evidence that I have seen that tells us that Vader would have won that fight due to him being superior. The novelisation (according to
FOG3) tells us that Obi-Wan only gave up the ghost
after he saw the stormtroopers incircle and trap him and not before. While
even if they were absent, the best thing Obi-Wan might have been able to do was 'escape or withdraw' (his favourite tactic against Vader

) then it still isn't a
win for Vader since he still couldn't kill his old master.
Vympel wrote:And Vader didn't have a tough time.
Bullshit. Look at his body language during the fight. Cautious, edgy. He was half lost, and more than a little apprehensive of Obi-Wan, who by the way was having such a grand old time, he was even twirling around turning his back to Vader, showing his contempt for him and his 'power'.
Vympel wrote:Short of Palpatine skewering the B-team in his office (apart from Windu), that fight was ridiculously short. I don't see why you find Vader's inability to put Obi-Wan away in a matter of seconds so damning.
The fight was short
BECAUSE OBI-WAN GAVE UP ... come on. Honestly, you couldn't see that was going to be my reply.
By-the-by, I won't be able to reply to this for a looooong time.