Oblivion Sidequests [SPOILERS]

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Post by Sidious »

There's a town south of Chorrol called Hackdirt. It's the source of the 'start a fight in a church, guy runs home to get his sword and raise a posse' story.
Interesting...I took the quest to rescue the lizard girl but it was a little different. I arrived in Hackdirt in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm. The town was deserted. Was very creepy. I checked every house, the inn, and the church. Read the book in the church and put it in my inventory. Found a trap door to the caverns where I was immediatley attacked by a crazed shirtless wood elf. A ways into the cavern I found the prisoner lizard girl. I left her in her cage and explored deeper, the town villagers were all together around a fire talking to eachother. So I went back, free'd the girl and went back up to the surface. Found her horse and walked her back to her mother without incident. I was planning on returning to the town in the daylight. I guess they all go underground at night.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

Head on over to the Shrine of Sanguine, far south of chorrol (somewhat near Weatherleah, SW I think), and bring a bottle of Cryrodillic brandy. Sanguine will send you on a great quest. Just a tip, a nice outfit and a kind voice will be rather helpful here (as will a potion of invisibility or two, make sure to drop it first ;) )
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Post by Vympel »

I'm not nearly as far into the game as everyone else seems to be (I'm only Level 5, have spent the last few game days fighting in the Arena and exploring the city- Warrior rank at the moment) but if you want a fun little low level quest that's amusing, take a nap in the inn that's on a boat at the Waterfront on Imperial City. Hilarious little quest.

Just a tip- though the last part is a bitch because of your fatigue getting sapped, you don't have to fight, and you still get the sword :)
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Post by Mr Bean »

Thief guild quests are kinda-sorta fun.

Getting Rid of Lex is great however, best so far.

To get rid of an annoying City Guard Captian you have to get him re-assigned to some far-off town.

To do this you must, A-Steal the Letter of recommend Guardsmen, Then, B take it to be Forged and changed around so instead of all those other people it recommends Lex(The annyoing good guy) as the best man for the job, then drop the thing off, all without being seen stealing the letter or delivering it.

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Post by Arrow »

While its part of the main quest, I had an absolute blast going Conan on the Mythic Dawn cultist at their shrine. To hell with the sneaking shit, just kick the door down and go in swinging! Half the bastards took-off fleeing, trying to get a way from me. They didn't get very far...
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Arrow wrote:While its part of the main quest, I had an absolute blast going Conan on the Mythic Dawn cultist at their shrine. To hell with the sneaking shit, just kick the door down and go in swinging! Half the bastards took-off fleeing, trying to get a way from me. They didn't get very far...
Yeah. I gave up with infiltrating after a few failed attempts. Wasn't really my character's style anyways.
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Post by Xon »

Hmm, there are these stone pilars which give you free greater powers.

+20 to illusion & +20 to alchemy for 120 seconds is very nice
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Post by Alferd Packer »

How to get the Skelton Key:

First, be level 10. Once you do that, fast travel to the NE gate at the city wayyy south, the one south of Bravil. Head out the road and go north (the river should be on your left). Follow the road for about half the distance to Bravil and you'll see the Nocturnal Shrine on your left. I went at night, just cuz, but I don't know if it matters. You talk to the shrine, let her ramble on, she gives you the quest.

Head back south to the city (the one that begins with L), chat with someone to learn about a few new arrivals. I think they're those cat things, or maybe the lizard things. Whatever. When your quest log gets updated, you'll know you've found the right people. When you talk to them, you basically find out that they ain't talking. Tail them until you hear them talking to each other, and they'll reveal the location of the stolen orb thingy. Head off to the cave (just SE of the city), fight a couple animals/maybe a troll), grab the orb, and bring it back to the Nocturnal shrine. The shrine rambles on again, and gives you the Skelton Key as a reward. Piece of cake.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:
Arrow wrote:While its part of the main quest, I had an absolute blast going Conan on the Mythic Dawn cultist at their shrine. To hell with the sneaking shit, just kick the door down and go in swinging! Half the bastards took-off fleeing, trying to get a way from me. They didn't get very far...
Yeah. I gave up with infiltrating after a few failed attempts. Wasn't really my character's style anyways.
Ah, but it was mine! I just pickpocketed my bow and arrow from the guy who took my stuff, killed him, then looted his corpse for my things and killed everyone else in the room without them being any the wiser.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I just killed Umbra.

With a Steel Arrow.

One Steel Arrrow.

Shot into her ankle.

All hail 100 Sneak.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

I hear tell that if you don't buy the level 100 summon spell from Bruma before you do the Mage Guild quests, you're sorta screw'd, anyone happen upon the rank 100 summon spell (I think it's Dremora Lord, but don't quote me on it) someplace other than the Bruma mages guild?
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

I done b0rked the Fighter's Guild. :?

I'm stuck on the mission from the Orc in Cheydinhal where you need to investigate the will-o'-wisps in the Swampy Cave near Harlun's Watch. I killed them, then investigated the cave but the arrow takes me to a room with skeletons and corpses, but nothing happens. I checked the chest and all the bodies, but there's nothing to do insofar as I can tell.
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Post by Darth Quorthon »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:I done b0rked the Fighter's Guild. :?

I'm stuck on the mission from the Orc in Cheydinhal where you need to investigate the will-o'-wisps in the Swampy Cave near Harlun's Watch. I killed them, then investigated the cave but the arrow takes me to a room with skeletons and corpses, but nothing happens. I checked the chest and all the bodies, but there's nothing to do insofar as I can tell.
Odd... Seeing the room full of Skeletons should trigger a journal entry that says the villagers were eaten by trolls.

Anyway, you have to sanitize the cave...kill all of the trolls, to complete the quest. Have you killed all of the trolls yet?
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

All of them in that area. I'll clear out the neighbouring cave area too.

Anyways, problem on another character: The Dark Brotherhood Draconis family quest is impossible. I managed to whack four of the five members in increasingly unsatisfactory ways due to the general awfulness of that particular quest in combination with psychic guards and such. But I cannot find any way to kill Caelin in Leyawiin without getting a 1000+ bounty. She can't be provoked like some of the others, she's always in town surrounded by people and guards, and nothing I have ever done has gotten poisoned apples to work. There are no scripted ways to kill her that I know of, unlike many of the previous missions, so I'm stumped.

This is particularly irking in that my character is a No. 47 style assassin, as opposed to sneaky Sam Fisher style. Bloodbaths and messy hits are so... crude.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:All of them in that area. I'll clear out the neighbouring cave area too.

Anyways, problem on another character: The Dark Brotherhood Draconis family quest is impossible. I managed to whack four of the five members in increasingly unsatisfactory ways due to the general awfulness of that particular quest in combination with psychic guards and such. But I cannot find any way to kill Caelin in Leyawiin without getting a 1000+ bounty. She can't be provoked like some of the others, she's always in town surrounded by people and guards, and nothing I have ever done has gotten poisoned apples to work. There are no scripted ways to kill her that I know of, unlike many of the previous missions, so I'm stumped.

This is particularly irking in that my character is a No. 47 style assassin, as opposed to sneaky Sam Fisher style. Bloodbaths and messy hits are so... crude.
How did I do it? Ah, yes... it was after the Mystic Dawn quest, so what I did was find one of those mooks nearby, he chased me to her, and she and him fought. I crouched down and the second she killed him, I sneak-attacked her in the back with a blade, which killed her. No bounty. :)
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Post by Seggybop »

I killed her right after she got into bed. Sneak attack from a shadow, one hit kill, no witnesses ^^
(actually, the room was full of witnesses, but since I was in the shadow no one seemed to notice.)
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