Mr Bean wrote:Shadowhawk wrote:
Has this helped you beat the boss in Dreadnought Stage 3?

Let you know when I get there, it lets me wipe the floor with every other boss, I can oneshot the Six armed bots boss you start the game fighting, even the much nastier ones of various colors that show up later. I can beat the fighting robots as well as hit Special on every track on every mission type so far. The Gravity type guns do tons of damage to boss type mobs, far more than Fire type weapons. Sure they fire slow and only one shot, but the shot they fire is worth about six seconds' worth of fire from any other cannon and they put out a shot every second.
Well, sure as hell were right.
I took my base ship (4x Firea, 1x Meteor, 1x Gungir Lance, 2x Blizzara, 4x big engine, 5 neon bars), and standard Teeny ships (1x Blizzaga and 1x Fire each), and swapped weapons out. My ship got 2 Gravira and one Graviga, at the cost of all other weapons except the Lance, and removed two engines. The Teenies were each just a Graviga and a Gungir. I don't think I killed as much stuff as I normally do, but what I did kill didn't stick around long, so I didn't take a whole lot of fire. Hit Medal Level 30 about halfway through the stage, and again at the end (and a stray shot knocked me down as I was nearing the final boss. Dammit).
Anyways, with the Gravity guns pouring fire on the boss, he died in one attack cycle (he didn't last long after his insta-kill attack sequence). I was popping his nasty weapons almost immediately, so he never got a chance to send me spinning around the screen with his spinner bombs.
Got S+5 rank and all but one treasure along the way (Drill, Hurricane, Booster, Round Light, ?, Infinity, Comet, Medal Converter, Sonic Turbo, Secret Model).
Edit - Did it again to get the 100%. Got the last treasure (another Hurricane), and hit S+6 and broke my points record by over 600,000 points, despite killing fewer enemies.
Eric from ASVS
"Sufficiently advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic." -- Clarke's Third Law
"Then, from sea to shining sea, the God-King sang the praises of teflon, and with his face to the sunshine, he churned lots of butter." -- Body of a pharmacy spam email
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