So okay, you could theoretically kill all the Sith ghosts, kill all the Sith, and destroy the Sith records. That ought to do it!
Edit: Yeah that page is neat but contains some notable errors (just skimmed it briefly)
Sidious dissolved the Republic, founded the Empire, and for the first time ever, secured the Sith as the rulers of the galaxy.
Once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy... - Palpatine, ROTS
And technically it was re-organized not "dissolved."
The first great battle of the Galactic Civil War was the Battle of Yavin.
The opening crawl of ANH establishes that the Rebellion had just won their first victory against the Empire, so unless it wasn't a "great battle" this is incorrect.
He was restored by several operations that made him half man, half machine.
We only saw one "operation" and he was put into the full suit, but maybe you could say several operations were going on at once or something. The only thing that changes with his suit later is that his mask becomes asymetrical and the should armor becomes seperated to the arm portions (and he fills out into a muscular man!). Getting a facelift and some powder on his nose probably doesn't count.
Darth Sidious blamed the Clone Wars on the corruption of the Republic and used the special emergency powers granted to him during the wars to name himself Emperor.
Did he really? I thought he just justified it on the grounds that they needed a safe and secure society, after the foiling of the "Jedi Rebellion" and attempted assasination. Of course this would have to be propaganda, because Sideous knew he started the Clone Wars himself in order to weaken his enemies and consolidate his power. And what makes him think that the emergency powers had a clause saying he could name himself Emperor? He promised to "lay down" those powers when the crises had abbated, which he didn't (but maybe that was just a campaign promise, not law). I have a feeling that everything he did up to this point was legal (well except for organizing all those assasinations and starting the war in the first place!), but taking that last step was only possible because all his enemies were dead or on the run. Nobody was left to oppose him (for all he knew anyway).
Just as they had been born 25,000 years ago, the Sith were born again in the halls of the Jedi Council. This happened 1000 years before the events of Episode I.
He gives us a retcon, and now the Sith were first "born" the same time as the Jedi Order? Is that anywhere close to the "real" official retcon? Just when exactly did the Republic form, since the Jedi are supposed to predate it? Let me guess, the Jedi Order, Republic, AND Sith Order were now formed multiple times...
The history of the Sith starts almost twenty-five millennia before the events of Star Wars: Episode I. The Jedi Order formed during this time along with the creation of the Galactic Republic.
I thought so!
[speaking of the Sith war with the Jedi]The war was brutal but short and played out over several small battles.
1,000 years is
short?! But he later contradicts himself on the same page:
After thousands of years of war and mistakes, the Jedi were determined to never again let the Sith rise.
Oh so now it was thousand
s of years of war with the Sith. Oops.
That revenge finally came almost two hundred years later, when a senator from the peaceful planet of Naboo rose to power as Chancellor of the Republic.
What the---- 200 years? Bane arose 1,000 years before TPM! How old is Palpatine?!
That revenge finally came almost two hundred years later, when a senator from the peaceful planet of Naboo rose to power as Chancellor of the Republic.
Corrupted by their newfound knowledge and the brutality of the war they had just won, the two Jedi renounced the Order, became Sith and changed their names to Darth Revan and Darth Malak -- master and apprentice.
I haven't played the KOTOR series, but what is the logic in "changing" your name by simply adding "Darth" in front of it? I'm sure he meant just granting yourself a title. That's like saying I changed my name from Kurgan to Darth Kurgan. Technically correct, but not much of a change since in the same article he says the Sith use "Darth" to hide their true identities. Then again there is a kind of Star Wars logic to it, Obi-Wan Kenobi hiding his true identity by changing his name to "Old Ben" Kenobi.
In the Jedi Order, each Jedi student makes a journey to get Illium Crystals for the lightsaber they will one day build. This journey is considered a rite of passage. As a result, Jedi sabers are many different colors depending on the crystals they find.
And all of those colors end up being blue or green. I sense a black-market cheating ring for Jedi students.
A lot of his images are mislabelled as well...
Well anyway, I'm sure he tried.
One quick nitpick for EU-philes: One of the things I remember from the first EU book I ever read, "Heir to the Empire" was that Jedi spirits couldn't stay around forever. So a few years after ROTJ, Obi-Wan had to rejoin the Force or something (he first started talking to Luke mere moments after his death, and appeared three years later). Qui Gon only appeared some 23 years after his death (then again I forget if he actually appeared or only spoke to Yoda). So how can Exar Kun appear 4,000 years after his death? Or has this Zahn idea just been done away with? (not that I'd miss it)