Vympel wrote:just what do you think they're sacrificing to make this system only $150.00?
From the looks of the graphics, not that much. Nintendo has always kept affordability in mind, and has worked for them in the past. That's why every system ever released by them has been under $200.
Vympel wrote:
No, I'm not, because I own the game and no it's not a shooter, not like Quake, Duke Nukem, Halo, etc. Just because it's first person perspective and you ocasionally shoot at things does not a shooter make. And to rock you on this concept even more, I refer to the 1Up preview:
We will have to agree to disagree there. Regardless of what genre you consider it to be (I could make a very convincing argument that Half-Life 2 was a "First Person Adventure" if I wanted, yet it is still a shooter.), the demo was obviously trying to demonstrate the systems usefulness when it comes to shooters. Whetehr or not you prefer to call it an adventure, that still doesn't invalidate the claim.
Vympel wrote:
I owned nearly all those games. You want to know something else? They're virtually the ONLY games I fucking owned for the N64! Because the rest were total shit! Who cares that it had an analog stick? It was a cartridge based piece of idiocy and is generally acknowledged to be so by any reasonable observer.
Bullcrap. Wow, you can name a handful of games, you think this demonstrates that the Gamecube wasn't a failure? Get real. All I need to do is look at how many games I bought for PS2 compared to how many I bought for Gamecube, walk into a store and look at the pathetically small Gamecube section filled with lame-ass games, or go on any gaming comic website and watch them mock the Gamecube.
I named only a handful of the games I owned because those were the exclusive titles that I owned, and that I could remember off the top of my head. In total, I own about 30 games for the N64and about 35 games for the Gamecube. I named the ones I enjoyed the most that were exclusive. The only titles for the PS2 that I can remember off the top of my head that I would enjoy are Soul Caliber III (PS2 Exclusive IIRC), the Final Fantasy games, the Kingdom Hearts games, and God of War. Name me the some other exclusive games that you own.
Vympel wrote:
Little to no fucking additional cost? No, I don't think so chum. I know I paid extra.
Have you bought all the games I listed? Last I checked, their prices were the same as a standard game. Otherwise, you're really gullable and got ripped off.
Vympel wrote:
The Gamecube failed by any meaningful standard. I'm sorry if that hurts your Nintendo ears, but it's true.
You mean your standard, which is meaningless.
Vympel wrote:
I don't live in Japan. Do you? As for profitabe over XBox, sorry, go look at the selection of games for XBox compared to Gamecube at your local store. Compare. That's how you build something on your brand. And I hate the XBox, for god's sake.
Argument from Ignorance. Do you concede that the Gamecube was not a failure in Japan, as has been demonstrated many times by other's on this board?
Nephtys wrote:
The 64 was also not as revolutionary as say... the PS1? It's ONLY contemporary of note? The N64 still used cartridges, and it's controller was an awkward peice of trash.
I found the N64 controller to be quite comfortable, thank you. The Playstation controllers felt, flimsy, for lack of a better word. Even the big-assed Xbox controllers felt better.
Praxis wrote:
That's the ONLY thing I agree with Vympel on.
Metroid Prime is classified on Nintendo's page as a First Person Adventure.
It's really designed as an Adventure/Exploration game, the combat simply happens to be shooting (lock on, at that, you don't aim like in most FPS).
Then we will have to agree to disagree.
Vympel wrote:Having more games is far more important
Not if the games are utter shit. Yes, there were a lot of games on the PS2. Aside from the ones I stated above, I can't think of many good exclusive titles.
I bought the Gamecube because the exclusive games were so much better than all of the crap on the PS2 put together. All the other good games that were on the PS2 were also available on the Gamecube.
By all means, If there were some exclusive titles that I missed, I would love to see them.
Vympel wrote:
Oh give me a break, start harping about "reality" after the fucking system comes out and has some games, not before. That's the only way this concept is going to get proven to have any worth. Right now it's nothing but a massive risk.
If by "Massive Risk" you mean that every time a console puts out a system it is taking risks, the you would be right. However, everything I have seen tells me that the Revolution is poised to come out on top.
Graphics surperior to it's predicessor and comparable to the competition? Judging by those screenshots, check.
Affordability? Less than $200, most likely $150, Check.
Innovation? Check, check, and check.
Nice exclusive lineup? All indications say check.
Wireless controller (

) Check.
Well, looks like I know what I'm buying come Thanksgiving.
Archaic' wrote:
Seriously, any EB store is well stocked with Gamecube titles in Australia, and good ones at that. Not like the wall to wall crap, interspaced with the occasional quality title, that you have for PS2 and XBox. Just a few off the top of my head....Smash Bros, Zelda, Eternal Darkness, Killer 7, Soul Calibur 2, Resident Evil 4, Wario Ware, Fire Emblem, Baten Kaitos, Metroid Prime 1 & 2, Rogue Squadron II, Mario Kart, F-Zero, Final Fantasy: CC, Paper Mario, Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2....
Interesting. I apperently forgot that my brother owns F-Zero and Mario Kart. I was never an RPG fan, but nice list nonetheless.