Any proof how well SBD's would take a phaser hit? (fanfic)

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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Oh just where do I start? Even the 'good' tanks have way too much emphasis on gee-whiz factor (how exactly does one counter recoil when on a frictionless pad of antigravity energy anyway without farting out a huge amount of hot gas or solid shot in the opposite direction?), and they've obviously been bitten by the brainbug of 'shiny plasticky bubble-shape=T3h 5UP3R!0R!!11!' It looks like my fucking mouse! The Ersatz Stormtrooper Armor doesn't seem to offer much protection either.

At least the TOS-Era stuff is satisfyingly solid-looking.

The phaser pistol... WHERE ARE THE IRONSIGHTS!? And what need is there for a 'suppressor'? And wouldn't the indicator lights give away position and weapon status to the enemy?

Phaser Gauntlet... 'Nuff Said. How the flying hell do you A> aim the thing, and B> make sure the top of your hand doesn't accidentally intercept the beam or bolt?
Power Systems: Rechargeable and "Hot Swap" Sarium Krellide energy ampoule containing 1.3 x10^6 Megajoules per centimeter. For a total power supply per ampoule of 6.4x10^6 MJ.
BTW How big exactly is 6.4E12 joules?

Survival Carbine: More like 'As Many Bells andWhistles As Fucking Possible
Thereby Driving Up the Cost Per Unit to Unbelievable Proportions Carbine'.
(2 on the figure) two personal shield emitters, 120 degree arcs, 180 degree total coverage, allowing 60 degrees of overlapping, double coverage in the direction the Carbine is aimed.
(3) enhanced tricorder sensors, capable of supporting medical, geological, engineering, exobiology, and tactical tricorder operations.
(4) replicator emitter, capable of replicating small quantities of simple materials, such as, but not limited to, emergency rations, small containers of water, flint and steel, hand mirrors, loadstones, hook and line, and various other items stored in the Carbine's very limited memory.
(5) phaser emitter, standard for a Type II hand phaser.
(6) mid-range transceiver array, capable of sending and receiving boosted signals without overloading and directional signals to interplanetary ranges of up to 10 AU.
(7) power pack magazine, holding 10 commonly available power packs standard to the Type II hand phaser, and 2 spare power packs stored in the (17) fore grip.
(10) a standard tricorder with inputs for each of the Carbine's multiple functions hardwired in, and three extra inputs so that it should never be necessary to open the tricorder housing in the field.
(9) additional memory chips equivalent to 12 tricorders combined, only two thirds of this capacity is used by the Basic Survival Software Package.
(13) additional computational processors necessary for operation of the Micro EMH Program but which are available for alternate uses when the EMH is not on line.
(11) Holo emitter and voice interface, capable of projecting the image of the disembodied head of an EMH Mark I who will do his best to sooth and advise the injured while his invisible hands, as projected by the Shield Emitters, use whatever medical equipment is available to perform medical tasks.
Quote from Chief Michael "Smilin' Jack" Dugan, Drill Instructor, Starfleet Academy - "If you are wounded but can still manage to open the stock, drop the Medkit stored therein on the ground, prop the Carbine up on its pipod, lie down in front of it and say some words, like 'Activate E-M-H' or 'COMBAT MEDIC!' or 'I put the lime in the coconut and drank it all up,' or any other words you'd like to pre-program into the EMH activation sequence, it is highly likely that you will be patched up well enough to survive the experience.
(14) emitter controls, capable of reconfiguring any of the emitters housed in the (1) emitter array.
Chief Dugan - "It is possible to use the replicator to manufacture an emitter for a Romulan or Klingon style disruptor, a Milbrannan particle columnator, or a variety of other non-standard weapons. Any of these, properly configured, can be used to replace the replicator assembly in order to provide a more varied rotation of attack modes when trying to defeat Borg personal shields. Manufacturing such equipment is very costly in terms of energy. It will require about half your initial reserves, and then you won't get as many shots before your power packs run out. So don't try it unless you have a ready power supply that you can feed directly into your Carbine while you're making the new components, and hopefully recharging any power packs you may have already drained. And, after you remove the replicator emitter, DON'T LOSE IT! It may be the source of your next, and possibly last, meal.
(21) medkit and misc. survival tools; the tedkit is standard Starfleet issue but the miscellaneous survival tools vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. (Also, individuals restock their Carbines to suit individual needs. We've seen everything from toothbrush, floss and manicure set to garrot, throwing knife and loaded poison dispenser.)
(22) brushcutter, capable of cutting most exo-flora, very useful for a variety of needs in densely foliated territory, made of highly flexible, very hard composite ceramic alloy, non-conductive, never needs sharpening, also provides defense on worlds where the Prime Directive does not allow for use of advanced weapons. (It is, however, recommended that, under such circumstances, the tricorder be used to covertly record the items needed and manufacture them with the replicator so that local styles and materials can be held to.)
:shock: ...yeah.

Thermal Masking and Sound-Suppression Whatzits: Okay, there's no such thing as true thermal stealth, and the last I remember the only thing that jams human hearing is extremely loud pure sine waves. White noise I can most definitely home in on quite readily. Yay, so you made some random shapes in CorelDRAW, put some neat gradients on 'em, then added a glow to them. Anything with an optical detector that can detect 500-600nanometer EM radiation will instantly spot you. :roll:

Extremely Tiny Transporter: I think the nav deflector of Outrageous "NO LASERS!" Okona's tramp freighter could block ththis puny thing. I also can easily picture someone needing to escape from some place more than eight miles below the surface of whatever rock he's on...

Yeah, Bernd, I hope you see this. Dumbass...
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

After much handwringing and banter with Surlethe, we've come to the conclusion that the energy content of the Phaser Gauntlet's power cell comes to (drumroll please)


This glorified jewelry someehow has a battery with the same energy content as the weapon that ended World War II.

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Post by Bounty »

Yeah, Bernd, I hope you see this. Dumbass...

You do know that everything on JOAT is user-submitted, and that it's only screened for proper formatting, not content, right ? Bernd didn't draw all of this himself.

It's just a repository for fanart.
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Bounty wrote:
->}4:20{<-E. Sno -+31337+- Beseeches j00: ATTRIBUTE YOUR FUCKING QUOTES YOU FUCKING MORON!! LOLOLOLOL wrote:Yeah, Bernd, I hope you see this. Dumbass...

You do know that everything on JOAT is user-submitted, and that it's only screened for proper formatting, not content, right ? Bernd didn't draw all of this himself.

It's just a repository for fanart.

You do know I was a member of that board for a time and that I know full-well how user-submitted everything is. It shows the mentality of the people Bernd's board caters to.

It's just a repository for dumbasses. :P
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Blaster versus Phasers

Post by arthurh3535 »

In most actual battle scenes that I remember, Phasers and Blasters function effectively the same. You point, blast a short burst and if it hits, it likely kills the person.

Phasers have utility and higher settings, but that deals more with longer bursts of energy to do their tricks. So phasers are more utilitarian, IMO. But that's it.

IMO, hand weapon for phasers versus blasters they are functionally equivilant.
Wat? New bords? Aall confuzzled!
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Einhander Sn0m4n
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Re: Blaster versus Phasers

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Why the fuck did you necro this thread, moron?!
arthurh3535 wrote:In most actual battle scenes that I remember, Phasers and Blasters function effectively the same. You point, blast a short burst and if it hits, it likely kills the person.
No they don't. Blasters fire bolts, while phasers shoot a beam that no one ever thinks to walk onto the target.
arthurh3535 wrote:Phasers have utility and higher settings, but that deals more with longer bursts of energy to do their tricks. So phasers are more utilitarian, IMO. But that's it.
Umm, I've seen blasters do everything from make neat little pinprick holes in lightly-clothed flesh to blast huge fucking holes in concrete designed to resist the engine exhaust of starships capable of leaving Earth-size planets (Tatooine Hangar Bay) dozens of times without breaking a sweat, disregarding the times they've exited JUPITER-SIZE (Bespin!) planets also without breaking a sweat!
arthurh3535 wrote:IMO, hand weapon for phasers versus blasters they are functionally equivilant.
Except blasters are much easier to aim and point much more naturally due to their being designed as a weapon first fuck everything else, while phasers have been designed to look as unweaponlike as possible due to sociopolitical bullshit (both in-universe and out-of-universe!), thereby severely compromizing their pointing and aiming ergonomics.

In short, you are a fucking retard. Suck my Railgun.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Ah look necro, and not even a fucking point except to say an opinion on a dead subject.


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