18-Till-I-Die wrote:What is all this DRM/Starforce stuff?
Is this some of that stuff about anti-piracy or something?
Sorry if this is like an obvious question, but i've never heard of it.
DRM = Digital Rights Management, or enforcing the copyright on digital media through software (like WMP's media licenses)
Starforce = software "company" that combines the worst of AOL and Real yet manages to exist on it's own level of utter assholishness. They sell copyright protection software that is not only poorly designed but also
highly invasive. Install a Starforce-protected game and you will probably see any or all of the following : system errors, hardware failures, sudden driver death, random reboots, or worse.
Recently, they actively encouraged people to pirate Galactic Civilizations II, simply because the game doesn't use traditional copy protection.
They even linked to working torrents of the game on their own board.