RotS Force Sub: Windu in the Senate Area.

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Post by SVPD »

Pax Britannia wrote:Palpatine could have used the force to throw his lightsabre into Windus heart from that positon. He is also so close I doubt Windu would have time to react.

Anyway on the DVD Lucas says Palpatine lost fair and square so thats good enough for me. I just like to question the way these fights are shown sometimes.
I believe that was already addressed here once, but:

Why do Vader, in ROTJ, and Yoda fighting the clones outside of the Jedi Temple in ROTS need to throw the sabres with their arms? Why do we never see anyone use this "force throw of the sabre" technique?
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Post by Pax Britannia »

Because looks cooler if they throw it. I'm afaraid its probably that simple :D
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Post by SVPD »

Pax Britannia wrote:Because looks cooler if they throw it. I'm afaraid its probably that simple :D
Ummm... suspension of disbelief?
Shit like this is why I'm kind of glad it isn't legal to go around punching people in the crotch. You'd be able to track my movement from orbit from the sheer mass of idiots I'd leave lying on the ground clutching their privates in my wake. -- Mr. Coffee
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Post by VT-16 »

To save up on Force-powers. Seriously, the Force may be trippy magical shit, but the people wielding it don't run perpetually, you know.

"For a Jedi, it is time to eat, as well." :P

It's like when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan need to make a quick escape, they use Force-run (or whatever that's called), but when Obi-Wan is racing after maul and Qui-Gon, he runs normally. It's all a matter of knowing when to expound the effort to use the Force and when not to.
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Post by FOG3 »

Pax Britannia wrote:Palpatine could have used the force to throw his lightsabre into Windus heart from that positon. He is also so close I doubt Windu would have time to react.
I pretty sure all the serious Force throws we see have involved the Force user pulling back their arm and clearly putting some effort into it. If he tries the other manipulation which seems both slower and a lot less powerful, I suspect Mace could just send the now unheld lightsaber to the other side of the room with a blow from his own and then Palps would probably be in trouble. Or he could do a Force application on a perpendicular vector causing it to miss enough he could dodge, and then kill Palpatine.

Unless someone can show me that he's got Treya's trick down, which I really doubt, why would Palp pulling something like that not be likely to badly backfire on him? No one in the movies has the kind of fine control and mastery, miss I-gave-up-use-of-my-eyes does so I really doubt he can pull that trick.
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Post by Darth Servo »

SVPD wrote:
Pax Britannia wrote:Palpatine could have used the force to throw his lightsabre into Windus heart from that positon. He is also so close I doubt Windu would have time to react.

Anyway on the DVD Lucas says Palpatine lost fair and square so thats good enough for me. I just like to question the way these fights are shown sometimes.
I believe that was already addressed here once, but:

Why do Vader, in ROTJ, and Yoda fighting the clones outside of the Jedi Temple in ROTS need to throw the sabres with their arms? Why do we never see anyone use this "force throw of the sabre" technique?
Because Force + muscle > force alone? Maybe the combination gets more precision? Maybe because its more natural, more instinctive to throw something with your arm than wave your hand around.
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Post by Surlethe »

Darth Servo wrote:Maybe because its more natural, more instinctive to throw something with your arm than wave your hand around.
I think it's fairly well established that the Force is psychosomatic; it's a natural extension, then, that one would need to make a throwing motion when throwing something with the Force.
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Post by FOG3 »

Darth Servo wrote:If Yoda is in the first fight and wins, Anakin doesn't turn to the dark side. Yoda probably wouldn't try to execute Palpatine on the spot the way Mace did and Anakin has a lot more respect for Yoda than he has for Mace.
That could lead to interesting places.

Anakin: You can't kill him, he must stand trial.

Yoda (does the Force knock out maneuver): And so he shall.


Later, Jedi temple, Council Chamber with Palpatine in a Force Cage.

Yoda: Sums up the evidence for your crimes that does. Strip you of the Force and turn you over to the Courts we now will.

Palpatine: Noooooo!
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Post by Mobiboros »

Meest wrote:
PaxBritannia wrote:Here's a pic
Can see in that shot that Palpatine is fully extended and Windu has inches of clearance. If Palps tried to actually hit Windu and misses, he would be completely open for getting his arm chopped off or worse. If you're going to be inside someone's guard you don't want to be fully extended even with something as dangerous as lightsabres.
To add to this. Not only is his arm fully extended but he's already shifted weight to his front foot. He was at maximum extension and full lunge already. Additionally, Windu is in the perfect place to easily void (A step back with his left foot would take him completely out of Palpatines line) and parry the attack (His lightsaber can rotate up quickly and sweep the blade well clear). This isn't Palpatine toying with Windu, this is a shot of Palpatine misjudging the distance and underestimating Windu's skill.
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Post by Aquatain »

To me it dosen't seem like a good idea to disarm yourself by throwing your lightsaber against a enemy that have both precognition and telekinetic ability's.
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