Announcement wrote:The classification of warships in the Spacy will be different from this point on. While the old one was a real pain, the new system should be more intuitive. It is as follows: Mekidar Republic Ship (MRS) _ _-## Name.
Consider the flagship.
Old system: MRS-1 Pride of the Republic
New system: MRS DN-1 Pride of the Republic
I actually would like to know who came-up with the old system of having all our largest ships have the lowest numbers and the smallest the largest numbers. We have to renumber large portions of the fleet every time we build a new vessel. Gives people horrid headaches. Obviously, that guy was a complete moron.
We are dividing the fleet into two groups: line ships and cruisers. Line ships will retain their numbers. Cruisers will have 60 subtracted from each of their old numbers. Every new ship built will have the next available number in their group. For example, our six new cruisers have the numbers 116-121. Frigates will continue to derivate their numbers from their parent Destroyer.
Designations are as follows: Dreadnaught - DN, Battleship - BB, Destroyer - DD, Cruiser - CC, Missile Cruiser - MC, Light Missile Cruiser - LC, Frigate - FF
-The Grand Admiral
A conference room in Meklon's capital city.
Various high-ranking officials gather to discuss a developing situation.
The Defense Minister begins, "We recently recieved a communication from MRS-124... I mean, LC-64
Boulder. They set-up a comms link with a representative of X-3, but were interrupted shortly thereafter. They call themselves the Silver Flame, and their people are the Quelectin. The interruption occured because something happened in the next system over, 'Shearwater'. Apparently, something really big set-off the Flame's local sensors, and all the signs point to it being an armada of warships. The message ends with the ship's Captain saying that she is taking the iniciative and is going to investigate Shearwater herself." The Minister pauses for a few seconds, "It takes some time for messages to get to us. LC-64 is in Shearwater right now."
"Then at this time, there is little we can do at the moment but wait," the Princeps says. "Any options?"
"I suggest that we recall the warships doing cartography just outside our space, put the entire Spacy on alert, as well as the 1st, 5th, and 6th Fleets on deployment standby." says the Grand Admiral.
"Are you suggesting that we prepare to intervene? That is absurd! We have no business intervening in their affairs, and I see no benefit in doing so." the Defense Minister retorts.
"I am suggesting that we act sensibly and prepare for the worst."
"We know of three powers that border the Flame," interrups Asdvadz, the VGA(Op), "us, the Diem-noiy, and the Second Coming of the Arisians. We know that we're not attacking anyone at the moment, and the Diem-noiy seem too insular to seem responsible. If it is an armada of warships, we can reasonably assume it's the Arisians. What remains unknown, is whether it is a show of force or an actual invasion."
"Second Coming of the Arisians?" protested an intelligence officer. "We know X-2 rose in roughly the same area, and that the signals indicate that they
might use the same reality warping technology. But that does not mean that they
are the Arisians come back from oblivion."
"True, we don't know who they are, but refering to that nation as Arisia will do for now. Alert the Spacy and put the 1st, 5th, 6th, and 7th Fleets on deployment standby." The Princeps turns to the Assemblymen attending the meeting, "Inform the Assembly that they'll be briefed when we have more information."
The meeting adjourned, and Princeps Marcus called one of his secretaries. "Get the diplomatic team that talked with the Collective. What was the leader's name? Yes that's right, Grigorii. Pass the following message along to Grigorii:
"You are to go to the Collective immediately, contact the AIs, and tell them of the situation. Possible attack on Silver Flame space. We think the aggressors have a technology base similar to that of the Arisians. Unknown if it's them, or simply a new power rising in their stead. We are still unsure of what their intentions are, but if they're hostile, we might have a party. Can't guarantee there will be dancing, but would appreciate it if the Collective comes. If the AIs have a price, they only need name it. I'm giving you authority to accept or reject such things at your discretion. A lot of trust has been placed on you, don't blow it."
Some time afterward, Grigorii and his diplomatic team delivers the message, and the Republic eagerly awaits a response.
Boulder comes out of subspace far outside the system. It closes-in using the less conspicuous Fold Drive. The ship deactivates the drive millions of kilometers away from the Iron Fleet.
Screens are up, and the Fold Drive is kept warm, but otherwise the cruiser is careful to keep emissions at a minimum. It's c-fractional vector will take it within a few light-seconds of the armada. The plan is to get as close as possible, light-up the fleet with active sensors, and then fold away.
"Wonderful!" exclaims Vlaska, sounding quite pleased at the rapid movement of negotiations. "We too have basic ground rules that every merchant, contract pilot, corporation, or trader in our space must adhere to. While not as impressive as your Spacing Guild, various Unions can offer similar services within Republic territory. Finally, our Transit Authority and Home Fleet will require cooperation from trading ships in ensuring the safety and security of everyone. Apparently, we are all on the same page here," he adds with a laugh. "Our agencies will be more than willing to cooperate with yours in ensuring that trade between us runs smoothly."
There is a short pause, the Shindra looks at Vlaska for a moment, "The regulations governing trade with non-governmental entities have been in place from time immemorial. Such trade can start as soon as the merchants show-up on our space. Trade with sovereign nations, however, does require a specialized treaty approved by our General Assembly. And speaking of governments," Vlaska now turns to address Jacob Bashir, "the Republic would also be interest in establishing formal diplomatic relations with Loch. Making an embassy, stationing some diplomats to run it, drawing-up negotiations procedures, the works."