Crap... I'm happy Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3, and Donkey Kong 64 will be on there. Overjoyed in fact. But I never did get to play Banjo-Kazooie and wanted to try it. And a lot of people were looking forward to GoldenEye.
No Rare on Revolution's Virtual Console
According to sources from the GDC last week.
by Robert Hiskey
March 28, 2006 - Over the weekend, Matt Cassamassina of IGN Revolution (and IGN Cube) posted in his blog that he had talked to some "Rare / Microsoft people" who confirmed to him that Rare's classic titles will not appear on the Revolution's Virtual Console. That means no Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and (gasp) GoldenEye 007 will NOT be downloadable for play on Revolution. The GoldenEye situation is a little different than the rest, as it needs approval from both Rare and Electronic Arts, who currently owns the rights to the James Bond franchise, in order to appear on the Virtual Console. While EA would likely give its approval, Rare will not.
Not all is lost, however. Rare-developed games to which Nintendo owns the rights will still appear on the Virtual Console. That means you can expect to see games like the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, Donkey Kong 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and others. There are also a few franchises whose statuses are unknown (it is unclear whether Nintendo or Rare owns the rights), such as Blast Corps..
While it's certainly sad that we won't get all of our favorite Rare titles on the Virtual Console, it's not surprising, as Rare is now owned by Microsoft. It's not hard to imagine that Microsoft will offer Rare's games via Xbox Live Arcade in the future. Also worth noting is the rumor that Rare is in development with a new Banjo-Kazooie title for the Xbox 360.
Source: Matt-IGN's Blog
I wonder, though, since EA owns the franchise, if Nintendo could get EA to release it, perhaps Rare would have to...