Vympel wrote:
Who said that the DS was a gimmick? Could you name a single person, or their reasoning for saying so?
I can name several people that are very close to me that think the DS was going to be gimmicky. First off, my mother, one of my teachers, about 5 of my close friends, and Spanky the Dolphin
Spanky the Dolphin wrote:The DS just seems to gimicky, though (that and it looks like it's made by Playskool).
That post was made Wed May 12, 2004 11:53 pm in the thread "Nintendo DS vs. PSP: FIGHT found
(Deep apologies to Spanky):P
Vympel wrote:I've read them. Frankly, that usual marketing pap doesn't convince me that this is superior to keyboard/mouse or a regular gamepad to say nothing of the fact that none of these addressed whether doing this over longer periods (asides from the bullshit tech demos) is remotely comfortable.
And then you've got this crap about how great it could be for shooters- never mind there're other games on consoles- I'm sure one will be able to play them with a gamepad- that they'll have to buy themselves, of course. If I want to play a shooter, I'll use a keyboard and mouse. Of course, if they implement it effectively, I'm sure there'll be an entire new generation of twits who've never been near a PC who act like it's manna from heaven, just like Halo did for XBox.
First off, you forget that it will also be good for RTS's, not to mention the infinite possibilities for games like Zelda. In other news, there will be a shell controller, and IIRC, it looks like it will be included. If not, then the system is still only $150 and I can afford it.
My turn. Name me one person, who actually playtested the damn thing (I'm not talking about Seriousgamer007), and finds it uncomfortable and hard to use. The articles I quoted were only part of each. I only quoted the Metroid Prime: Hunters. Not the fucking tech demos.
Vympel wrote:
My arse it is. The idiotic thing about that claim is not only is it patently false just by looking at the thing (ie. basically how you hold it)- but they're making that argument based on playing fucking Metroid.
Metroid isn't a shooter.
You're gonna regret saying that.
(emphesis mine)
Quod Erat Demonstrandum. Bitch.
Vympel wrote:And you're a raving Nintendo fanboy.
And I'm Damn Proud of it.
Vympel wrote:
What? They're making a profit off of Gamecube? You kidding me or what? Or are you referring to their handheld systems, which are so obviously a red herring?
I'm talking about the Gamecube, dipshit. As stated by other's on this board, Nintendo is in fact making a profit off their tiny purple cube. Not that their handheld's aren't making money. In fact, those bad boys are hammering the living crap out of the competition.
Vympel wrote:
You're a fucking moron.
This is coming from someone who claims that Metriod isn't a shooter.
Vympel wrote:I'll repeat it, for the umpteenth time: anyone who thinks you'll be just as comfortable with this stupid ass setup as with a keyboard and mouse is an idiot. Period. Even delving into this idiotic red herring about whether or not I personally need to take a break (obviously based on no-evidence assumptions about how much gaming I do and for how long before I go off and do something else- which isn't a "break"), that will remain so. I don't get uncomfortable when using keyboard and mouse. Ever. Deal.
Like I said, name me one person who has actually playtested it that doesn't find it comfortable. I named my fair share of sources (one of them explicitly stated that he liked it better than his Keyboard/Mouse set-up)
Vympel wrote:
Never heard of it, therefore don't care.
Your google-fu is weak. Seriously, look it up. What rock have you been living under to not know about the Eye-Toy OR Wavebird. You think that is a valid way to dismiss an argument? When I said I had limited experience with a powerglove, that was meant as a concession. At least I heard about it.
Vympel wrote:
Smarter than to cream my pants about Nintendo's latest failed console idiocy before they really demonstrate anything? Yes, I am. I bought an N64, it sucked. I bought a Gamecube, it sucked. Why should I believe any of this crap?
Goldeneye 64. Perfect Dark. Donkey Kong 64. Legend of Zelda: OCT. Super Mario. THE FIRST FUCKING CONSOLE TO HAVE AN ANALOG STICK! The 64 was the most revolutionary console of it's time.
Don't tell me you did not at least play those titles. Not to mention the Gamecube, which has some of the best exclusive games out there, including but not limited to Resident Evil 4, Star Wars: Rouge Squadron, 2&3, Legend of Zelda: WW, the up and coming Twilight Princess, MGS: TTS, Metroid Prime: 1&2, Super Smash Bros: Melee, and many more. You can dislike the consoles, but, given that you haven't even heard of an Eyetoy, you have no authority to claim that a console "sucks"
Vympel wrote:
So basically, they were using it as an ersatz-mouse. It's still stupid.
This is where I flame you to a crisp.
Vympel wrote:
Think about it- this works for shooters in conjunction with the secondary control- ok, check. It also acts as a gamepad. Stop. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. It's gamepad design is directly from the 1980s.
Read My Lips.
Oh, and for the record, the controller should work very well with RTS's
[quote="Vympel"We already know they expect to release all these add-ons and shit, and I bet you dollars to doughnuts that for any decent modern console game that's better played with a gamepad, this primary controller will be next to useless. And then what do you do? Shell out for the add ons.
Perhaps you were too fucking ignorant to notice that nearly every game that requires an add on comes with one in the box. That's why Donkey Konga comes with the Drums, Star Fox 64 came with a Rumble Pack, and Mario Party came with a mic. Regardless of how "gimmicky" you think those may or may not be, the fact remains that they came AT LITTLE OR NO FUCKING ADDITIONAL COST!
Vympel wrote:
I own a Gamecube and PS2. That's console gaming. But by all means, please demonstrate your awesome reasoning that someone has to buy all sorts of stupid add-on shit to be considered a "console gamer". The Wavebird is just a fucking wireless controller. I hate wireless keyboards, mouse, and gamepads. I prefer cables. So excuse me for not bothering to be up on the latest wireless doohickey. Especially when it's for a failed system like the Gamecube.
Took you long enough to notice. To dismiss all wireless products because you "prefer cords," and using that to bash a system, is a red herring. You also dismiss all wireless products as "Doohickeys," which is a pretty retarded claim. And you can take you're failed console assumptions, and shove them up your ass.
Edit: My brother demands I remove him from the post, and threatened me with a pencil and a banana. Seriously, getting a banana tossed at your face hurts like a bitch. Also, Tags