Addressing the issue about the Invisible Hand's hangar bay shields, I may have an answer.
In Republic Commando, Delta Squad is aboard a derelict Acclamator-class ship that was hijacked by a large force of Trandoshans (and battle droids on loan from the CIS). A CIS Lucrehulk attempts to deploy additional battle droids into the Acclamator to thwart the Republic squad's attempts to retake the ship.
The Commandos didn't have control of most of the Acclamator's systems, including the hangar shield controls, so to prevent the droid carriers from entering the hangar bays, they blew up the hangar shields' power regulators.
Prior to disabling the power regulators, the shields held the atmosphere in the hangars, but they still allowed objects (like droid dispensers) to pass through. However, the destruction of the regulators apparently put the shields up to full power, which meant solid objects could no longer pass through.
Based on this, it would seem that the primary purpose of hangar shields is to hold in atmosphere, while letting ships pass. However, it's also possible to set them to be opaque to all objects. In fact, this is likely to be the
default setting, except when friendly ships are entering or departing the hangar (note that Anakin flew through the hangar shield when droid starfighters were nearby in TPM).
Of course, a solid hangar shield is still just a secondary measure when compared with the ship's main shielding system.
Considering this is precisely what led to its destruction, I guess it isn't news, but the Death Star's lack of defenses against starfighters and large missiles
is rather odd.
True, the Death Star's incredible number of turbolasers could probably destroy the launch vehicles (which would have to be capships, for gigaton-yield missiles) at extended range, but presumably there must be missiles which have a range as long as a starfighter can fly.
Considering the intelligence displayed by the Slave I's missiles, wouldn't heavy missiles have the same intelligence, combined with the size and range of a starfighter?
Perhaps the Death Star's TIE complement would deal with any such missiles..?
Darth Tanner wrote:They didnt fire at the X-wings until they were basically on the surface of the DS, I know this was largely arrogance on the part of Tarkin and the belief that fighters wernt worth the blaster energy to destroy but still this does show the ability to get close enough to launch weapons, atleast for bombers if not larger vessels.
Good point. The fact that the Death Star didn't open fire on the Rebel fighters at extended range may perhaps be linked to the fact that no fighters would have been launched (were it not for Vader): Tarkin's arrogance.
The Death Star
could have launched several thousand TIEs, but it didn't; perhaps it also could have fired on the Rebel fighters much earlier. IIRC, the problem that the heavy turbolaser emplacements had was traversal rate; they couldn't turn fast enough to track the fighters, so they attempted to unsuccessfully predict the trajectory of the juking ships.
If they started firing from longer range, the disadvantage of the low rotation and elevation rates would not come into play.
If I may be so bold to suggest this, perhaps the Death Star's shields can indeed be configured to have no gaps, but the settings that left fighter-sized gaps can also be attributed to Tarkin's arrogant insistence on ignoring the fighter threat?
"..history has shown the best defense against heavy cavalry are pikemen, so aircraft should mount lances on their noses and fly in tight squares to fend off bombers". - RedImperator
"ha ha, raping puppies is FUN!" - Johonebesus
"It would just be Unicron with pew pew instead of nom nom". - Vendetta, explaining his justified disinterest in the idea of the movie Allspark affecting the Death Star