Stop Palpatine.

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Stop Palpatine.

Post by FOG3 »

You are, heh, hired by a being that looks suspiciously like the G-man. You will basically be subbed into the body of a Jedi youngling.

You are not allowed to directly divulge evidence you know by virtue of watching the movies. Any attempt will result in time stopping and your being summarily smacked around by animated Nerf bats.

You are capable of suggesting things and using your knowledge to advantage, in that you can do things like suggesting the testing of the Midiclorian count of the Republic Senators to find the Sith Lord.

You are not allowed to flee, or turn to the Dark Side. Your employer will render severe punishment for doing either. Thus in order to survive it is in your best interest to stop Palpatine.

Your name is Sifo-Dyas. So what do you do?
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Post by Noble Ire »

Well, for starters, make sure that I'm never alone with Dooku. :wink:

You're best bet for taking out Palpatine, based on the movies, is during the Battle of Coruscant. Assuming you actually manage to survive that long without Dooku killing you (the best way to prevent that is probably to avoid becoming his friend in the first place, since if you get sent in as a youngling, you'll be there for a while). Manuever yourself into a position as a Jedi adjunct to a Venator squadron of the Coruscanti defense force, and then either secretly try to install remote overrides onto each of your vessels, or work on intense mind-manipulation of the ship's commanders. When the battle rolls around get some of your ships with the group that is waylaying the IH, and when its shields go down, use what influence you have to get a few volleys of turbolaser blasts on the ship's observation deck. End of story, although you'd best leave quite quickly after the incident.
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Post by Cao Cao »

Noble Ire wrote:Manuever yourself into a position as a Jedi adjunct to a Venator squadron of the Coruscanti defense force, and then either secretly try to install remote overrides onto each of your vessels, or work on intense mind-manipulation of the ship's commanders.
[nitpick] Weren't the only ships present at that battle part of Anakin and Obi-Wan's Open Circle fleet? Don't think there was any defense force to begin with. [/nitpick]
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Post by Lazarus »

No, I'm pretty sure this isn't the case. IIRC, the feds attacked, and engaged the garrison fleet. They then managed to get troops groundside, and grab palpy, before retreating to their ships. The fed fleet then tried to retreat, which is when Skywalker and Kenobi arrived. There was said to be almost 1000 Venators at the battle, this number on its own would make for a rather large fleet for the Open Circle fleet. However, given say 600 of those as garrison, the number is slightly more reasonable.
Think about it, as the galactic capital world, would it really have no ships defending it at all?
Slightly off topic, does anyone know if Coruscant had shields at this time? Considering the debris that would rain down from the battle, I presume it likely, but how did the IH get through? Or the fed troops for that matter?
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Post by Noble Ire »

Cao Cao wrote:
Noble Ire wrote:Manuever yourself into a position as a Jedi adjunct to a Venator squadron of the Coruscanti defense force, and then either secretly try to install remote overrides onto each of your vessels, or work on intense mind-manipulation of the ship's commanders.
[nitpick] Weren't the only ships present at that battle part of Anakin and Obi-Wan's Open Circle fleet? Don't think there was any defense force to begin with. [/nitpick]
Who in their right mind would leave the capitol of the Republic devoid of a defense fleet, especially in an age where enemy ships can attack the planet from across the galaxy in less than a day, and killed trillions in a matter of hours? And in fact, Coruscant did have a defense fleet, consdering the fact that the Confed fleet was engaged and trapped for at least an hour before Anakin and Obi-Wan even arrived, as seen in LOE and the CW cartoons. There were already at least a thouand Republic ships in the system (the total number of frigate/capital warships involved in the battle on both sides was about 4,000).
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Post by Crazedwraith »

In the novel Lt. Cmmdr. Lorth Needa's ship the Integrity is part of "Home Fleet Strike Group Five" implying that Coruscant has its own defense fleet. Though they were only Carracks and Dreadnoughts at the least.
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Post by Cao Cao »

Noble Ire wrote:
Cao Cao wrote:
Noble Ire wrote:Manuever yourself into a position as a Jedi adjunct to a Venator squadron of the Coruscanti defense force, and then either secretly try to install remote overrides onto each of your vessels, or work on intense mind-manipulation of the ship's commanders.
[nitpick] Weren't the only ships present at that battle part of Anakin and Obi-Wan's Open Circle fleet? Don't think there was any defense force to begin with. [/nitpick]
Who in their right mind would leave the capitol of the Republic devoid of a defense fleet, especially in an age where enemy ships can attack the planet from across the galaxy in less than a day, and killed trillions in a matter of hours? And in fact, Coruscant did have a defense fleet, consdering the fact that the Confed fleet was engaged and trapped for at least an hour before Anakin and Obi-Wan even arrived, as seen in LOE and the CW cartoons. There were already at least a thouand Republic ships in the system (the total number of frigate/capital warships involved in the battle on both sides was about 4,000).
Well the Republic had only started producing an active space navy recently so they might not have been up to par, plus it would be in Palpy's best interests to have little resistance.
I concede that the novel is right but I still wonder if any Venators, etc. were present.
As for the Seperatists being trapped, the Episode III ICS says that the fleet got trapped within Coruscant's planetary shield, raised to stop them from escaping.
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Re: Stop Palpatine.

Post by Molyneux »

FOG3 wrote:You are, heh, hired by a being that looks suspiciously like the G-man. You will basically be subbed into the body of a Jedi youngling.

You are not allowed to directly divulge evidence you know by virtue of watching the movies. Any attempt will result in time stopping and your being summarily smacked around by animated Nerf bats.

You are capable of suggesting things and using your knowledge to advantage, in that you can do things like suggesting the testing of the Midiclorian count of the Republic Senators to find the Sith Lord.

You are not allowed to flee, or turn to the Dark Side. Your employer will render severe punishment for doing either. Thus in order to survive it is in your best interest to stop Palpatine.

Your name is Sifo-Dyas. So what do you do?
So, you're basically jumped into the SW universe at least thirty years before the events of Episode II?
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Post by Cao Cao »

Anyway aside from nitpicking.. I let things proceed as normal, let Palpatine do his manipulations and let the preperations for the clone army go ahead order 66 and all.

I then seclude myself in the Jedi temple for several years as events go on, secretly preaching the necessity for a new type of Jedi order less bound by the foolish traditions of Yoda and hopefully gain some converts.

Fast forward to Episode III, as soon as Mace and co. leave for the Chancellery I send some trusted Jedi volunteers or in the unlucky event that I in fact gained no converts, droids, on another transport a little later.
As Mace and Palpy face off with Anakin present, I have them fly in front of the Chancellor's office and blast the whole room to hell, killing Mace, Palpatine and Anakin in one swoop.

The transport would doubtless be destroyed by security (or I would simply attach a remotely activated bomb to it). I would then address the Senate and inform them that our great, wonderful leader Palpatine as well as several loyal Jedi were murdered in an attempted coup masterminded by Yoda. I then secure a transmitter and order the clones to execute order 66 while I and my converts remain safe in the Senate.

In the aftermath I would sweet talk the Senate into electing me their leader along with my new, uncorrupt Jedi Order and I would create the first Galactic Empire. For a safe and secure society.

** Note, no dark side powers would be needed for this. I would still be very much a Jedi and the Jedi Order itself would survive under new leadership. My Empire would be iron fisted but benevolent, no massacres, etc.

*looks around with shifty eyes*
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Post by Knife »

Depends? When was Palpy voted into the Senate? Kank that and it's a whole new ball game.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Re: Stop Palpatine.

Post by FOG3 »

Molyneux wrote:
FOG3 wrote:You are, heh, hired by a being that looks suspiciously like the G-man. You will basically be subbed into the body of a Jedi youngling.

You are not allowed to directly divulge evidence you know by virtue of watching the movies. Any attempt will result in time stopping and your being summarily smacked around by animated Nerf bats.

You are capable of suggesting things and using your knowledge to advantage, in that you can do things like suggesting the testing of the Midiclorian count of the Republic Senators to find the Sith Lord.

You are not allowed to flee, or turn to the Dark Side. Your employer will render severe punishment for doing either. Thus in order to survive it is in your best interest to stop Palpatine.

Your name is Sifo-Dyas. So what do you do?
So, you're basically jumped into the SW universe at least thirty years before the events of Episode II?
More or less.
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Post by Noble Ire »

Well the Republic had only started producing an active space navy recently so they might not have been up to par, plus it would be in Palpy's best interests to have little resistance.
I concede that the novel is right but I still wonder if any Venators, etc. were present.
As for the Seperatists being trapped, the Episode III ICS says that the fleet got trapped within Coruscant's planetary shield, raised to stop them from escaping.
Thousands are able to respond before Palpatine is brought back to the flagship. One of the best scenes of the CW series shows Seasee Tiin leading a fighter squadron into orbit, and in a wide shot, you can see literally hundreds of venators and CIS ships fighting in close quarters, and its only a portion of the battle.
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Post by Surlethe »

Noble Ire's talking about this series of shots (hotlinked to save space): ... 234173.png ... 234243.png ... 233987.png ... 233784.png

And here's another pretty one, zooming out from Coruscant as the Fifth Fleet of the Open Circle Armada arrives: ... 228947.png

EDIT: As an informal upper limit, I count about 550 ships total in the third picture. Since I may have counted stars, let's take 550 as a maximum, and, assuming this is a hundredth of the battle (to take an unreasonably high estimate), there are 55,000 ships duking it out. If it's split evenly between the two sides, then we have something like 27,000 ships (rounding up) in the Coruscant defense fleet.
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Post by Meest »

Not sure how much weight this holds, but the guys working on CGI for that battle said ~5000 ships were used. Four thousand was mentioned above but I recall it was 5000 mentioned on
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Post by Prozac the Robert »

Couldn't you just delay Anakin a bit while Mace is fighting Palpatine? Then palpatine dies, and everyone lives happliy ever after.
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Post by NecronLord »

I go to Tatooine and take Shmi Skywalker at sabrepoint as soon as I graduate.
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Post by Mad »

Knife wrote:Depends? When was Palpy voted into the Senate? Kank that and it's a whole new ball game.
Yeah, but the problem is that you don't know which ball game that is. Whatever Darth Sidious schemes after that will be completely unknown to you. You'd lose almost every advantage you have.
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Post by Knife »

Mad wrote:
Knife wrote:Depends? When was Palpy voted into the Senate? Kank that and it's a whole new ball game.
Yeah, but the problem is that you don't know which ball game that is. Whatever Darth Sidious schemes after that will be completely unknown to you. You'd lose almost every advantage you have.
I guess what the real question should be, is what is the intended outcome of such an event? Do you still want the 'balancing of the Force' ie: Galactic Empire that brushes aside the corruption of the Republic, which in turn is destroyed by Vader's betrayal and the Empire is swept aside?

Or are we just trying to salvage the Republic and keep the status quo?

If we're trying to keep the 'balance of the Force' thing; then really we (as Syfo) just need to mitigate the damage the Sith do. Perhaps prepare those planets that Grevious BDZ'ed and get them some decent shielding to prevent that horrible thing. Maybe help a fledgling Rebellion, stock pile equipment and prep bases for them. Jedi Mind Trick Senator Organa to be off planet at the right time, or set up a better decoy rebel base than Datooine for a more effective demostration of the DS.

If we're just trying to keep the status quo, exposing Sidious and preventing him a chance at politics, would go a long way for it. You can drop a dime on the sociopath that Dooku is as well.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Cao Cao »

Knife wrote:Jedi Mind Trick Senator Organa to be off planet at the right time, or set up a better decoy rebel base than Datooine for a more effective demostration of the DS.
Naboo. :twisted:
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Post by Anguirus »

When I order the clone army, I leave the Jedi Order, get off Coruscant and set up a heavily fortified base on Kamino. I seal it off to the Republic for a period of ten years, hiring Jango Fett and keepng him on retainer to watch matters on Coruscant. I am not fool enough, in this timeline, to challenge Dooku, and if I uncover evidence that he turns to the Dark Side and/or starts working with Gunray I have Jango either snipe him or blow up his house. (AFTER getting his genetic material, of course.) I hard-wire the clones to be loyal to the JEDI and MYSELF, not the Republic or Palpatine. Before the war, I use mercenaries to sabotage droid plants, mitigating their numerical advantage. I negotiate directly with KDY to have a fleet of top-line ships ready when the war comes.

When it does, I return in triumph and pledge myself to the Republic: a Jedi-trained general with a highly-trained, totally loyal army. Lightning strikes on Seperatist worlds to destroy factories go off at the same tie as the first ground engagement. When I return to Coruscant to help run the war effort, I redouble my efforts to find the Sith. And I tell Mace, "Just because Palpatine already runs the galaxy doesn't mean he's not a Sith Lord! If a coup is necessary, I'm with you, and so are the clones."
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Post by 2000AD »

IF i ever meet Palpy in person and shake his hand, then as soon as he's out of the room i turn to a master and go "Fuck me that guys evil, did no one else feel that? No? I reckon it might be an idea to check him out anyway."
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Post by FOG3 »

I might as well answer my own question.

1) Imitate Kreia and lose the eyes as soon as I have enough skill to try it. Otherwise seriously work on developing my skill in terms of focus, and tricks. It increases my likelihood of surviving in general and can come in handy otherwise.
2) Work to reestablish the Order of the Jedi Sentinel and Watchman. By TMP I should be in my late fourties, early fifties so I have time to work on this. This should give the Jedi Order the necessary edge back even if something takes me out.
3) Investigate the events that lead up to the Naboo blockade, and if I can gather enough evidence to show Palpatine was behind the whole speel with the TMP, use my perceptions and knowledge of the lightsaber in the Neuranium statue to reveal him when I arrange to go with the Jedi masters Mace and Yoda to congratulate him.
4) See if I can't pre-empt Qui-Gon in regards to picking up Anakin, and work to prevent things like the control issues.
5) Work to ween the Jedi off the Republic and make a more pragmatic order.
6) Look into possible changes, seems as how the Republic is ready to change.
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Post by John Chris »

2000AD wrote:IF i ever meet Palpy in person and shake his hand, then as soon as he's out of the room i turn to a master and go "Fuck me that guys evil, did no one else feel that? No? I reckon it might be an idea to check him out anyway."
Hey, that reminds me of a thought I had once.

I get plopped into a suitably young body (five years old sounds about right), Force-sensitive and all around the time of TPM. I somehow tag along with Qui-Gon and co. I meet Palpy after the Naboo victory, I then break down and cry like the whelp I am as soon as I meet him, and when Yoda and co ask me what happened after getting me away from the bad man, I yell. "That man's bad! That man's bad!"

That should be good for laughs...
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