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Post by Trogdor »

"...and as Emperor of the Centauri Republic, I would like to once again express my gratitude to the Corporate Sector for the supplies they have sent us for the survivors of the Shadows' attack upon the Llort home world," Londo said. "It will greatly help up to relieve their suffering and get them back onto their feet."

With a florish, Londo stepped down from the podium, leaving the crowd of reporters shouting questions at him. He met Vir behind the curtain, away from all the cameras and nosy people.

"I don't see why you did this, Londo," Vir said softly. "We don't even have the industry to put strain on our economy; we had plenty of shipments of supplies going to the Llort refugees."

"I know," Londo said. "But Marxis is very powerful and I wouldn't want to snub him if I can avoid it. And as the humans like to say, talk is cheap."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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Post by Dalton »

"Chairman, all commands signal ready."

"And what of the Vorlons?"

"Package has been delivered and is ready as well."

G'Kar smiled grimly. "Execute."
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster

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Post by brianeyci »

Marxis Corporate Headquarters

"I want the emissive armor bolted onto our battleships as soon as possible," said Marxis.

"We're nearly done the research. A few more months," said Vera.

"What is the status on the Arleigh Burke's?"

"They're half done. Half a year more."

"And the shipyards about the Yolu homeworld?"

"Beginning construction of more facilities. We should be at full production in a year."

"Excellent," said Marxis as he pressed a button. The strategic map of the galaxy filled the viewscreen and Marxis homed in on galactic east. "The Narns are taking back their world. And the boneheads are on the way." Marxis paused. "It's time to cause a little trouble."

"What do you have in mind?"

"We'll send our older destroyer fleet. We'll outnumber the boneheads four to one."

"It'll be an act of war."

"Call in the reporters."
"...and our long range sensors have detected an armada of battleships heading towards Dilgar space." Marxis pressed a button.


"These warships present a threat to the delicate balance of power in the galaxy. The only possible intepretation of a massive fleet of battleships away from port is invasion. If Earthforce will not act to curb the aggression of these aliens as they extend their sphere of influence into our backyard, then we will. The Marxis Corporation, in accordance with our military agreement with the Dilgar, will immediately send a destroyer expedition force. We hope that the Minbari will not begin an insterstellar war by attacking our neighbours."

"The Marxis Corporation does not interfere in the affairs of foreign governments. However the Minbari fleet must pass through our territory to reach the Dilgar. Allowing such a warfleet to go through our territory is tantamount to our approval of the Minbari's invasion of Dilgar space. Therefore the Minbari are prohibited from entering Kokkar or Nocalo systems, and any such attempt will be intepreted as an act of aggression."

"I would also like to thank Emperor Mollari for his gratitude. Several months ago Minbari vessels entered and left Centauri space without warning. The Marxis Corporation will not tolerate provocation of our close neighbours."

"Thank you, I will take your questions now."

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Post by Trogdor »

"Damn him, he's trying to drag us into his war," Londo said as he watched Marxis's speech. "We need time to rebuild, we cannot get into another fight!"

"Our treaty with the Minbari makes our ports open to them," Vir said. "Marxis is creating provokation where there is none."

Londo nodded. "Yes, he is. But I can't say I really feel like angering him and his huge fleet over the Minbari."

There was little love for the Minbari within the Centauri Republic, ever since the Minbari fleet had mysteriously withdrawn at the height of the Shadow War.

"Yes, but can we let him put words in our mouths?" Vir asked.

Londo sighed. "No. I will hold my own press conference, and declare neutrality in this new coming storm."

"Do you think we can remain neutral?" Vir asked.

"Probably not," Londo said grimly.


"Excellency! Is the Republic going to enter a military alliance with the Corporate Sector?"

"Not at this time," Londo said. "There are no plans right now but to remain as trading partners with our Corporate neighboors. Both myself and the Centurum wish only peace after the Shadow War is finally concluded."

"But what about Marxis's statement that he would 'not tolerate provcation' of his close neighboors?"

"Ah, Mr. Marxis is a very...protective leader. The Centauri Republic has enjoyed good relations with the Corporate Sector, while the Minbari Federation has had less success in establishing good relations with them. While I feel grateful that Mr. Marxis considers us such a close ally, I wish to make it known that the Republic's current treaty with the Minbari does allow them to pass through our space as they wish. Minbari ships entering Centauri space is not an act of aggression."

"Is it true that the Republic is going to enter the Narn-Dilgar War?"

"No, not at all. The Centauri Republic is on good terms with both of those nations. As I said before, the leadership of the Republic seeks only peace so that we may rebuild after the recent terrible war. No further questions."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by brianeyci »

Marxis watched Mollari's press conference, his face rigid.

"Mollari, I thought you had balls," said Marxis.

"Should I start another press conference?"

"No. Let's clarify things with the Centauri ambassador. If they're letting boneheads go through their space, they'd better let us go through their space. You idiot Mollari, you should have just kept your trap shut, now you've forced my hand." Marxis turned to Vera. "Get me General Stilgar."

"It looks like we're having a rumble in your backyard Mollari. You friggin' idiot," said Marxis his voice quiet.

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Post by Uraniun235 »

"Why wasn't I informed about a huge Minbari battleforce heading for Dilgar territory?!"

"I'm sorry, sir, their movements were projected to stay well clear of Earth Alliance territory. We didn't feel it necessary to trouble you with this news."

President Alshain sighed.

"And now Marxis is sounding the trumpets once more. When our boy Magnan goes on Galactic Sunday, make sure he throws in a jab at Marxis. Something about how he's never respected the galactic balance of power."

"What about his snipe at Earthforce?"

"I understand he has a rather impressive collection of battleships of his own."

"That's the other thing, sir... Admiral Foss is getting rather antsy. Says the fleet is an 'undersized, overaged collection of dust'."

Alshain smiled. "Tell Jack she'll have a nice shiny new fleet... as soon as Earthforce R&D can finally decide what they're installing in the new ships. Besides, as I understand it, Earthforce just recieved two new carriers. Big ones, at that. I trust we have enough fighters to stock them?"

"Quite, sir. If I may say so, sir, we're starting to have Starfuries coming out our ears."

"Start construction of heavy transports to ferry them to our colony worlds. They've been without defense long enough. It's time to start cementing our holdings."

"We'll get right on it."

"How's Mesopotamia coming along?"

"Right on schedule, sir."

Alshain smiled. With a little luck, Mesopotamia Six would be operational in time to host peace negotiations for that nasty bit of business with the Dilgar and the Minbari.
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Post by Tobor »

As the governor watched the tactical display from the battle raging above, his face suddenly went livid. The slip lasted for mere seconds then was quickly replaced by a scowl drawn from ear to ear.

"So.... The Centauri have entered on the side of the Narns."

The Vasachi cruisers were very distinct against the narrow profile of the Narn cruisers.

The governor of revenge turned to his aide and despite his calm exterior the hatred was obvious upon his voice.

"Get the Syphon ready. If the signal comes, then you know what to do."

The aide smiled in a most nefarious way. Then exited the room to carry out his assignment.
"If you desire my position, alll you have to do is take it from my cold, dead hands!"

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Post by Kojiro »

The elder vorlon looked at the map. He saw Dilgar ships in vorlon space, and he was not pleased. Clearly the warnings had gone unheeded, as the Dilgar had re-entered vorlon space. To top it off they had put scout class vessels on the warp point. The Dilgar weren't stupid, scout vessels wouldn't stop a vorlon fleet. They were ambitious though and the elder vorlon believed he knew what their plan was. The Dilgar wouls pay for their insolence.

He sent a message to his allies informing the of his fleets movements. Ardun sector was Vorlon space, and the Dilgar were about to find out how much the vorlons resented disobedience.
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Post by Trogdor »

The Dilgar had defeated the Narns' attempt at retaking "Revenge" which was very bad news so far as Londo was concerned. He'd been counting on the Narns being successful. Then the Dilgar would either have to divert their forces to take the planet again, or make peace with the Narn. Now, they might very well attack the Republic.

With Marxis and the Dilgar both undoubtedly angry with him, things were again looking very bad indeed.

He sighed, taking a drink of bavari. "What a day!"
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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Post by Dalton »

"The attack failed."

G'Kar's face was drawn and tight. The past few months had put a great toll on him. When he spoke, it was in a low, tired voice.

"What happened?"

"Well, as far as we can tell, the fleet did not go in all at once. Each wave arrived later than the others. Consequentially, each wave was destroyed before the next could arrive."

"How did that happen?"

"We do not know. Perhaps the Dilgar managed to jam their transmissions. Perhaps the fleet commanders decided to go off on their own. We are looking into it."

"And what of the Vorlon vessel?"

"Destroyed by mines. They decided to jump in ahead of even the minesweepers."

G'Kar sighed deeply. "This is a disaster of unmitigated proportions."

"What are we going to do?"

G'Kar was silent for a long, long time. Finally, he stirred. "The humans have a saying. 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.'"
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster

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Post by brianeyci »

"It looks like we made the right decision backing the Dilgar. I knew it, I know Dilgar. I've killed some with my bare hands. They're the toughest people in the galaxy," said Marxis.

"The new Arleigh Burkes are coming online next month and all existing destroyers will be retrofitted to the new Spruance specs," said Vera going over a datapad.

"Good. I think it's time to pay President Alshain a personal visit."

"What? Are you out of your mind, you set foot in Earth Alliance territory and they'll--"

"And they'll what? I'm the head of state of the Corporate Sector. If they do anything it'll be an act of war. I don't owe them anything."


"It's time to see where Alshain stands. While the aliens are busy killing each other, mankind can move up the middle. I have a deal Alshain will find irresistable."

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Post by Tobor »

Space was alight, burning in sporadic gouts of flame as each level of the now derelict hulls that floated in orbit buckled and exploded. It was as though some macabre fireworks display had been orchestrated.

The battle had not lasted long. The Dilgar had sabotaged there own hyper space beacon, causing the Minbari fleet to emerge right onto the ionosphere of Katraa’tzi.
The Dilgar had been waiting for them, had expected this move for some months now ever since long range scouts had noticed the fleets movement at the edge of Earther space.

Wave upon wave of fighters had blockaded the Minbari fleet, the gravity well working to limit their manoeuvrability as the Dilgar fleet performed its task.
After the initial burst of defensive fire, the Minbari showed their true power and reduced many of the defensive destroyers to little more than scrap.
The mainstay of the Dilgar fleet, its fighters, however, were evading the turbo lasers.
Wave after wave of rockets impacted upon the Minbari fleet and one by one they fell.

Hours past until only one ship remained.

Her hull, dark and silent against the blanket of night. The crew of this vessel were especially disciplined. She was engaging through blind spots, using the sheer number of Dilgar against them, until none of the Dilgar fleet could target the elusive vessel but for the screen of fighters disrupting their targeting arrays.

It was just a matter of time…

The broken angel, the Dark star, limped towards Katraa‘tzi, towards the Dilgar, towards her doom.

Her forward and aft batteries were down, the last salvo of missiles had breached the primary reactor, causing massive disruption to the battleship.

Her Captain was Warrior caste, proud and noble in command. If she would not leave this place, then she would die in the effort.

As she approached the planet, she prepared herself. Silently she meditated upon her course. Secure in the will of the council she ordered the ship to full speed. She would ram the planet with her last breath…

As they drew nearer the debris thickened and the large space borne shipyards came into view. The black star continued to plough through the mess, resolute in its course. The helmsman suddenly reported that they were losing velocity. The Space yards have enmeshed them in some kind of tractor net.

Nimune howled in frustration, apparently even death would deny her this day.

The coms came alive with reports of gunfire. The Dilgar had boarded her vessel. If this, was how it was to be then she would not go down willingly. Nimune checked her side arm then prepared to leave the observation dome.

As she turned the lights came on and the holo-display of the immediate area vanished. Standing before her were three Dilgar. Two of them were escorts in full battle armour with pulse rifles. Obviously they were escorting the third.
He was a high ranking Dilgar officer. She wasn’t precisely sure of their markings, but she suspected he was at least a War Master. One of the ruling body, that made up Dilgar leadership.

“Alyt Nimune, your fleet is destroyed. You will come with us now!”

Nimune paused for the briefest moment, then looked the War master squarely in the eyes.

“That will not happen. All that remains, is death, and honour!”

As she said this she withdrew a small blew crystal from her robes.

The War master looked back at Nimune, in a way that betrayed his approval. With reverence he echoed her words.

“Death, and honour!”


From her command post on Katraa’tzi Jha’Dur watched as the Black star erupted in flames.
Her smile quickly faded. She retreated to her chambers and couldn’t help but thinking the galaxy was fast becoming devoid of worthy adversaries.
"If you desire my position, alll you have to do is take it from my cold, dead hands!"

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Post by Nephtys »

From the battle, a single Anla'shok scoutship sped beyond Dilgar defenses. Although the homeworld fleet of the Dilgar lied in ruin, the attack flotilla was also destroyed. They had fought desperately, firing what weapons they could as the fleet passed, and ramming their ships without any fear of death into the mighty Minbari warships.

Aboard this small scout, Nimune remained unconscious, dragged to a flyer by her friend, Salin Moonshield, and cast off to be saved. Now, the ship transmitted it's message, back to Minbar.. and the Grey Council. If they would not act before, this would force them to move.

As Valen'tha cruised through space, to the Sana'la spaceport, the decision was reached. Such an attack on a Minbari cruiser squadron, moving to aid the Narn plight would not be tolerated.

Silently as before, dozens of flashes and hyperspace vorticies appeared. The Minbari Combined War Fleet was on the move. War had come.
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Post by Trogdor »

Londo sighed as he read the Dilgar leader's message. It didn't look like the Centauri Republic would be going to war with them, thankfully. But still, it would be foolish not to give the Dilgar some justification for aiding the Narn while proclaiming Centauri neutrality...

He snapped his fingers as inspiration struck. Why not? It wouldn't make him look good, but he doubted that the Dilgar had a very high opinion of him anyway. And it might help to sooth the Warleader's ire. The best part was that there was just enough truth to it to make it believeable. He began to compose a message.

One thing was for sure, the Narn would not be seeing anymore Centauri aid in their war. Guilty as it made him feel, Londo could not take the risk. The Shadow War had bled the Republic white, and he had to think of his own people first.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Uraniun235 »

In the Sorpigal system...

Code: Select all


You are approaching Earth Alliance space. Your ship is registered as a military starship and must therefore file a flight plan for transit through Earth Alliance space. Reverse your course or file a flight plan. Failure to do so may be met by deadly force.
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Post by Kojiro »

The elder vorlon watched the Earthforce sensor data. So, that was where the Dilgar had sent the scout ship they stole from the Vorlons. It would have to be destroyed. He sent a message down the chain of command with a mere thought. In a few moments Earthforce would be aware the ship entering their space wasn't truly a vorlon ship and that it should be destroyed.

Just like the Dilgar he thought. Their continual forays into Vorlon space, their deliberate attempts to attack Vorlon ships and their theft of Vorlon technology, and now this attempt to frame them. Not to mention their acquisition of Shadow technology.

The Dilgar had been offered the same chances, and treated by the Vorlon Empire as everyone else had. They had not only spurned the Vorlons but now moved openly against them, as well as their allies the Narn and the Minbari.

The Dilgar would have the war they seemed to want so badly.
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Post by Trogdor »

Another month, another headache, Londo thought. The Dilgar's latest message had made it clear just how "disappointed" (read, enraged, Londo thought) were with him.

But the Dilgar didn't look ready to go to war over it. At least not yet. But they weren't worrying about respecting Centauri territory anymore, he noticed. A fleet of nearly fifty Dilgar ships was brazenly travelling through Valusha. They were small, but they were warships. Boarding ships to be exact. And by the looks of it, they were out hunting Vorlon ships.

Well, let them, Londo thought. Surely the Vorlons knew at least as much as he did, and the Vorlon Empire could take care of itself, which was more than could be said about the Centauri Republic at the moment, unfortunatly.

Yet they were rebuilding, slowly but surely they were working to restore the Republic.

"Vir, what's the status of the new wave of colonization?" he asked.

"Colony ships are en route to Shra-Bal V and the Llort home planet," Vir answered. "We've successfully swept the minefield that the Shadows left around the Markab's home world and will be colonizing it shortly. But, Londo, many are uncomfortable with building a colony on the ruins of the Markab's world."

Londo nodded. "Ya, I can understand that, Vir, but we have no choice. The Republic needs as many prime worlds as it can get if it is to recover and thrive again. Including the worlds in Troth."

Vir looked surprised, but he nodded. "Yes, Londo."

Londo turned to look out his window at the city outside the palace. "Given time, we can be stronger than we were before the Shadow War. Perhaps we won't have to walk on eggshells around every power in the galaxy anymore if we do. But we need time! And the galaxy looks like it's about to erupt anew! If only we had some last, best hope for peace."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Uraniun235 »

"Sir, Mesopotamia Six is on schedule to be completed within the next few months."

"Good. This galaxy needs a hub of diplomacy. It needs it now. Do we have fighters ready for deployment to the station?"

"Yes, sir, but there's a problem."


"With the latest wave of colonization, most of our heavy transport capability is currently ferrying construction materials and supplies to the new colonies we're about to establish. The only way we can get fighters to M6 is to send one of the carriers out."

President Alshain thought about this. And then a smile crept across his face.

"Then we'll send the pride of Earthforce to deliver the fighters, and take part in the christening ceremony. I'll order Earthforce to launch the Terra. It'll be a good way to show the flag to some of our outer colonies, let them know that human technological development is still very much alive and well. And what better escort for myself?"

"Excellent idea, sir, may I... sir?!"

"You heard me. I'll be flying on the most powerful starship Earthforce has ever flown, protected by over a hundred Starfuries piloted by our finest men and women in uniform."

"What about the duties of the office? The trip out there will be at least four months!"

"Most of those can be handled via tachyon radio link, and whatever can't can be delegated to the VP."

"If you say so, sir."

"Be sure to draft invitations to every major government in known space. In five months, Mesopotamia Six will be open for business and negotiations. Have the CDT prepare their best diplomat for the post... but for a short time, Earth Alliance will be directly represented by the President himself!"

Alshain smiled, and spun a little in his chair.

"Shall we alert the press, sir?"

Alshain stopped, his smile vanished.

"No. In fact, all they're to know is that I'm going on a tour of the northeastern arm of the Earth Alliance colonies. Don't mention Mesopotamia Six.

It'll be our great surprise."

And with that, his smile returned.
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Post by brianeyci »

"Perfect. He'll be gone just long enough for us to make our move," said Marxis.

"He'll keep in touch."

"I've got men on the inside who'll make sure to filter everything. Oh he'll hear everything still, but sometimes it won't seem as urgent or as calm. Plus... we have distractions."

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Post by Tobor »

The Duty officer entered Jha'Durs sanctum with more enthusiasm then he'd had cause to for some months now.

"The fleeing Minbari scout has been destroyed, just as you requested."

"Long range scanners, however, have detected another Minbari fleet of similar composition, as well as a small detatchment of Vorlon escorts."

"One other thing, the Pilot of one of our scout vessels has detected a stellar event."

Jha'Dur looked up, a little intruiged by this news.

"Well Ma'am, one of the jump points it was ordered to transverse has collapsed in upon itself."

Jha'Dur looked at the officer a smile coming to her face. Thankyou, that will be all.

After the officer had left, she turned her chair so she was facing outside and started to laugh.

So, someone had developed the technology to close warp points. Suddenly things had become more interesting.

She knew now that Bi'Lar had been right all along. The only rules that anyone was playing by, were those set down by the Shadows. Even the Vorlons had finally dropped the charade and revealed their true nature.

Not ready for immortality, they had said. Not for the first time either. Well, she thought to her self, if nothing else, this war would make her immortal!
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Post by Trogdor »

"...and in the intrests of galactic peace and goodwill, I hereby invite the Dilgar Confederacy to colonize the planet Yonog I."

Londo stepped away from the podium and left just as the reporters started flinging questions from him.

"Are you sure that was wise, Londo?" Vir asked.

Londo snorted. "I know that it was not, Vir, but I had no choice. The Dilgar were going to demand something sooner or later, and we don't have the forces to be able to safely say no. One uninhabited planet is a small price to pay to avoid war. Let's just hope that they only want it to keep us off balance, and not to use as a launching pad for an invasion."

It was quite the kick in the pants, though, even if the Dilgar were just after a pretty new world and nothing more. The moment they develop the technology to colonize ice worlds, the Dilgar demand one of the nicest ones in Centauri space. Londo shook his head. It was just another thing that had gone wrong.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Uraniun235 »

Your unauthorized incursion into Earth Alliance territory - on a mission of war against an Earth Alliance ally, no less - is completely unacceptable. Earth Alliance hereby terminates it's treaty with the Dilgar, effective IMMEDIATELY.

Withdraw your starships from Earth Alliance space immediately.
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Post by brianeyci »

Marxis Corporate Headquarters

"...and the termination of the treaty with the Dilgar illustrates the hypocracy of President Alshain. Not only does he leave for a four month pleasure cruise in the far reaches of Earth Alliance territory to mingle with his friends the Minbari and Vorlons rather than stay on Earth in this crucial time of expansion, but he angers an alien power based on the arrival of ten scout class vessels, completely unarmed except for their crew's hand weapons. What does he think the Dilgar will do, fire their peashooters from spacesuits at battleships?"

"What does he expect to do out there with the aliens? Appease them with more Earth Alliance territory? This President's Vorlon Voodoo is a testament to his administration's lack of determination and willpower."

"The only conclusion is that Alshain terminated the alliance with the Dilgar to bully the Corporate Sector into doing the same. Perhaps Alshain is jealous of the success I have had personally with the Dilgar and the Centauri. Well, cutting off billions of credits worth of trade in a blind vendetta is not intelligent Mr. President."

"As well, the Corporate Sector is pleased to announce the final retrofits of the Iowa, Arleigh Burke and Spruance class vessels nearly completed. On completion of all retrofits and installation of fire control systems, the Corporate Sector will hand over all these vessels to the Earth Alliance to honor the final obligation the Corporate Sector has with the Felgercarb Act--that is, Section One Article Six that stipulates we provide Earth with adequate defense. We have already declared independence, but our obligation predates our declaration of independence. Humanity will finally have a navy capable of protecting herself, despite Alshain's desperate attempts to catch up with ad-hoc military spending after years of downsizing."

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Post by Uraniun235 »

"We have made no secret of the fact that transit through Earth Alliance space by military vessels must be preceded by filing a flight plan with Earthforce Space Control. The Dilgar willingly - blatantly violated EA territory with ships clearly registered as military vessels. Furthermore, we recieved reliable reports that these ships were engaged in a mission against nations allied with Earth. To allow these ships free passage through Earth Alliance space would be tantamount to condoning these actions. We have not intervened in their conflict but we will not serve as a galactic highway for conquest and destruction.

The simple fact, ladies and gentlemen, is that if Earthdome had not taken a hard stance against the intrusion of Dilgar forces, Marxis would at this very moment be ranting about how he thinks we don't care about security and how my administration continues to bow to the whims of alien nations. The simple fact is that Marxis engages in the worst kind of propaganda, twisting any situation to serve his perverse agenda of galactic conquest and domination.

The simple fact is that Marxis is a liar. The Earth Alliance has never conceded territory to any galactic power, nor do we ever intend to do so. We are continuing our fleet construction program, and when it is completed we will have the most effective star fleet in the galaxy. Earth Alliance broke the treaty with the Dilgar so as to ensure that Earthforce's IFF systems would not impede our ability to enforce territorial integrity against the Dilgar intruders, not out of any desire to exert pressure on the Corporate Sector. When the Dilgar force has left we will be more than willing to renegotiate trade agreements with the Dilgar."
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Post by brianeyci »

"I have here an official communication between the Earth Alliance and the Minbari Federation from several years ago. These communications are a matter of public record. The Earth Alliance had entered the Minbari's home system, and the Minbari Federation immediately declared the nebula system nearby off limits to Earth Alliance vessels. You can independently verify with the Minbari Ambassador that Earth Alliance vessels are still not allowed to traverse the Gorash system."

"If that is not a concession of territory, then perhaps Alshain is rewriting history to suit his own legacy."

"As for the Corporate Sector's plans for galactic dominance, I would remind Alshain if it were not for the Corporate Sector's generous gift to the Earth Alliance, Earthforce would be no match for the alien threat. Our battleships, cruisers and destroyers have been completed for some time now, and if we desired galactic dominance, we would have engaged in aggression. The Narns, the Centauri and the Dilgar would be at our heels now. No, this is obviously Alshain's leftist handlers trying to paint Big Business as the bully, the aggressor. It worked in the election campaign, but it won't work now--people have wised up to your act Alshain. You can't blame us for your problems now that we're not part of the Earth Alliance."

"Despite Alshain's blatant personal attacks, I will continue to serve the best interests of humanity and order the transfer the Spruance, Arleigh Burkes and Iowas to Earthforce in at most one standard year. Mankind will be prepared for alien invasions, whether or not Alshain is in bed with them."

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