With Justice For None (Nalifan and Company)

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Post by Rogue 9 »

LadyTevar wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote: I didn't say that because the Fire Knives suck; I say it because Gaheris doesn't. By level he's a match for the Grandfather of Assassins; by abilities he's probably more than such because the Grandfather of Assassins is an old man.
*now* who's being vain and arrogant?
Is it arrogant if it's true? :P I simply said he doesn't suck, not that he's the best around.

As for accepting the aid of a Dweomer Keeper, he would and gladly.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Rogue 9 wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote: I didn't say that because the Fire Knives suck; I say it because Gaheris doesn't. By level he's a match for the Grandfather of Assassins; by abilities he's probably more than such because the Grandfather of Assassins is an old man.
*now* who's being vain and arrogant?
Is it arrogant if it's true? :P I simply said he doesn't suck, not that he's the best around.

As for accepting the aid of a Dweomer Keeper, he would and gladly.
Now, if it was Nalifan saying that, you would call him Arrogant ;)
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Rogue 9 »

LadyTevar wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:
LadyTevar wrote: *now* who's being vain and arrogant?
Is it arrogant if it's true? :P I simply said he doesn't suck, not that he's the best around.

As for accepting the aid of a Dweomer Keeper, he would and gladly.
Now, if it was Nalifan saying that, you would call him Arrogant ;)
I'm not Gaheris. :P
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Rogue 9 wrote: I didn't say that because the Fire Knives suck; I say it because Gaheris doesn't. By level he's a match for the Grandfather of Assassins; by abilities he's probably more than such because the Grandfather of Assassins is an old man.
True, but considering the way assassin's fight is poisoned crossbow bolt to the back from twenty yards away, his level is less relevant than in a sword duel.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

I thought the Fire Knives disdained crossbows and garrotes as "brutish." :wink:
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Rogue 9 wrote:I thought the Fire Knives disdained crossbows and garrotes as "brutish." :wink:
I don't recall any reference to that. Source?
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"Nal," Kaeryn said after a moment of silence, "do you ever miss not having a childhood?"

"As humans have it? Or at least Dalesfolk?"


"No, but perhaps that is because of what it made me."

"Power again."

He smiled. "Yes."

"Nal, has it ever made you happy? I see you and this house and I see what you choose for your life. A library full of books, a dining room with good food, cats underfoot, servants who are closer to retainers, loyal companions-"

Nalifan put his finger across her lips. "Splendid companions. And you are right about all those things Kaeryn. But I took this place by force, killing those who killed at will throughout Sembia. My servants serve me because I gave them the option after killing their kuo-toa masters. Thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of Dalesfolk live because me and mine engineered the deaths of those that would harm them. Everything I have is built on slaughter, even the wealth that my family invested in my training came from death."

"There is a difference between goodness and weakness," she said. "You're smart enough to know that."

"Indeed. Virtue did not save the Miyeritar. Virtue did not save the victims of the Illithid Empire. Virtue quivers in fear of the ending of the Blood War when the winners turn their eyes on the rest of the mulitiverse. Virtue does not rule Toril, Ao the Uncaring does."

"All of that is true and none of it is an answer. You are strong, I am strong, Elminster of Shadowdale is strong. You have power. What makes you happy? I don't see the house of a cruel or a cold man."

"There is truth in what you say, but not the whole truth. There are things we do not discuss. Do you really want to talk about them?"

"How can you be both so kind and so cruel?"

"You already now," he said. "You supress it or don't acknowledge it or you lie to yourself about it. You adventure. You risk your life in interesting ways. You know the thrill of victory, the ecstacy of destroying your enemies. It isn't alien to you, you just don't embrace it."

There was silence for a moment. The moment streatched on. "How long have you known Imizael?" he asked at last.

"Just met her earlier today."

"Really? You seemed quite friendly."

"We just seemed to get along really well." He eyes narrowed. "A spell."

"Yes, a working of high magic. It boosts her powers in the same way that the Crown of Sorcery enhances mine, but hers must obviously has other properties. A very useful spell for a woman who has chosen to diplomat navigating such unfavorable terrain."

"Is that admiration I hear in your voice?"

He smiled. "Perhaps. An intelligent and useful application of skill and power to achieve her goals. And her goals are 'good', so you should approve as well."

"Hmm. How good is she?"

"At high magic? From the working of her spell, she's better than I am."

"For someone whose life revolves around power that doesn't seem to bother you."

"That she is more powerful is the truth. She isn't the enemy. And if she was, Szarida was more powerful than any of us and look what that got her. But enough talk about her." He stroked her cheek. "I find the woman in front of me vastly more interesting."

"Do tell."

"I'm sorry if I hurt you. Pain is so useful for instruction, but it is not something I wish to share with my lovers. Let me make it up to you."

Her eyes sparkled. "I don't know. You'll have to work hard at that."

"Then I had better get started now," he whispered, their lips almost touching.
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"I don't like this," Morfindel muttered. "Too likely to be a trap."

"I don't like it either," Gaheris replied. "I like letting them killing Acoros and his people less. The House of Ilmater is a hospice and a shelter not a fortress. If they could crack the Abbey, they'll cut through there a dragon through orcs."

They had gotten a message to Acoros earlier, but the Healing Hand had refused to change his routine. He was prepared to be martyred in the course of providing for the most desperate and needy people in the city. He was not prepared to yield one iota. Gaheris thought the decision was foolish even as he respected the tough old man's determination. His people were just as determined. They would stay with their leader even as he asked them to leave. They would not break faith.

He had considered asking the priests of Lathandar to help guard the House of Ilmater, but eventually he had been forced to discard the idea. Priests leaving would have been noticed and the House of the Morning Lord was almost under siege itself. By doing so he was tipping his hand and either way he was leaving one place exposed to the force that cracked the Abbey.

Morfindel drifted to the side. There were only a few options of where to hide. Inside the House of Ilmater was an option, but the enemy would be expecting trouble from that direction. The sewers could be used, but visibility, hearing, and mobility would be restricted. The roofs were an option, but roof top perches were too easily discovered by a single vampire scout in batform or Night Mask roof stalker. None of the options were good.

So they had settled on disguise. The House had more than a few beggars and street folk nearby. The House of Ilmater could shelter only so many, but it was easier to convince people to open their purses or get a hot meal nearby. It was also safer. So a pair of dirty beggars hunkered down sharing a ratty blanket while a third sat against the opposite wall. Every way was covered by a pair of eyes.

The sun set and the Selune rose, attended by her Tears. The heat slowly drained away. Maybe nothing would happen. Maybe it would. They waited, feigning distrustful weariness and sleep. A cool wind blew in from the sea, carrying strands of fog with it and the night wore on.

Most lights had been snuffed long ago and people were sound asleep in their beds when it happened. A blast of lighting smote the unlocked doors of the House of Ilmater and continued on inside. Screams came from within and a dozen men appeared in the middle of the street.

Seven were facing the House of Ilmater and wore black armour and the livery of Tyrn and Torm. Another four watched their comrades rear. Sandwitched between them was a hooded figure wearing loose fitting black clothes. A very familiar figure lead the Banites wielding a spiked mace and a silver rod topped with gold. Crisen's killer. Their formation screamed that they were expecting trouble from other directions.

Green mist materialized in front of the Banites and drifted forward through the shattered doors. Poison gas. The Banites were going to murder scores to kill the few priests that were their targets. The weakest, most vulnerable, most desperate people in a hard, corrupt city were now being coldly murdered en masse because it was the most convienent way of doing things.

Morfindel's crossbow was first, targeting the man in cloth. An inch from his head it bounced away harmlessly. Gaheris's knife rebounded from his back a second latter. Of course the mage was protected by spells. This was going to be nasty. He drew Bright Edge and charged.

Astinius wove magic and the deadly cloud vanished at the threshold of the door. An atrocity prevented, scores of lives saved. For now. Two of the Banites conjured whips of bloody red energy and lashed out with them. One missed Gaheris, the other was batted away by his blade.

The leader unleashed lightning from his rod again. More scream came from within. The warrior beside hims tossed three golden orbs the size of marbles inside. Flames blew back out through the doorway, accompanied by more screams.

Morfindel reloaded and fired, putting an enscrolled bolt through a Banite's thigh. He toppled. Gaheris gripped Bright Edge in a two handed grip and swun, mongoose quick. He struck a Banite in the side of the head, denting the enscrolled plate armour with the force of his blow. The Banites fell, stunned or worse. Gaheris didn't pause. Only one more in the way and then he would be on the mage. Astinius would block the mage's spells. Once the mage was down they would kill them all with sword and spell.

Acoros came through the doorway, wrapped in a silver aura almost too bright to look upon. He wore a shimmering breastplate and glowing sceptre. The old man had decided to stay, but he had taken precautions.

A column of emerald fire descended from the sky and engulfed him. The steps of the House of Ilmater cracked and blackened. Acoros stepped out of the inferno and spoke a word of power. The front rank of Banites fell to their knees, all but their leader bearing the silver and gold rod.

Gaheris dodged a mace blow and hacked the Banite in the thigh. Bright Edge bit deep, cutting through plate and drawing blood. The Banite fell. Now there was no one between him and the mage. Killing magic distorted the air between them, but Astinius nullified it. Morfindel downed another Banite trying to flank him, sending him sprawling with a bolt in the gut. In another moment or two and it would all be over but the clean up.

Fire encircled his leg and he fell. The thigh shot Banite still wielded his whip of tamed lightning and had dragged Gaheris down. The mage retreated a step and uttered another spell. Both the lash around his leg and the mage's spell vanished. Gaheris fought the pain and regained his feet.

Black flames consumed Acoros. Not even ash was left. The Banite turned towards Gaheris pointing at him with both rod and mace. "Behold the power of mercy!" he sneered. Behind Astinius another warrior materialized out the mist. He wore black plate and carried an axe in each hand.

Elven ears caught the sound of shifting metal plates as he stepped forward to slay. Astinius fell under the swings as the vampire's axes bit air. Morfindel spun to intercept him. "Back Gaheris!" he yelled. So this was the Night Mask back up. A pretty damn good choice. Now Morfindel had to stop it from working.

"No holy water here, elf scum," the vampire growled as he advanced. Morfindel didn't have much ground to give and a stand up fight against a plate armoured vampire was suicide. Morfindel feinted. The vampire ignored it, walking forward and swinging his axes. The elf gave more ground. This was not going well.

Spells swam and shimmered in the air as Astinius countered his opponent's efforts. Gaheris lunged, his sword charged with power. The blade punched through the wizard's wards and sank into his guts. Gaheris twisted the blade and withdrew it, leaving the wizard to fall back screaming and holding in his intestines.

Morfindel ran out of room. An axe clipped his right thigh and a lightning fast follow up blow broke ribs in his chest. The elf fell, trailing blood. Morfindel rolled away to regain his feet, but the vampire was too quick. The armoured foot cracked ribs as he kicked Morfindel a half dozen yards into the steet.

Gaheris dodged the Banite's mace. The bastard was strong and fast and he had to watch out for the rod in his other hand. To make matters worse, most of the other Banites were in the process of recovering their feet. Unless things changed for the better he was going to be dead in a few more moments.

Astinius turned and filled the alley with a cone of azure flame. He was leaving Gaheris exposed to enemy magic, but the paladin wasn't without his own defences. The vampire staggered back, smoke coming from the joints and visor of his armour.

Gaheris dodged, parried another Banite, and rolled away. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a Banite preying over the wounded mage. This was lost. It stuck in his crawl, but it was lost. "Exit," he yelled in elvish and moved towards Morfindel. Astinius met them.

Time slowed. Spells were being chanted. In a moment they would be blasted with fire or worse. Astinius touched them both with gloved hands and finished his spell first. Emerald fire from the heavens and corrosive darkness struck the spot where they had been a moment before.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:I thought the Fire Knives disdained crossbows and garrotes as "brutish." :wink:
I don't recall any reference to that. Source?
Lords of Darkness; says it right in the organization description.
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Rogue 9 wrote: Lords of Darkness; says it right in the organization description.
Thanks. You know between Entreri and the Fire Knives I'm beginning to get an idea why FR assassins don't have that hot a track record. Now Malazan assassins, they know their business.
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Their style is more to gain their target's trust and then slip a stiletto in his ribs or poison in his food if necessary. The chances of that happening to Gaheris in these circumstances are, shall we say, low. :P
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Post by LadyTevar »

My my... he does know how to kiss and make up. :twisted:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by LadyTevar »

And Gaheris seems to know only how to fuck up. :roll: Did you manage to at least kill the mage?
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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LadyTevar wrote:And Gaheris seems to know only how to fuck up. :roll: Did you manage to at least kill the mage?
Damned if I know; he won't tell me. :P I would at least think the mage and the Imperceptor would each be worth a use of smite evil, but hey, I'm not the author. :wink:
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Post by LadyTevar »

Rogue 9 wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:And Gaheris seems to know only how to fuck up. :roll: Did you manage to at least kill the mage?
Damned if I know; he won't tell me. :P I would at least think the mage and the Imperceptor would each be worth a use of smite evil, but hey, I'm not the author. :wink:
Well, we were warned this story is going to be a gothic no-win situation. Like the best ShadowRun games, where all you did was give the corp exactly what it wanted.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Rogue 9 wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:And Gaheris seems to know only how to fuck up. :roll: Did you manage to at least kill the mage?
I would at least think the mage and the Imperceptor would each be worth a use of smite evil, but hey, I'm not the author. :wink:
Read it again. He didn't have a good shot at the Imperceptor so no smite. As for the mage, how does "Gaheris lunged, his sword charged with power" not sound like a smite evil? :P
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:And Gaheris seems to know only how to fuck up. :roll: Did you manage to at least kill the mage?
I would at least think the mage and the Imperceptor would each be worth a use of smite evil, but hey, I'm not the author. :wink:
Read it again. He didn't have a good shot at the Imperceptor so no smite. As for the mage, how does "Gaheris lunged, his sword charged with power" not sound like a smite evil? :P
Make it "his sword charged with HOLY power", and that would work better.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Bright Edge is charged with holy power all the time, even; it is, after all, a holy longsword. :wink: I'd assumed that was what he meant there.

I tend to describe smite evil in my writing as white holy energy surrounding the weapon (and occasionally glowing from the paladin's eyes, depending on how much drama and detail I want to add to the scene) and then discharging into the target (or just discharging, in the case of a miss), but again, I'm not the author.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by LadyTevar »

Either way, the fight scene was fantastic
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Indeed. Would be more so if we actually managed to kill someone. :P That gut-shot Banite might have bought it, but other than that it seems we were less than lethal...
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The sky began lighten as night shifted into the predawn hour. Imizael had finished her reviere and had was prowling the magnificent library that Nalifan had obtained through the expediant method of killing its former owner. It was two stories tall and dwarfed the dining room. Books, tomes, and maps from every era were catalogued in manner that eluded her for a moment, although certain subjects could be found grouped together. Numbers posted on the sides of shelves provided clues to the organization of the system.

"Its based on prime numbers," said Nalifan from behind her. The drow was wearing loose dark pants and tunic of violet silk. "The former owner had a fascination with primes."

"Ahh." It made sense now. Each subject was assigned a prime number and one found books on multiple subjects by multiply the respective primes together. "And you have kept it that way?"

"Yes. I can use it well enough and reorganizing all of this would take a tremendous effort."

"I had heard the former owner was an evil man."

"He butchered the followers of Torm and captured men and women to fight and die for his amusement throughout Sembia. That might make him evil, but he was as much dragon as man."

"Good and evil aren't important to you, are they?"

"No," he said, "they matter more to some people that I am pleased to call my friends, so I do pay attention. My apologies for not being a more attentive host, but I am currently juggling several serious matters."

"Five was the number you mentioned at dinner."

"Yes it was. I'm afraid I'm going to have to strip your companion from your side. Kaeryn has decided that at least one of those crisis merits her intervention." He drifted by bookshelf, paused, and removed a slim folio. Two more books followed it.

"You are lovers as well as friends." Imizael's statement was not a question.

"Not quite. It would be more accurate to say we are friends who will share a bed if the mood takes us and we are not breaking any commitments to others." He laid the books out on a table. "Since I have answered so many of your questions how about you answer some of mine. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to meet you."

"What agenda does it serve? Not mere curiousity. Certainly not interest in my magical skills. Your proficiency in high magic exceeds mine. How do I tie into your reconciliation project? I have no influence among the faerie and I won't bring anything desirable to the table should I suddenly decide to follow Eilistraee."

"Nothing desirable?"

"From the faerie point of view and we both know that. What is an arrogant drow arch-mage to them? Hardly something they desire. Yet you are interested in me, someone who might make negotiations that are already so troublesome that you work high magic to make yourself more likable. I'm not an asset to your goal. So why do I interest you?"

"Because we need to bring those like you into the fold. The ones who have broken partially away, but not rejected all of the ways they were raised in."

"That's only part of the truth, high mage. You want more than that."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you haven't told me why this reconcilliation matters to you. Its more than it being the right thing to do."

"Does everything in your world stem from selfish motives?"

"Evasion. No. Kaeryn is quite noble in her motives, I am not. Does it matter? Tens of thousands, to pick a conservative number, live better lives because of my admittedly mixed motives. What does my intent matter to them? Results matter. And you haven't answered my question. Why does this cause matter to you?"

"I would see the ancient rift healed."

Nalifan shook his head. "As you wish. Kaeryn and I will be leaving within the next few hours. I'm sure you can manage a means of transportation by then."

"Where are you going?"

"Why do you care?"

"Someone should."

He looked at her long and hard. There was too much here he didn't understand, but too much power not to consider seriously. "Westgate," he replied. "I'm going to save a city at the behest of my favorite former victim."

"Is that a joke?"

"No. The funny part is that my allies despise me for what I did to her. They haven't even considered how I must have treated everyone else. They just see the victim in front of them."

"You're proud of that."

"Of being smarter than almost everyone else? Of course I am. In my opinion it far better to be arrogant about actual gifts such as talent for wizardry or a brilliant mind than say considering your race the closest to the Seladrine. What are you proud of high mage? What are your deeds and accomplishments?"

"Do you alway bait people when frustrated?"

"Sometimes. It often works to my advantage."

"And if there is a better way?"

"A better way to what? Live?"


"Westgate doesn't need a gentle hand. It needs a cold hearted, ruthless calculating killer."

"Are you sure?"

"Drow noble houses have more than a little expertise on the subject of taking cities. Much of it applies to human ones as well. Yes, I'm sure."

"And if another way is better? If there is a wisdom besides cold hearted and ruthless cynicism?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"If it is?"

"If it is, the people of Westgate won't care who one this little arguement. They'll only care what city they live in after we are done. Gaheris won't care if you come to save the city out of the nobility of your heart or to prove me wrong, as long as you save it."

"You want me to go."

"Of course. You might think of something useful, but really I just want your power. Another arch-mage is always useful."

"That was blunt."

"I could lie, but you would know it to be a lie. Are you in or out?"

The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Imperial Overlord
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Razhal Ironhand gestured to his underlings as he entered the makeshift church.. "Get others to see to them," he ordered. The Banites took their wounded comrades and laid them along the walls.

High Imperceptor Belzur Koganeth strode towards him. "Imperceptor?" he asked dangerously.

"The mission was a success mightiness. Acoros is dead, his juniors with him. The House of Ilmater still stands, but it is marked by fire and death."

"Good. Good. I see you lost no one."

"It was a near thing. Gaheris interfered. Several were mortally wounded. If there had not been as many priests as there were immediately available we would have lost most of them."

"And Gaheris?"

"He and his men escaped."

"Those Night Mask fools allowed him to escape?"

"No, dread lord. One of his allies was a wizard. A very powerful one. He was able to teleport them to safety."

"How many of Gaheris's men did you kill?"

Looking into those dark, merciless eyes Razhal flinched. "None dread lord."

"So you did not fail." That was a trap. Technically Razhal had succeeded, but that wasn't enough.

"Gaheris and his men did not die."

"That can be remedied. Tell me about this mage."

"He was powerful enough to dispatch Trisakis with a single fire spell and he was able to succeed in countering every one of Nagreth's and my own spells that he attempted to block."

"Impressive. So Gaheris has enlisted the aid of a great mage that we had no previous knowledge of. This complicates things greatly. When I meet with our allies, I will promote Gaheris's death to our highest priority. He has managed to escape from you. Twice."

Razhal avoided flinching. "Yes lord. Acoros was a popular man. His death, after so many others, may cause a reaction."

"Riots you mean? That may very well happen. Rioters can be dealt with. They will, in fact, help deliver the rest of the city to us. They can be broken easily enough with fire magic and there is nothing like hearing your neighbour's daughter being gang raped to convince a man that a strong hand is needed to maintain public order. Even support a new order as long as it promised security." Belzur clenched his fist. "Who has a stronger hand than Bane?"

The priests exchanged toothy smiles and malicious delight glinted in their eyes. There was nothing sweeter and victory. Belzur uttered a single word. Razhal fell, his body wracked by pain but not a single word escaped his lips. "Do not allow Gaheris and his minions to escape you again. Punishing you is becoming tiresome."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by LadyTevar »

If he's annoyed at one wizard, just wait until he sees the rest of the party. :twisted:

I'm just waiting for the first time Kaeryn and Gaheris go head-to-head over Nalifan.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Rogue 9
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Post by Rogue 9 »

If I may point out, Torm evidently has a stronger hand than Bane, considering who killed whom. And he was a demigod at the time. :lol:
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Imperial Overlord
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Rogue 9 wrote:If I may point out, Torm evidently has a stronger hand than Bane, considering who killed whom. And he was a demigod at the time. :lol:
Depowered avatars hardly counts. But you can taunt Banites with it.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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