Cykeisme wrote:Nevertheless, it's ridiculous for Luke to leave his lightsaber behind. He spent all that effort building it, he's a Jedi with an emotional bond to his weapon, and it's just a few feet away.
He shouldn't have an emotional bond with it; it should have no sentimental value to him whatsoever. He should be able to leave it behind no problem.
Have you read Shatterpoint? According to that, the lightsabre is almost a literal extension of the Jedi that made it. Mace could feel it anywhere on the planet as if it was a piece of himself, as I recall.
Now that would really complicate things. So every Jedi who lost a lightsaber lost a piece of himself?
Actually, that doesn't make any sense, because that means Vader would have found Obi-Wan, since Ben was holding his lightsaber for 20 years in that trunk!
Sounds like metaphor taken way too literally...
fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee JKA Server 2024
In later EU, the excremental Dark Nest books. Luke seems to have 2 active lightsabers, one that he seems to have used since ROTJ and a second one that he kept in R2 as a backup. He has alco made Leia and several lightsabers so it's very possible that he has more than those two.
Cykeisme wrote:Nevertheless, it's ridiculous for Luke to leave his lightsaber behind. He spent all that effort building it, he's a Jedi with an emotional bond to his weapon, and it's just a few feet away.
He shouldn't have an emotional bond with it; it should have no sentimental value to him whatsoever. He should be able to leave it behind no problem.
Have you read Shatterpoint? According to that, the lightsabre is almost a literal extension of the Jedi that made it. Mace could feel it anywhere on the planet as if it was a piece of himself, as I recall.
While I have not read Shatterpoint, I do know that for a Jedi to have emotional feelings for anything is unorthodox. I'm glad that you used Mace Windu as an example; I feel he is Jedi unorthodoxy incarnate. He invented a lightsaber form that channels the Dark Side, for goodness sakes.
Please forgive any idiotic comments, stupid observations, or dumb questions in above post, for I am but a college student with little real world experience.
Cos Dashit wrote:
He shouldn't have an emotional bond with it; it should have no sentimental value to him whatsoever. He should be able to leave it behind no problem.
Have you read Shatterpoint? According to that, the lightsabre is almost a literal extension of the Jedi that made it. Mace could feel it anywhere on the planet as if it was a piece of himself, as I recall.
While I have not read Shatterpoint, I do know that for a Jedi to have emotional feelings for anything is unorthodox. I'm glad that you used Mace Windu as an example; I feel he is Jedi unorthodoxy incarnate. He invented a lightsaber form that channels the Dark Side, for goodness sakes.
For a Jedi of the Republic, yes. they had denied their emotions. Luke and his New Jedi Order, however, embraced the strength that positive emotions gave. Having an attachment to a favorite lightsabre is hardly out of place. I don't see why this is still being debated. Luke threw his lightsaber aside, and retrieved it before heping his father to the shuttle.
Now that would really complicate things. So every Jedi who lost a lightsaber lost a piece of himself?
Not always. True, if a Jedi were to lose the saber he built during his training, he might feel as though he lost part of himself, but at least during the war period, replacement lightsabers seemed to be mass-produced, lending to a reduce kinship, and perhaps subsquently reduced effectiveness.
While I have not read Shatterpoint, I do know that for a Jedi to have emotional feelings for anything is unorthodox. I'm glad that you used Mace Windu as an example; I feel he is Jedi unorthodoxy incarnate. He invented a lightsaber form that channels the Dark Side, for goodness sakes.
I'm not so sure if its that Jedi have "feelings" for their lightsabers, but rather that they can use the ones they create more adeptly than a generic one, and thus losing it reduces them in a way.
Now that would really complicate things. So every Jedi who lost a lightsaber lost a piece of himself?
Not always. True, if a Jedi were to lose the saber he built during his training, he might feel as though he lost part of himself, but at least during the war period, replacement lightsabers seemed to be mass-produced, lending to a reduce kinship, and perhaps subsquently reduced effectiveness.
While I have not read Shatterpoint, I do know that for a Jedi to have emotional feelings for anything is unorthodox. I'm glad that you used Mace Windu as an example; I feel he is Jedi unorthodoxy incarnate. He invented a lightsaber form that channels the Dark Side, for goodness sakes.
I'm not so sure if its that Jedi have "feelings" for their lightsabers, but rather that they can use the ones they create more adeptly than a generic one, and thus losing it reduces them in a way.
Palpatine had created a lightsaber that he put hidden in a statue for many years. The lightsaber was always in reach, always available, and when he finally used it, it was the most emotionally powerful moment in his history. Now he probably has a sentimental attachment to it. But when it was lost out of the window in the Chancellor's office, he did not so much as spare it a thought.
Please forgive any idiotic comments, stupid observations, or dumb questions in above post, for I am but a college student with little real world experience.
Now that would really complicate things. So every Jedi who lost a lightsaber lost a piece of himself?
Not always. True, if a Jedi were to lose the saber he built during his training, he might feel as though he lost part of himself, but at least during the war period, replacement lightsabers seemed to be mass-produced, lending to a reduce kinship, and perhaps subsquently reduced effectiveness.
While I have not read Shatterpoint, I do know that for a Jedi to have emotional feelings for anything is unorthodox. I'm glad that you used Mace Windu as an example; I feel he is Jedi unorthodoxy incarnate. He invented a lightsaber form that channels the Dark Side, for goodness sakes.
I'm not so sure if its that Jedi have "feelings" for their lightsabers, but rather that they can use the ones they create more adeptly than a generic one, and thus losing it reduces them in a way.
Excellent, finally someone who shares my view (on mass produced lightsabers)! I see the lightsaber as more of a tool, rather than a mystical extension of the Jedi's soul, in a literal sense. Traditions are fine things, but surely the Jedi of all people would attach the least emotional feelings to a weapon.
As far as Jedi denying their feelings, Obi-Wan seems to be a notable exception to this "rule" if it ever existed in the first place.
As for using their "own" lightsabers more adeptly, I don't know about that. That seems too much like a game mechanic (+3 dexterity while using own built saber).
fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee JKA Server 2024
Well Corran Horn's version of how-to-build-your-lightsaber indicated Jedi are supposed to use the Force to basically attune everything to them making it a kind of extension. Apparently there's the long version, and the short version to that process. The Young Jedi Knight books seem to have it as assemble the necessary parts, and that's all there is to if everythings within tolerances. If they aren't kablooey.
So with Corran's version I'd say it's more like a lens that's attuned to focus light. It is not a part of the light itself, but is attuned to focusing it for a specific function.
So what happened with this Kaiburr crystal lightsaber?
A Jedi's connection to his lightsaber may not be through the Force; it may be no more mystical than a real-life swordsman's emotional bond to his sword.
Even without supernatural mysticism involved, it's still ridiculous to leave behind the weapon which:
1) is the only one at your disposal
2) you painstakingly constructed personally
3) is lying on the floor a few feet away from you (and you have telekinesis)..
1) you're on a 900km enemy battle station rife with thousands of troops
2) you have no backup there.
Arguing about whether or not Jedi have a Force-bond with their lightsabers hardly rationalizes the ridiculous idea that Luke would leave his lightsaber on the floor of the Emperor's throne room!
"..history has shown the best defense against heavy cavalry are pikemen, so aircraft should mount lances on their noses and fly in tight squares to fend off bombers". - RedImperator
"ha ha, raping puppies is FUN!" - Johonebesus
"It would just be Unicron with pew pew instead of nom nom". - Vendetta, explaining his justified disinterest in the idea of the movie Allspark affecting the Death Star
in any respect it would be far more practical for Luke to have the lightsaber with him than not.. not only for fighting but also for cutting though physical obstacles like liftdoors and such .. chances are that the DSII were in some sort of lockdown mode doing the fighting.
There Lives More Faith In Honest Doubt,Belive Me,Than In Half The Creeds. ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson.
"The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity."
Jedi would have a bond with their lightsabre. They learn it's particular quirks, maybe add a second crystal or even a third. No lightsabre a jedi makes is truly the same- Do you think Qui Gon would be truly comfortable with a single celled lightsabre when he built with several microcells in the handgrip? It'd give different weight and energy, presumably.
"Doctors keep their scalpels and other instruments handy, for emergencies. Keep your philosophy ready too—ready to understand heaven and earth. In everything you do, even the smallest thing, remember the chain that links them. Nothing earthly succeeds by ignoring heaven, nothing heavenly by ignoring the earth." M.A.A.A
Why does everyone feel the need to appeal to this "Jedi bond with their sabres" crap? It's completely unnecessary. Do we really need to argue whether or not Luke would take the two or three seconds required to re-acquire his sabre, when (a) it's an incredibly useful weapon, (b) it's available to Luke with neglible effort and time, and (c) he's in the middle of a hostile enemy base with no other immediate means to defend himself or facilitate his escape.
73% of all statistics are made up, including this one.
How would it have different weight if the blade is "massless"? You mean the handle weighs more?
I also don't get the relative strengths and other game-mechanic like stuff. People say stuff like "sith lightsabers are stronger" but apart from a ridiculous Q&A statement to explain away a SFX gaffe in ANH, Sith lightsabers seem to be exactly the same as blue and green or purple sabers as far as cutting power, etc.
The skill of the user in swordsmanship and his use of the force is the key here, not the weapon itself.
Real life swords exhibit more variation than lightsabers we've seen in the movies! I mean what is different about movie lightsabers? The hilt design and the blade color! (and once in a blue moon, a long handled saber with a blade on each end) Or is this one of those things we're supposed to assume in the non-movie sources and the apply to the "real" world of the films? (a SOD type deal?) Oh well...
fun/fantasy movies existed before the overrated Star Wars came out. What made it seem 'less dark' was the sheer goofy aspect of it: two robots modeled on Laurel & Hardy, and a smartass outlaw with bigfoot co-pilot and their hotrod pizza-shaped ship, and they were sucked aboard a giant Disco Ball. -adw1
Someone asked me yesterday if Dracula met Saruman and there was a fight, who would win. I just looked at this man. What an idiotic thing to say. I mean really, it was half-witted. - Christopher Lee JKA Server 2024
He's talking about the hilt of the weapon, methinks.
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
Lore Monkey | the Pichu-master™
Secularism—since AD 80
Av: Elika; Prince of Persia
Yeah, sorry. Typed that up with no sleep for 30 hours or so. But logically, the different materials used in the hilt will cause a difference in how you wield the blade. Different properties- If it uses a liquid powerpack core, which I doubt any do, then that will have radically different properties to a solid one.
"Doctors keep their scalpels and other instruments handy, for emergencies. Keep your philosophy ready too—ready to understand heaven and earth. In everything you do, even the smallest thing, remember the chain that links them. Nothing earthly succeeds by ignoring heaven, nothing heavenly by ignoring the earth." M.A.A.A
SCRawl wrote:Do we really need to argue whether or not Luke would take the two or three seconds required to re-acquire his sabre, when (a) it's an incredibly useful weapon, (b) it's available to Luke with neglible effort and time, and (c) he's in the middle of a hostile enemy base with no other immediate means to defend himself or facilitate his escape.
Yep, exactly. The idea that Luke would choose to leave his weapon behind and walk through a Death Star unarmed is ridiculous.
Anyway, I imagine that the only real differences between different lightsabers is the shape of the casing and the mass distribution, which may vary depending on the arrangement of the components inside. Recall that many Jedi aren't human, and as such, don't have human hands.
Nothing major, but when it's a weapon that you use to deflect blaster bolts and make high speed strikes and parries with, you'd probably want the one with the quirks you're familiar with and/or designed yourself.
"..history has shown the best defense against heavy cavalry are pikemen, so aircraft should mount lances on their noses and fly in tight squares to fend off bombers". - RedImperator
"ha ha, raping puppies is FUN!" - Johonebesus
"It would just be Unicron with pew pew instead of nom nom". - Vendetta, explaining his justified disinterest in the idea of the movie Allspark affecting the Death Star