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Post by Steve »

Praxis wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:I miss Akimbo Raxos waaaahh! I took out Axel in one superlong combo, from start to end the giant flamer never touched the ground I fucking riped him a new one! I wanana dual-weild! Can I at some point agian?
You're going to be able to do it *at will* ;) Like Dominus Atheos said, it's called Drives. It recharges somewhat like MP, and you get to do what you're talking about until it runs out, but you lose one or both of your party members in the process until you revert to normal form. It's worth it :)
It slices! It dices! It makes Heartless into curly fries in under a minute! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's Valor Drive Mode, your very own blender of Heartless, Nobodies, and other assorted vermin! 8)

(Availability may be limited.)
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Post by Steve »

So, how is everyone doing in the game so far? :)
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Post by Cairber »

I just finally got to the first "world" (Mulan). I only get to play like 25-45 min a day if I'm lucky, but I'm loving it so far! I'm glad they gave Sora some new clothes...I didn't want to look at those chicken legs the entire game.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I'm hating the lack of "disguese" that Sora and Co don't use anymore. What they had in the first game was fun with them trying to blend in with each world and never getting more than twenty feet before someone asked them if they were not from that world. :lol: On the plus side Gummi-combat is 50x better than the first game even if the fact you earn no Munny nor can buy or sell parts is annoying. No matter how good your are you can't beat most of the challenges until you've built your ship up bit by bit over a few gates. At that point you pretty much set sans a few modifcations.

Oh and I can't get missles to fire, bit letdown there. Also the fact your ship does not tilt as the camera does is a big breakdown for me. Come on my ship is firing all it's guns(which are lined to fire forward) suddenly start flying THROUGH the side of my ship to hit enemies? Come on now, you can do better! Just tilt the bloody ship as the camera does!

Oh and lack of decent looking keychains for the Keyblade? Annoying.
*Edit oh and I qualify "decent looking" blades as those that acutal look like blades, you know with one end a pointy bit you stab in the enemy and rip him a new one, Disney game my ass! :wink: I remeber I loved the one from KH-1 from Hallowean town. That thing looked great.

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Post by Shadowhawk »

Ok, I'm at the point where I'm running around completing everything I can before I go face the final boss sequence.
Only a few things remain: finding a few misplaced treasure chests, synthesis hunting, drive & summon leveling, Sephiroth, a few more tournaments, and mopping up some Gummi sequences (I have S-class in everything, but haven't found a few treasure enemies in some maps).

But there is one thing that's making me crazy.
The Stage 3 of Assault of the Dreadnought Gummi mission. It eventually appears as a route to Twilight Town after it gets locked again.
Most of Stage 3 is like you'd expect. Frantic, but easy to get S-class in if you've got the right ship.
Except at the end. Right before you exit the level (you even fly through the keyhole!), a big red and black version of those blue 4-armed, 4-bit bosses appears.
And I can't kill him! Everything else takes no more than 20 seconds to die under my guns, but this thing kills me every time, so I can't even complete the mission, let alone get S-class and pick up treasures. I've tried a variety of different ships and techniques. Slashes don't seem to be of any help; the Drain Gun I picked up somewhere, and mounted for nearly 400 freakin space, helps (it absorbs all red laser shots), but makes my ship gimpy through the rest of the level, and I still die when the bastard starts flinging the spinner-bombs that knock you around the screen. I've tried Auto-Life, 3x Health Regen, a crapload of HP...
Has anyone else managed to beat this thing? And please tell me he's only in the level once. I don't want to have to try to beat him with my treasure-collecting ship anymore!

Oh, and 5000 points for the Titan Cup is freakin' ridiculous!
Eric from ASVS
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Post by NeoGoomba »

I will come right out and say that 1) the game is too damn long. "Atlantica", "The Pride Lands", and "The 100 Acre Wood" are completely unecessary. 2) the last few boss fights in this game are extremely stupid, and really detract from the flow of the game.

Especially the lame shooter part and then the fight against the completely random Nobody king on his fucking stupid dragonzord. What the fuck. What goes through the heads of Japanese game designers? "Hey, we have a rather normal-if-not-effeminite villain, how about instead of having a rather difficult straight-up duel, lets throw as much stupid shit as we can at the player that is all rediculously easy, needlessly drawing out an already over-long game and messing with the progression of events, and then have our token effeminite villain dice you to hell with his lightsabers
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know...tomorrow."
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Post by Steve »

NeoGoomba wrote:I will come right out and say that 1) the game is too damn long. "Atlantica", "The Pride Lands", and "The 100 Acre Wood" are completely unecessary. 2) the last few boss fights in this game are extremely stupid, and really detract from the flow of the game.

Especially the lame shooter part and then the fight against the completely random Nobody king on his fucking stupid dragonzord. What the fuck. What goes through the heads of Japanese game designers? "Hey, we have a rather normal-if-not-effeminite villain, how about instead of having a rather difficult straight-up duel, lets throw as much stupid shit as we can at the player that is all rediculously easy, needlessly drawing out an already over-long game and messing with the progression of events, and then have our token effeminite villain dice you to hell with his lightsabers
[Russkie accent]Traitor! Counter-revolutionary! Off to gulag with you![/Russian accent] :twisted:
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

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Post by NeoGoomba »

Shadowhawk wrote: Has anyone else managed to beat this thing?
That ship is the bane of my existance. Even with my tricked out rides that sucker will still blow me to hell, which pisses me off considering I can get an S+2 rating and then crash and burn.

Is there any way to get a base budget for a gummi ship over 800 without using the cost converters?
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know...tomorrow."
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Post by Shadowhawk »

NeoGoomba wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote: Has anyone else managed to beat this thing?
That ship is the bane of my existance. Even with my tricked out rides that sucker will still blow me to hell, which pisses me off considering I can get an S+2 rating and then crash and burn.

Is there any way to get a base budget for a gummi ship over 800 without using the cost converters?
Not that I've seen. I'm still missing a few treasures (the bloody racetrack missions are missing about 8 treasures), so it's possible there's another Cost Upgrade, but I doubt it. All the things I've been picking up while gradually getting 100% are just more guns and wings.
I'm not even sure the Cost Converters are really worth it, since it costs AP, and just moves some dismounted guns inboard (what else would you need that extra 400 space for?).

The cost disparity between higher-end weaponry and other items is ridiculous. Missile packs are stupidly expensive, Gravity's spendy, and even Blizzard guns are pushing it. For all their specialty-use, it's cheaper and more effective to just mount a quad of Firegas rather than a pair of Gravira.
Eric from ASVS
"Sufficiently advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic." -- Clarke's Third Law
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Post by Mr Bean »

Shadowhawk wrote: The cost disparity between higher-end weaponry and other items is ridiculous. Missile packs are stupidly expensive, Gravity's spendy, and even Blizzard guns are pushing it. For all their specialty-use, it's cheaper and more effective to just mount a quad of Firegas rather than a pair of Gravira.
Gravira's are nessary for most bosses with multiple parts however. I normaly mount Dual Firegas with a Gravira in the middle for punch. Blizzards on the other ships or on my own. As many energy boosters as I can afford packed into the insides of my ship. That's the real key as the more energy left over after engines/shields, the more damage your weapons do.

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Post by Shadowhawk »

Mr Bean wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote: The cost disparity between higher-end weaponry and other items is ridiculous. Missile packs are stupidly expensive, Gravity's spendy, and even Blizzard guns are pushing it. For all their specialty-use, it's cheaper and more effective to just mount a quad of Firegas rather than a pair of Gravira.
Gravira's are nessary for most bosses with multiple parts however. I normaly mount Dual Firegas with a Gravira in the middle for punch. Blizzards on the other ships or on my own. As many energy boosters as I can afford packed into the insides of my ship. That's the real key as the more energy left over after engines/shields, the more damage your weapons do.
Has this helped you beat the boss in Dreadnought Stage 3? :D
Eric from ASVS
"Sufficiently advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic." -- Clarke's Third Law
"Then, from sea to shining sea, the God-King sang the praises of teflon, and with his face to the sunshine, he churned lots of butter." -- Body of a pharmacy spam email

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Post by Mr Bean »

Shadowhawk wrote:
Has this helped you beat the boss in Dreadnought Stage 3? :D
Let you know when I get there, it lets me wipe the floor with every other boss, I can oneshot the Six armed bots boss you start the game fighting, even the much nastier ones of various colors that show up later. I can beat the fighting robots as well as hit Special on every track on every mission type so far. The Gravity type guns do tons of damage to boss type mobs, far more than Fire type weapons. Sure they fire slow and only one shot, but the shot they fire is worth about six seconds' worth of fire from any other cannon and they put out a shot every second.

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Post by Molyneux »

NeoGoomba wrote:I will come right out and say that 1) the game is too damn long. "Atlantica", "The Pride Lands", and "The 100 Acre Wood" are completely unecessary. 2) the last few boss fights in this game are extremely stupid, and really detract from the flow of the game.

Especially the lame shooter part and then the fight against the completely random Nobody king on his fucking stupid dragonzord. What the fuck. What goes through the heads of Japanese game designers? "Hey, we have a rather normal-if-not-effeminate villain, how about instead of having a rather difficult straight-up duel, lets throw as much stupid shit as we can at the player that is all rediculously easy, needlessly drawing out an already over-long game and messing with the progression of events, and then have our token effeminate villain dice you to hell with his lightsabers
...I don't know about you, but when my roomie beat the game both of our reactions to the final duel were along the lines of "Whoa. That's a BIG dragon-ship." and "Sweet, lightsabers!"
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Post by Shadowhawk »

Mr Bean wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote:
Has this helped you beat the boss in Dreadnought Stage 3? :D
Let you know when I get there, it lets me wipe the floor with every other boss, I can oneshot the Six armed bots boss you start the game fighting, even the much nastier ones of various colors that show up later. I can beat the fighting robots as well as hit Special on every track on every mission type so far. The Gravity type guns do tons of damage to boss type mobs, far more than Fire type weapons. Sure they fire slow and only one shot, but the shot they fire is worth about six seconds' worth of fire from any other cannon and they put out a shot every second.
Well, sure as hell were right.

I took my base ship (4x Firea, 1x Meteor, 1x Gungir Lance, 2x Blizzara, 4x big engine, 5 neon bars), and standard Teeny ships (1x Blizzaga and 1x Fire each), and swapped weapons out. My ship got 2 Gravira and one Graviga, at the cost of all other weapons except the Lance, and removed two engines. The Teenies were each just a Graviga and a Gungir. I don't think I killed as much stuff as I normally do, but what I did kill didn't stick around long, so I didn't take a whole lot of fire. Hit Medal Level 30 about halfway through the stage, and again at the end (and a stray shot knocked me down as I was nearing the final boss. Dammit).
Anyways, with the Gravity guns pouring fire on the boss, he died in one attack cycle (he didn't last long after his insta-kill attack sequence). I was popping his nasty weapons almost immediately, so he never got a chance to send me spinning around the screen with his spinner bombs.

Got S+5 rank and all but one treasure along the way (Drill, Hurricane, Booster, Round Light, ?, Infinity, Comet, Medal Converter, Sonic Turbo, Secret Model).

Edit - Did it again to get the 100%. Got the last treasure (another Hurricane), and hit S+6 and broke my points record by over 600,000 points, despite killing fewer enemies.
Eric from ASVS
"Sufficiently advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic." -- Clarke's Third Law
"Then, from sea to shining sea, the God-King sang the praises of teflon, and with his face to the sunshine, he churned lots of butter." -- Body of a pharmacy spam email

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Post by Mr Bean »

Like I said if you look at the weapon damage each Gravity type weapon is pound for pound six times as much damage. For best killing use quad Fire type's with a pair of your strongest gravity weapons in your nose section so they are firing down the middle.

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Post by Ford Prefect »

I have heard the following, which will be spoilerised, as it needs to be:

Is it not true that Sora can eventually triple-wield Keyblades? It would make my day if it was.
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Post by Luke Starkiller »

Ford Prefect wrote:I have heard the following, which will be spoilerised, as it needs to be:

Is it not true that Sora can eventually triple-wield Keyblades? It would make my day if it was.
...the fuck? :?
What kind of dark wizard in league with nameless forces of primordial evil ARE you that you can't even make a successful sanity check versus BOREDOM? - Red Mage
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Ford Prefect wrote:I have heard the following, which will be spoilerised, as it needs to be:

Is it not true that Sora can eventually triple-wield Keyblades? It would make my day if it was.
Not that I know of. But I haven't uncovered too many secrets, simply focusing on leveling up so I can drop Sephiroth
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know...tomorrow."
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Post by Jadeite »

After watching both my roommate and a friend beat KH2, I can say that the only reason the main characters win is because Xemnas and the rest of Org13 are incompetent retards.

Give me the same resources and powers as the Organization, and the heroes would be dead (or foiled at the very least).
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Jadeite wrote:After watching both my roommate and a friend beat KH2, I can say that the only reason the main characters win is because Xemnas and the rest of Org13 are incompetent retards.
Their being incompetant is sort of the point though.

They ARE Nobodies, so they aren't all there in the head. That and while they may have the same goals (after their little civil war), they dont seem geared towards fighting or any sort of critical thinking for that matter, with the exception of Xemnas, that blue haired guy, and Axel, and Axel rebelled.

The heroes are guilty of this as well. If I was Sora, after saving everything in KH1, I'd call in some favors, to hell with meddling. I'd show up in The World that Never Was with Hercules, Cloud, Auron, Beast, everyone. It would be such a curbstomping
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know...tomorrow."
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Post by Isil`Zha »

Wait, how can you complain about a game being too long? :?:
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Post by Molyneux »

Ford Prefect wrote:I have heard the following, which will be spoilerised, as it needs to be:

Is it not true that Sora can eventually triple-wield Keyblades? It would make my day if it was.
Not quite. My roommate and I actually thought that Final Form triple-wielded, but it really doesn't.

It goes like this - Valor form dual-wields. Wisdom form single-wields, but you're not actually holding the blade, as I recall. Master Form has you dual-wielding - holding one sword physically and TKing the other one around you. Heartless- or Anti-form has no keyblades - just claws, which sucks.

In Final Form, you telekinetically wield two Keyblades at once. They move so damn fast that my roomie and I thought that there were THREE blades out at once.

It's fucking awesome.
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Post by Ford Prefect »

Molyneux wrote: Not quite. My roommate and I actually thought that Final Form triple-wielded, but it really doesn't.

It goes like this - Valor form dual-wields. Wisdom form single-wields, but you're not actually holding the blade, as I recall. Master Form has you dual-wielding - holding one sword physically and TKing the other one around you. Heartless- or Anti-form has no keyblades - just claws, which sucks.

In Final Form, you telekinetically wield two Keyblades at once. They move so damn fast that my roomie and I thought that there were THREE blades out at once.

It's fucking awesome.
Oh gawd. I need this game.
What is Project Zohar?

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Post by DarkSilver »

I got this game....

I need to play it more...I just got Sora and company

but man..I really got attached to Roxas...
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Post by Steve »

Molyneux wrote: Not quite. My roommate and I actually thought that Final Form triple-wielded, but it really doesn't.

It goes like this - Valor form dual-wields. Wisdom form single-wields, but you're not actually holding the blade, as I recall. Master Form has you dual-wielding - holding one sword physically and TKing the other one around you. Heartless- or Anti-form has no keyblades - just claws, which sucks.

In Final Form, you telekinetically wield two Keyblades at once. They move so damn fast that my roomie and I thought that there were THREE blades out at once.

It's fucking awesome.
It's like pure concentrated super-grade whupass in a keg. :twisted:

And now now, Goomba.... if you could take Auron and Beast and all the other cool characters with you, then what do poor Donald and Goofy do? You have to have the nimrods after all. :?
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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