Did you go to your prom?

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I went, and I enjoyed it
I went, but I didn't enjoy it
I stayed home, and think I enjoyed myself more than I would have at Prom
I stayed at home, and wish I had gone now
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Did you go to your prom?

Post by Straha »

SImple question, did you go to your Prom?
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Post by Tsyroc »

I went and enjoyed it.

Our prom was on a paddle wheel river boat and it did a rather large circle on the Mississippi river for the several hours of our prom.

At the official after prom thing the school put on (to keep people from drinking) I won a $100 door prize. :)
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

I didn't and from what I've heard, some stupid shit happened that got everyone upset and riled up. So yes, I do believe I had a better time at home than at the prom.
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Post by RogueIce »

I went and had an ok time. Would have been better had my "date" (who I had paid for her ticket and such) not completely vanished the whole evening and I only saw her very briefly at the end.

Despite that rather large downer I did manage to find some friends and generally have a good time nonetheless (in retrospect at least; at the time I thought it was The Worst Night Ever, but that was high school me).
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Post by Durandal »

I went with a hot date, got some nice pictures out of it and had a decent time overall. But I certainly wouldn't say that it was worth the trouble or expense I went through.
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Post by Elheru Aran »

I was homeschooled. So no. :P

Though I did go to a few dances with a student organization here... probably doesn't count though.
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Post by Bertie Wooster »

I had a date, but she and I could tell we were both unenthused about the event. So I went to Chicago instead, and went around the city that weekend with a very nice girl I met there and had a wonderful weekend, and was glad I skipped prom.
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Post by Old Peculier »

Yep, went to both end of Secondary School prom (for 16 year olds), and to end of Sixth Form prom (18 year olds). Had a she-friend date for first, alone on second. Both were fun, but not amazing; although I certainly wouldn't have had more fun at home.

The second one was made more interesting by the fact that we went to a gay bar afterwards (a few of my friends are gay). It was surprisingly tame (stupid American Pie movie giving me strange ideas about gay bars *grumbles*).
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Post by Bertie Wooster »

Also, a few years after I graduated High School, I had been "seeing" a High School girl at my old high school, and she asked me to be her prom date. I said "sure," because she was very attractive, and I thought it was a nice opportunity for me to have a high school "prom" memory, but as the date approached I felt sketched out because I was in College, and thought it was on the margins for a college kid to be at a High School prom even if his date was 18.

So, about a week before the Prom, I told her I wouldn't be able to go (I was certain she'd be able to get a date), but her date ended up bailing on the day of the prom. She ended up going to prom with a female friend of hers from another town, and a year or two later I felt very regretful about not going with her, especially when she told me how she wished she could have shared her prom night with me. So when she was a sophomore in college I tried to make it up to her by giving her two tickets to a broadway show.

Basically, proms exist to stress out girls, it seems to me.
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Post by haas mark »

I actually can't vote in the poll, sort of. I didn't go to MY prom, but I went to my friend's, at a different high school.
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Post by Tinkerbell »

I went, but Steve didn't like dancing, didn't like me dancing with other people, didn't like the food, didn't want to do anything but sit there, etc... End result? Totally not worth it.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

Nope, I went to my then girlfriends though.
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Post by Korvan »

Was originally planning to go stag to m prom, but a friend of mine had just been dumped by her loser boyfriend, so I asked her. We had a good time, nothing spectacular.
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Post by LadyTevar »

I went Stag.. but still had a lot of fun
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I went to a school full of assholes, idiots, rednecks, Nazis, and dirtbags. Why would I willingly subject myself to that when I could stay home and cook goulash with my dad, then design a starship on the computer? :P

It also didn't help that I permanently removed myself from the household right before Winter Break was over literally a day before 2K1.
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Post by The Dark »

I went in an unusual circumstance. My date was a friend of mine whose boyfriend went to another school and was out of state during our Senior Prom, so we went together as friends. Had a fairly good time, did as little dancing as I could get away with (my bad knee was worse back then), got weirded out by people asking if the prom photos were wedding pictures.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

I went to am all boys school, that was mostly attened by scum bags and trouble makers. We didn't have a formal, and the girls school down the road was more like a creche.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I went. Took my "crush", had a great time, everyone was shocked at how hot my date was.
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Post by Pint0 Xtreme »

I could have gotten a girl to go with me just like so many other closeted gay high schoolers that do but that would have been totally boring and an utter waste of my time. Now if I had some cute guy to go with me... that would have been a different story.
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Post by Raw Shark »

I always said I wouldn't go, but then I got a girlfriend and she insisted and begged and promised to make it worth my while, so there I was. It wasn't a great life tragedy or anything, but it was definitely not good. The themesong was that Total Eclipse of the Heart bullshit, played over and over and over, and my date got 'a headache' that kept her from wanting to do much dancing or anything else young couples on prom night are known for. I dumped her Monday morning at school.

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Post by Mrs Kendall »

I went with my bofriend at the time and had a blast. They gave us a boat ride too and the only bad thing about it then was that I couldn't drink cause I didn't have adequate ID. But now that I know alcohol is not worth it I'm glad I stayed sober, I think I had more fun that way.

The after party thing was in a nice museum and was very fancy :) It was fun and I don't regret it at all.

I'm gonna fit into that dress again, I swear!! :lol:
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Post by Andrew J. »

No. And if I had I wouldn't have had a date, so I would have just drunk punch for three hours while wearing uncomfortable clothing.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

How is this exactly either about relationships or sex in any way?

Off to OT because it's a question about a point in High School.

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Post by Xess »

I stayed home and enjoyed it. Big parties like that don't sit well with me, I enjoyed my family get together and meal I got far more then I ever could have at the High School's booze fest.
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Post by Solauren »

$$$ waste of time, so I said "Oh Hell no!"

Hung out with friends, and I believe we kicked Draconic ass.

Much more fun then hanging out with people I didn't like, paying $50 for a diner that I could make for like $10, and listening to music I didn't like
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