Besides other people have done it already, I know. And Tuxedo is not trading technology--he's buying technology, just that his ambassador chooses to phrase it in OOC terms instead of IC terms for some reason

Moderator: Thanas
I don't care if you do use OOC terms, it's your choice. People have been using OOC screenshots, game mechanics, etc., to post things in the RP thread already which was annoying to some people to no end, but it doesn't bother me now because I don't care how people do itIf I were using OOC terms, I would have said Hyperspace Studies 4.
This is what I was referring to. Technologies are grayed out, you can't select them. This is a game mechanic that was chosen intentionally at the start.Trogdor wrote:1. No, it's too gamey if you ask me. Besides, aren't we, you know, incapable of making direct tech trades now?
Guppy, I thought you considered it 'cheating' to trade tech in this game and directly compared it to wall hacking and aim bots to do that. I certainly remember you saying Nephtys and I were cheating for doing it.Brian wrote:Oh well no more shadow beams... but there's two questions GuppyShark, so technically I could trade you for shadow beams for those planets lol. If Yes passes on the second.
Hahaha, go to page 31 Tuxedo and find "astro hitler"However, the psychotic governmental leaders had launched fighters, fighters which proceeded to ruthlessly kill hundreds of millions of Hurr, just to prevent them from coming under the Brakiri's benevolent rule.