I do have to say it is silly to assume that ships will not be performing at least evasive maneuvering during battle. A ship designed to be "small, super fast, lightly armed/armored" of equal point value (and comparative capability) to a hulking armored juggernaut that uses its higher defense and offense against the other ships maneuverability should result in a fight that could go either way.Spyder wrote:That doesn't happen automatically. If someone attacks one of your ships and you respond with a post that simply says "return fire" and nothing else, it will be assumed that your ship is standing still while returning fire. When you describe the battle you do actually have to specify what your ships are doing.
Therefore, it is my opinion that point value should determine the outcome of encounters, unless special tactics or situations are used, and the appearance of the ships should be determined by the tech level, culture and other fluff of the race that built it.
But a ship of equal size, design, technology etc but with one having a much better trained crew would be more effective and cost more resources resulting in a higher point value.Also, having point values dictate training and competence makes no sense because a 100 point dreadnought isn't necessarily going to have a more competent crew then a 4 point frigate.
I am not talking anything game effecting it is simply background and fluff, a way to flesh out the story. Race A is super high tech and makes a bunch of 100 point warships with mass produced crews from Alabama would be just as effective as Race B with lesser tech building a 100 point warship that is twice the size (because of less ability to make everything smaller) and a crew that spent years in training and are among the best that race has to offer.
They both have different tech levels, far different sizes and different quality of crews (which means being able to make the most of what they have) but in terms of a 1v1 encounter they would be equal.