With Justice For None (Nalifan and Company)

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Kaeryn yawned and rolled over. She opened her eyes a crack. She didn't want to get out of bed. It was all snuggly and warm under the blankets. She shifted position again. Just a little while longer and then she would get up. Just a little while longer under the nice warm blankets.

The door opened and Nalifan came in with a tray in his hand. "Good morning," he said. A caraffe of orange juice along with an apple, muffins, fresh cheese, butter, and honey.

"Breakfast in bed," she sighed. "You are a prince among men, perhaps even a demi-god." She wiggled up to a sitting position.

"I know. Think of it as an advantage of sharing a bed with a man who requires half as much rest time as you do." He placed the tray on her lap.

She took a swing of juice and then took a bite out of a slim wedge of cheese. "And did you spend all those hours just making breakfast?"

"No. I did order it made though, in between studying Westgate and the Banite church."

"The servants of Mystra have old quarrels with those that follow Bane," she said wickedly. She buttered up a blueberry muffin.

"So I have read. Something unusual happened."

"Oh?" she said and took a bite.

"Imizael has elected to join us."

Kaeryn swallowed and took another sip. "Why?"

"She gave me an answer which I don't really believe."

"And you weren't able to divine the truth?"

"No. My efforts in that regard weren't very productive. She talks about taking the right side and showing me right by example, but there is more to it. Even if that truth bruises my ego slightly." He smiled.

"Your ego can take it. It's tough. So what now?"

"Her skills at high magic surpass my own. She's far too valuable not to take."

"And her hidden motives."

"I was thinking of deploying a powerful and perceptive agency to discern those."

"And what would that be?" she said finishing off the muffin.

"Well, she's got very attractive dark hair with just the touch of red. If one was drow one might think it was exotic and beautiful."


"Well, it is true."

"Hmmm. You're not hard to look at yourself."

"Why thank you."

She took another sip. "How are you going to fit in in Westgate?"

"A little magic."

Kaeryn nodded. "So what is you master plan?"

"We teleport there. We talk strategy, find an alternate hiding spot, and convince Messina to leave."

"You think she's at risk?"

"I've been wrong before, but this thing is likely to explode. And even if it doesn't, every moment we're there she's more at risk. I really should just drag her here, but one does not atone for any mistreatment of a former slave by stripping them of their ability to choose."

"A sticky situation. You sure she should leave everything she's built behind?"

"Once we win, she can take it back. It's not like she'll lack muscle to back her claims. The Night Masks cracked the Abbey of the Blinded Truth, he brothel will be nothing to them. If it slips out she's in any way aiding us, she's dead. Or worse."


"You really don't want to know."

She touched his cheek. "You really care about her."

"Yes, I guess I do. She was always . . . . . . pleasant to be around. In a world of intrigue, plotting, and poison she was safe."

"Ahh. I see."

"Do you?"

"Yes. In this area my friend, despite all your years and your extensive education, you are a novice and I am the master. In this trust me."

"I do."

"Then help her and let her make her own choices. Set her and yourself free from the worst parts of your past an honour the good. Make what you can right between you. You can't undo what you've done, but you can lay down the path for a good future for both of you."

"I shall consider you words."

"Do." She sighed. "I'm going to have to get dressed now, aren't I?"
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Imperial Overlord wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:If I may point out, Torm evidently has a stronger hand than Bane, considering who killed whom. And he was a demigod at the time. :lol:
Depowered avatars hardly counts. But you can taunt Banites with it.
That is, in fact, the general idea. :P Oh, and:
"No. The funny part is that my allies despise me for what I did to her. They haven't even considered how I must have treated everyone else. They just see the victim in front of them."
So you think, Nalifan. So you think.
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Post by LadyTevar »

You spoke to Nitram didn't you. You knew all of my weaknesses! Orangejuice, blueberry muffins, a nice slice of sharp cheese...

Oh, he's totally forgiven for slappnig her. If he treats her this way every morning after, no wonder she keeps coming back.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

LadyTevar wrote::shock:
You spoke to Nitram didn't you. You knew all of my weaknesses! Orangejuice, blueberry muffins, a nice slice of sharp cheese...

Oh, he's totally forgiven for slappnig her. If he treats her this way every morning after, no wonder she keeps coming back.
Actually, I didn't (speak with Nitram). Everyone loves blueberry muffins and the rest was men's intuition. :D
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Post by LadyTevar »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote::shock:
You spoke to Nitram didn't you. You knew all of my weaknesses! Orangejuice, blueberry muffins, a nice slice of sharp cheese...

Oh, he's totally forgiven for slappnig her. If he treats her this way every morning after, no wonder she keeps coming back.
Actually, I didn't (speak with Nitram). Everyone loves blueberry muffins and the rest was men's intuition. :D
Well, it was right on the mark, my dear. If you do that for any intimate partner IRL, they will love you forever. :)
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Morfindel flexed his leg. "How is it?" Gaheris asked. Astinius was on his hands and knees washing away the last of the blood that had fallen on Messina's carpet.

"A little sore, but everything works. Thanks."

"You're welcome," the paladin replied. His healing powers had been sufficient to treat all the injuries suffered, but between that and the fight it had taken a lot out of him. Gaheris slumped in a chair. "Ideas?"

The room was silent for a moment. "Make contact with the rest of our people and gather our forces," said Morfindel. "The Night Masks are hitting their targets damn hard."

"If I hadn't had to undo that poison cloud-"

"But you did," said Gaheris. "And while you were doing that they were working other spells and you had to choose between stopping them or letting them hammer us and try to get one of your own off. No fault." He supressed the urge to shatter some of the nice wood paneling with his fist. "We got so close."

"Any idea on how many we killed?" asked Morfindel.

"At least three of them were down and would be dead in minutes. Unfortunately, they seemed to have a lot of clerics. Baator's Gates, even if we killed some they may still be back."

An ackward silence descended. "So what now?" asked Morfindel.

"Like you said. We gather up our people, get them to safe houses, and play it smart. As much as I dislike the idea, that drow bastard might have some ideas. At the least he'll give us more muscle."

"Maybe we can start picking off low level Night Masks?" Morfindel asked. "Start our own campaign against them."

"Maybe," said Gaheris, "but a few street level casualties aren't going to be anything other than a pin prick."

"What about the Croamarkh?" asked Astinius. "He's a priest of Tyr. Surely he's going to do something?"

"It's been two days," said Gaheris. "Watch Chiefs are getting axed for collusion, he's got no evidence that the Banites are behind it even if he knows it in his guts. He's also got the rest of the council to deal with and at least one of them has got to be a Night Mask puppet. He's probably got his hands full trying to come up with a solution." That was the optimistic scenario. The possibility of something much worse going on hadn't escaped him.

A crack of displaced air brought Imizael, Nalifan, and Kaeryn into the room. "Hello again," said Nalifan. His gaze flicked to the newly repaired gash Morfindel's breeches. "Busy last night?"

"Astinius, nice to see you again although this is somewhat unexpected," said Kaeryn.

"Who are your friends Nalifan?" asked Gaheris.

"Ahh. Let me introduce Kaeryn, Dweomer Keeper of Mystra and Imizael a high mage. They have agreed to assist us in our endeavour."

Gaheris inclined his head. "Thank you for your assistance. I must admit we need all the help we can get."

"Evil must be fought, as my sister likes to say," said Imizael. "Everyone should do their part."

"You are welcome," said Kaeryn. "Besides it would be embarrassing to have an unrepentent rogue drop everything to come here and fight while I did nothing while a friend went into peril."

"How much do you know about your friend?" Astinius hissed.

"More than you," said Kaeryn. Nalifan closed the distance between Astinius and him with a pair of swift strides. The sun elf flinched back away from the drow, causing Nalifan to smile. Gaheris was by the drow's side in a flash.

"Back off," the paladin ordered.

"Of course," said the drow, still smiling. He spun on his heel and walked back to Kaeryn.

"This isn't productive," said Kaeryn. "I believe we share a common goal in stopping the enemy."

Gaheris nodded. "Correct."

"So," said Kaeryn, "Nal, play nice with the others."

"As you wish." The smile hadn't left his face.

"And everyone else, get off your high horses and stop baiting the arch-mage. Unless I am badly misinformed we have enough troubles without tearing into each other." Men. That word could really be a misnomer sometimes. Physically adult boys was a bit of a mouthful, but was often more appropriate.
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-04-08 02:17am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »

So, Kaeryn's going to be playing babysitter to the boys? This will be fun :twisted:
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

What's going to be fun is dealing with the Banites. I couldn't care less about Nalifan's baiting up until he starts interfering with Astinius' ability to function.

Though I've got to wonder what the big bad challenge is going to be. Orbakh is an appropriate challenge for a party of Gaheris' level; while a Manshoon clone, he's not a high mage. The other Nalifan stories have featured something entirely too strong for a low-epic party. Unless I'm seriously underestimating something, that's absent here. Except, of course, for the difficulty in rooting the bastards out.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on 2010-10-01 10:18am, edited 1 time in total.
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"So," said Nalifan after hearing Gaheris's account of the previous night's raid "despite the fact that you had an arch-mage to assist you that they didn't know existed the attackers were still able to accomplish their objectives with light losses."

"Yes," said Gaheris. "It was a near thing though. We were almost able to turn it around."

"Perhaps, and perhaps the high priest would have killed everyone of you single handedly. The crucial error had already happened and your enemies held the advantage."

"Which error are you refering to?" asked Gaheris. "Are you about to call Astinius' actions in saving dozens of innocent lives a mistake."


"And if they had been your people you would have just let them die? I think we don't need your advice arch-mage."

"Kaeryn," said Nalifan, "would you please tell the nice paladin what happens when I believe my people are going to be hit with overwhelming force."

"You got them out the way," she replied. "Something Gaheris couldn't do here. It wasn't his call to make."

"The foolish tendency of the followers of Ilmater to seek glorious deaths as martyrs is beyond his control. Reacting intelligently to the situation is not."

Gaheris gave him a look of disgust. "It is nice to know exactly what value you place on innocent life," said Astinius. "Some of us, even though we have been marked by evil, aren't monsters."

"Your display of self righteousness won't win any battles, nor will it win the admiration you crave," Nalifan replied. "You might manage to evoke pity. In any event it is done. Arguing the situation is not productive. Anticipating the enemy's next move is."

"Alright," said Gaheris. "Any ideas? There is still the Temple of Lathandar."

"Possibly, but perhaps too predictable," Nalifan responded. "And perhaps unnecessary. What are the priests of Lathandar doing now?"

"We haven't been out yet. We'll be checking to see if any of our people have left notice."

"Obviously you don't want me along for that."

"Obviously. What did you mean by unnecessary?"

"If the Lathandarites are holing up in their temple, they are essentially admitting publically they are under siege by a more powerful force. It serves to errode their authority withouth directly attacking them. The Night Masks have murdered popular public figures," said Nalifan. "What is the likely reaction?"

"The city is on the verge of a riot," Gaheris replied. "When we venture out latter we'll have a better idea."

"The Night Masks would be able to anticipate this result?"


"And yet they preceeded with the attack. Interesting. And the ruling council?"

"No public announcements or activity so far," said Gaheris. "The Croamarkh has said and done nothing as far as I can tell."

"This would be the head of Westgate's council? A priest of Tyr?"

"Yes, Durgar the Just of Tyr. And former head of the Watch."

"Ah. Well then this is all understandable. They took him out first."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because they aren't trying to take out there enemies, they're trying to take the city. At the end of this campaign they intend to totally control Westgate. The Croamarkh is an easy target for an organization that has agents in the aristocracy and in the city's bureaucracy as well as vampires and mages among its members. Whether they have used mind control or replaced him with a simulacrum or a doppleganger, it doesn't matter."

"You're sure?"

"They need him gone to affect their take overs. He would oppose or slow down their appointments, correct?"


"So covertly removing or controling him before the campaign begins would be entirely consistent with both their actions and the results of their shadow war. Nothing is happening at an official level except their pawns are being promoted and their opposition is being removed."

Gaheris bit his lip. "It makes sense," he said at last. "We have to save the Croamarkh."

"Even if it is possible, he'll be left in a position where the Night Masks have gained power and his allies have been removed. The aid he could offer is unlikely to be great."

"So we sacrifice him? We don't do that."

"I was going to suggest that dealing with him be more of a secondary priority. A more important one is how do the Night Masks intend to benefit from the rioting?"

"I suppose," said Astinius, "that you are going to tell us."

"Correct. Rioting is not a particular discriment form of violence. Night Masks agents will help insure that is not. After the riots have done some damage one of two things will happen. The riots will either be brutally dispersed by the Watch with aid from the Banites or the Watch will fail and the Banites will crush the rioters with Night Mask aid. Either result will grant the Banites the mantle of being a respectable public authority. The rapes, murders, vandalism and arson that occurs during the riots will cool any ardour towards public demonstrations. What happens next is obvious."

"Your analysis is flawed," said Gaheris. "The people will know the Banites are responsible for all this, even if they don't have any direct evidence."

"Only if they aren't presented with a believable scapegoat. Someone that would slaughter innocents but who would not be a friend of Mask or Bane. Someone who the Banites could be relied upon to fall on with great wrath. Someone who be a believable villian even in the face of considerable evidnece of Banite involvement. Have you guessed yet?"

"Cyric," said Kaeryn with distaste.

"Yes," said Nalifan with a smile. "Correct. And even if you drag bodies covered with Banite tattoos into the street for all to see, why they are merely Banites who converted to the worship Cyric during the interval between Bane's death and ressurection."

"They won't believe it," Gaheris replied.

"Enough will. Some won't believe, some will believe, and some won't know what to believe. But they will all be relieved that it's over, that there is stability and security in their lives. Whether it is the old order or the new, it won't matter that much to them."

Gaheris nodded in reluctant agreement. Too many people looking out only for themselves. Too many of them would accept whatever brought stability to the city as long as they personally didn't suffer for it.

"So what do your propose?" asked Kaeryn.

"We abandon this place before we draw more attention to it. They will be looking for us. Hard. Since we have access to a considerable amount of travel magic, I repeat the suggestion of my manse."

"No," said Gaheris.

"Very well then. I propose find some Banites on the street, take them down, and capture at least one of them alive. We find out where the Banites are operating from and we hit them. Hard."

"I take it you intend to use magical interrogation?" said Gaheris.

"Yes. I have prepared a spell that will be suitable."

"Then we'll check on our people and then see about finding some Banites," said Gaheris.

"And leaving this place?" said Nalifan.

"We'll see if we can find another safehouse," said Gaheris.

Nalifan was not molified by Gaheris' words, but said nothing. What could he say? The enemy had many magical and mundane resources and they had been given good reason to look. How long would it be before they found this place? Not long at all, he feared.
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Post by LadyTevar »

An insidious plot indeed. Amusing how long it took Gaheris to realize the Croamark had been removed.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Rogue 9 »

It took me no time at all. :P The reason it didn't come up until now is because I didn't mention Durgar the Just's position as Croamarkh to IO until a couple days ago.

You know, though, when I said to the good Overlord that he was capturing Gaheris fairly well, I didn't mean perfectly. To start with, he's not the fucking idiot that he keeps looking like in this. :P
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Rogue 9 wrote:It took me no time at all. :P The reason it didn't come up until now is because I didn't mention Durgar the Just's position as Croamarkh to IO until a couple days ago.
No, actually it didn't come up because it wasn't due to come up until now. Thanks for the handy list of Westgate's rulers though
You know, though, when I said to the good Overlord that he was capturing Gaheris fairly well, I didn't mean perfectly. To start with, he's not the fucking idiot that he keeps looking like in this. :P
It must have been your early whinning about the Night Masks not being able to manage the attack and failing to recognize they had additional aid until I made it blatantly obvious influencing characterization. :twisted:
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:It took me no time at all. :P The reason it didn't come up until now is because I didn't mention Durgar the Just's position as Croamarkh to IO until a couple days ago.
No, actually it didn't come up because it wasn't due to come up until now. Thanks for the handy list of Westgate's rulers though
You're welcome, though you know damned well that you didn't know just who the Croamarkh was, or if you did were hiding it for no particular reason. :P
You know, though, when I said to the good Overlord that he was capturing Gaheris fairly well, I didn't mean perfectly. To start with, he's not the fucking idiot that he keeps looking like in this. :P
It must have been your early whinning about the Night Masks not being able to manage the attack and failing to recognize they had additional aid until I made it blatantly obvious influencing characterization. :twisted:
Don't make me smite you, son. :wink:
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Rogue 9 wrote: You're welcome, though you know damned well that you didn't know just who the Croamarkh was, or if you did were hiding it for no particular reason. :P
Absolutely correct. I was going to look up the name when the time came, as his identity was a minor concern as he had been taken out before the story began. You saved me the effort of looking him up and I thank you for it.
Don't make me smite you, son. :wink:
I own the Book of Vile Darkness. There are provisions against that. :twisted:
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And I would guess that the going assumption was that he wasn't someone Gaheris would be particularly interested in saving, no? :P
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Rogue 9 wrote:And I would guess that the going assumption was that he wasn't someone Gaheris would be particularly interested in saving, no? :P
What makes you think there is anything left to save? :twisted:
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Nothing. But if he was yet another corrupt Westgate nobleman, he would be very low on the priority list.
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The air shimmered and where Nalifan stood was a slender human boy, maybe thirteen or fourteen with pale skin and dark hair. He was plainly dressed in a simple white shirt, brown breeches, and a long grey cloak. "I'll be looking for Banites," he said. "Feel free to talk about me when I'm gone and I'll make it worth anyone's to convince Messina to leave this city immediately."

There was a moment of ackward silence as the drow left. "Astinius," said Kaeryn, "is Mister Toad alright?"

"Oh, yes he is," the mage replied. "He's soaking in the washbowl in the other room."


"Lady," said Gaheris, "do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Please, go ahead."

"Why are you with him? Surely you must know what he did to Messina is only the top of the midden heap."

"Yes, I know him better than you imagine you do. Unlike him, I don't have certain cultural differences that cause him to underestimate your intelligence. He is still a product of the society that raised him, even if he has done much to outgrow it."

"That's not an answer."

"Mystra has her eye on him," said Kaeryn. Astinius glowered. She continued. "That is enough for me to not raise a hand against him. As for why I like him he is not what he once was and he is nearly as brilliant as he would have you believe. Some of you understand what it means to be there when the veil is lifted and a mystery of the Art is unravelled and made clear. But I'm not here to defend him, I'm here to win. I'm going with you after I speak to Messina."

"Absolutely not," said Gaheris.

"Let me be clear about this," Kaeryn said sternly. "You don't trust Nalifan. Fine. He has reasons to be suspicious of you. Both of you trust me not to set you up to get an axe to the spine. I'm going with you not only to ensure that everyone plays nicely with others, but because some of your people may be hurt too badly for your powers to be sufficient."

Gaheris hesitated. "You're right. My people may need your help."

"Good." Kaeryn turned to Imizael. "We're going to have to talk. Soon."

The elf woman inclined her head in acceptance. Kaeryn tucked her flail into the back of her belt and lowered her hood before striding regally out the door. "So," said Gaheris, "how did you come to be involved in this?"

"I am active in trying to bring renunciate drow back into the fold of elven society. I was visiting Nalifan to see what he was like for myself when I was made aware of this crisis. My sister says I spend too much time trying to make peace with the darkness when I should be fighting it. She may be right. So I decided to fight."

"We are glad to have you," said Gaheris.

"Indeed," said Astinius. "I myself have devoted my life into destroying those who would prey on the innocent. I will not allow others to suffer as I have suffered and with Mystra's love, I have the power to bring evil doers to account."

As they talked Kaeryn knocked on the door to Messina's office and recieved no answer. She walked down the corridor and heard laughter from downstairs. She walked down the stairs where several masked men were flirting with several beautifully dressed women in a lavishly appointed sitting room. A woman who had to be Messina was in a corner, smiling and watching

Kaeryn glided through, keeping the hood pulled down. There was only one role to play that allow her to pass inconspicously. She paused to stroke the arm of red head whose hair was bound up in an intricate coif.

The woman turned with a smile. Kaeryn leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Keep me in mind for latter," before drifting over to Messina.

"Can we talk in private?" Kaeryn whispered.

Messina's eyes narrowed but she maintained a polite smile. "Of course," she said and guided Kaeryn towards the back of the brothel. She secured a bedroom. "Where did you come from?" she demanded.

"I came with Nalifan. My name is Kaeryn and I've come to help him. It's getting crowded up there and Gaheris drew attention to himself last night. Nalifan may be right about you needing to leave."

"Then you need to leave soon," Messina replied. "I'm not going to leave what I've built. I've invested too much blood and tears in this place to let it go."

"I understand," said Kaeryn.

"I'm sure you do," Messina replied sarcastically. "A whore won't be seperated from her gold."

"I never said that and I never thought that," said Kaeryn. "Listen to me. I know, better than any of the men, what you are. You gave shelter to others at great risk. The women here are watched and guarded against abuse and you won't abandon your own."

"Perhaps you do understand."

"Better than most. My mother died when I was young. My father would leave our house on certain nights and one night I followed him. You can guess where I found him. A place not unlike this one. Some of the women had children and some of them became my friends and playmates. One remains one of my closest friends."

"And Nalifan?"

"A friend and sometimes more. You mean a lot to him."

She laughed. "I tried hard enough. I did the things that would please him and more. I arranged entertainments. I picked other women, trained them, and brought them to his bed. Other things as well. I used the whip and the iron rod to keep discipline and enforce my will. My hands are far from clean."

"You did what you had to in a very dark place," said Kaeryn. "You are different now."

"Yes, I suppose I am. But the blood does not come off so easily."

Kaeryn took Messina's hands in her own. "No, it doesn't. But we are defined not only by our crimes. You have risked much for this city when you didn't have to. You were raised in a hell and have risked much to aid the light. It will be remembered by both gods and mortals."

Kaeryn gave the woman a hug. "I have to go and I may not be able to speak to you for a while. Be well." Kaeryn left the room. Behind her Messina stood still with moisture tears glimmering in her eyes.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Rogue 9 wrote:It took me no time at all. :P The reason it didn't come up until now is because I didn't mention Durgar the Just's position as Croamarkh to IO until a couple days ago.

You know, though, when I said to the good Overlord that he was capturing Gaheris fairly well, I didn't mean perfectly. To start with, he's not the fucking idiot that he keeps looking like in this. :P
Kaeryn's looking quite well, so far. :-D
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

LadyTevar wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:It took me no time at all. :P The reason it didn't come up until now is because I didn't mention Durgar the Just's position as Croamarkh to IO until a couple days ago.

You know, though, when I said to the good Overlord that he was capturing Gaheris fairly well, I didn't mean perfectly. To start with, he's not the fucking idiot that he keeps looking like in this. :P
Kaeryn's looking quite well, so far. :-D
Just so long as no one else tries his patience too badly; between this whole travesty and putting up with Nalifan, I'm sure he'd be close to the breaking point. :P
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Rogue 9 wrote: Just so long as no one else tries his patience too badly; between this whole travesty and putting up with Nalifan, I'm sure he'd be close to the breaking point. :P
That's why no one likes you. When the pressure builds Nalifan stays cool and solves the problem. You whine. :P

On a more serious note, the reason for the dealy in posting is that I've jammed too many forthcoming events into too short of a time period and need to come up with a delay. I should be back at it in couple of days. One should also note that after years of resistance, my brother brought KOTOR II used for less than twenty bucks Canadian and the Jedi crack is consuming me.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Rogue 9
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote: Just so long as no one else tries his patience too badly; between this whole travesty and putting up with Nalifan, I'm sure he'd be close to the breaking point. :P
That's why no one likes you. When the pressure builds Nalifan stays cool and solves the problem. You whine. :P
If you want to call it that, it's because I can't smite the everloving hell out of the problem. :P

And if you were referring to why no one likes Gaheris, I would see a total lack of concern about his own people a far greater reason to dislike him than an overriding desire to see to their safety. He has command responsibility and knows it. It's one of the reasons Nalifan annoys him so much; he expects Gaheris and what's left of his command staff to abandon everyone in his organization. In case it wasn't clear, the travesty referred to was the near-total wipeout of the Triad's bases in the city; he's worried sick and would try to act the strong leader by not showing it save through his actions towards finding his men. Meanwhile, Nalifan just said he should have left everyone at the House of Ilmater to die; what impression do you think that would leave?
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by LadyTevar »

Even a strong leader can admit when he's worried about the men under his command. The trick is not to worry so much it affects your performance. ;)

I'm waiting for the first time bedroom arrangements come up... I'm half-expecting Astinius to throw a fit when/if Nal and Kaeryn shack up. Personally, I'd have Kaeryn give him a very calm look and ask if he'd rather she slept with him instead. ;)
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Rogue 9 wrote: <snip>Long, irrelevant post
Whining is even less attractive in a would be leader. Try to be like a real paladin and shut up and soldier. :P
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

We've reached the beginning of the middle part of the story. The pain and suffering will, predictably, get a lot worse.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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