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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

These Kushans were starting to piss Arthur off. First they get all high-handed with the World Government refugees, then they don't respond to the treaty request, now they've destroyed two scout ships.

Arthur typed up a message to the Kushans, demanding that they transfer ownership of two of their scout ships to the Malakari in restitution. That was only fair, after all. Arthur had no idea why these people kept pushing and pushing. They should know as well as he that an early war would stunt growth for both of them, and his scientists assured him that it would be a complete and utter stalemate for both sides.

One thing was for sure, there was no way Arthur was going to send out those newly built colony ships without some heavy firepower escorting them.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali

"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
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Post by brianeyci »

"Our pilots destroyed two unarmed scouts," said Praxta.

"What! Under whose--"

"They were given orders from the Supreme Chancellor himself."

Naabal sighed. So the Council had decided to take an aggressive stance. Not surprising. The Kiith had always been the downtrodden, but now with a new chance to assert superiority in this new arena, no doubt the Council wanted to flex its muscles. And he'd given the Council exactly what they needed to sell the plan.

"I will resign. I cannot command if another countermands my orders," said Naabal.

"Do not be too hasty my lord. You are the only moderate voice in power. If you leave, the religious zealots will have more say than ever."

"Perhaps." Naabal stroked his chin.
"The Council does not share your view Naabal."

"Then I will resign."

"You will not. If you resign, you will have no say." The shadow leaned forward. "I know you brother. We are protecting the refugees are we not. It is what you want."

"You will plunge the Kiith into another needless war. So soon after the Beast--"

"The Beast, the Beast, the Beast. If it were not for the beast we would not have rallied our people and steeled ourselves! This is a new Beast, a new galaxy, and our Kiith will be great!"

"Arthur's people demand two scouts in restitution."

"Unacceptable. Our vessels have superior propulsion and weapons technology. It must not be allowed to fall into the hands of infidels."

"I agree, but for different reasons. My agents have reason to suspect Arthur's people for the recent plague. Fushai has found circumstantial evidence."

"Then you need not resign now brother. Help me lead the Somtaaw to glory."

"I will stay, for now," said Naabal, turning to leave. "But give me command of my vessels. If you change the orders for another one of my vessels, I will resign."

"Very well. I will no longer interfere in minutae. That is more your skill."

"You need me."

"You speak above yourself. Leave, now."

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Post by Trogdor »

High Council Chambers

"Everyone, I'd like you to welcome the new member of this Council, Reria, the Minister of Foreign Affairs," Vevis said.

The other clapped politely, but in truth none were thrilled over Vevis's creation of the new post. Oh, it made sense of course, what with their running into new alien nations practically every month, it seemed. But they were still wary of a new player entering the game and possibly trying to sway some of their members of the Hall to her cause.

Reria bowed her head politely. "Thank you, very much. I'm honored to accept this post and I'm very pleased to announce that as of a few hours ago, our diplomats signed treaties with both the Stellar Imperium Collective and the Angband Imperium. We currently have a trade and research alliance with the Stellar Imperium and a non-aggression pact with the Angband Imperium."

"What of the trade with the Stellar Imperium?" Dr. Jerja asked eagerly.

"It's gone through," Reria answered. "One of their colony ships is en route to our space now, and one of our Aspen class ships is on its way to theirs as we speak, both filled with colonists."

"I don't like the idea of trading our people like bargaining chips," General Xaxin grumbled.

"They all volunteered, General, as did the SIC's people," Vevis pointed out.

"Besides, having some of their people will boost the output of methane worlds in our possession hugely," Director Quqat said, rubbing his paws together.

General Xaxin gave his ally a dirty look but said nothing.

"I can't wait to see the analyasis of the alien colony ship," Dr. Jerja said.

"You are NOT taking that ship apart!" Director Quqat said, horrified.

"But it has superior propulsion technology," Dr. Jerja protested. "And the gas colonized component..."

"Doctor, given how alien the ship's tech is, there's a very low chance that dissecting one ship will reveal very much," Vevis said. "It's already been decided that we're going to use the ship to start a colony on a gas giant."


"The world's already been choosen, in fact," Vevis continued. "We're going to transfer the CIS people onto one of colony ships for use on a methane rock world. Their ship will be used to colonize Yokvli VII."

Quqat frowned. "Yokvli VII? What about Yokvli II? VII has no abundant resources so..." realization set in. "You're going to fill the planet with evolution chambers, aren't you? Give a boon to the scientists."

"That was the plan," Vevis said, as Jerja perked up noticably. "Unless there's any other buisness?"

"Just one thing, High Thinker," Reria said. "The Angband Imperium mentioned another space nation called the..." she checked her notes, "Kiith Somtaaw Clan. They offered to give us their comm. frequency. Shall I accept?"

"Of course," Vevis said. "Hopefully they'll be as friendly as our other neighboors."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

Arthur had just put the finishing touches on his message to the Kushans. After three more attacks on Malakari assets that caused the destruction of two more scout ships, including two deliberate attacks on the Malakari homeworlds, Arthur had had quite enough. He sent a cold, business-like message to the Kushans informing them that the Malakari systems were now closed to all Kushan traffic, and that starting immediately, any trespassing ships would be fired on. Arthur gave orders to his Chief Military Coordinator to see to it that all of the Kushan scout ships would be hunted down and destroyed.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali

"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
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Post by Nephtys »

The science mission to the Jrit system was well underway when the ultimatum from the ultimatum from the alien 'Zod'. Although their existance was known for several weaks from Raptor Survey, only now did they make themselves notable...

"Minos Two-Four-Four to Minos Two-Three-Six. DRADIS Contacts, three escorts and one transport ship closing on bearing zero-four-four mark five eight."

"Survey here! We've still got people on the ground. There's some kind of technology down here the Cylons used for resource reclamation and recylcing tha---"

"Prep evacuation anyway, survey. We're moving to me--- frack me, Radiological alarm! Three of those ships, nuclear ordinance confirmed. Fourth likely to be a troop carrier..."

"What do we do, Skipper?"

"...Take the shot."

Swiftly, both patrol ships broke off from low orbit over the colony, moving to intercept the three incoming scouts. "ECM active. Firing solution confirmed... target hit." streaks of white trailed to three seperate clouds of now expanding debris, the two ships darting through the fields to engage the last ship. A pair of heavy missiles streaked forward, blasting the last ship into dust. Neither ship's crew would know that the last ship was no troopship.. but rather a colony ship.

Tensions were running high between the Twelve Colonies and the forces of Zod. No formal diplomatic exchange had been made yet. This surely would hurt any attempt...
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Post by Kojiro »

Cosmos couldn't believe his luck. It was usually so boring out on deep space patrol but here were humans! In space! This was not only his mission but it was someone to talk to and he eagerly took the chance to go and say hi.

Aboard a nearby Colonial Raptor...

"Dradis contact confirmed, unknown vessel. It's...behaving erratically. Possibly's flight has leveled out and it's coming right for us. Visual any moment...There!"

"What the frack kind of ship is that?"

"Transmission incoming, from the ship."

The radio crackled in the pilots helmets.
"Helloooooo!? Hello? Humans? Can you hear me?"

The two raptor pilots looked uneasily at one another. First contact was a delicate affair. Or at least they thought so. The signal continued as the vessel approached. The raptor crew was at once alarmed at the crafts approach and strangely disarmed by the almost childlike enthusiasm coming into their headsets.

"Aw come on, I can see you! Say something!" it crackled. One of the pilots engaged his mike.

"This is Colonial Raptor zero six two..."

"Hello Colonial Raptor zero six two! I'm called Cosmos. It's a pleasure to meet you." By now the vessel had approached within 30 meters of raptor 62 and come to a stop.

"Uh, a pleasure to meet you too Cosmos... we represent the Colonial Navy. Uh.." the pilot thought to himself I'm so not trained for this" we, uh, come in peace."

"That's great! We're a very peaceful race too. Well now we are. It's a long story."

The other pilot engaged her mike "Cosmos, we need to know who you work for, who are your people?" The pilot had heard of the 'Kryptonians' but until someone examined one she held her suspicions they were human, possibly even the lost 'Earth' colony from the scriptures. They looked way too human to be too different.

"I'm from the Cybertronian Union." came back the excited, pride filled voice. "I'm an Autobot to be precise."

"What's an 'autobot'?" the pilot felt strangely at ease.

"We believe in peace and freedom. We're the good transformers. You want to watch out for Decepticons, not that there are a lot around now. But you know...anyone not wearing this symbol on my chest is not trustworthy!"

"Chest? You mean the big red face thingie? And what's a 'transformer' exactly?" asked the first pilot.

Before their eyes the green saucer like ship shifted and changed until it was humanoid.


It simply hung there in space, rotating slowly and waving excitedly...

"Are you...a...machine?" asked the first pilot.

"Well of course. Can't you tell?" replied Cosmos, still waving at the stunned pilots.

"We've encounted a race of giant peaceful toasters..." Adama was going to love this.
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Post by brianeyci »

Fushai examined the radar. Three green blips to three red ones. The Malakari had responded viciously, sending heavily armed and armored vessels. Three scout vessels against the enemy's two cutters and a colony vessel. Not good odds. The green blips blinked, then disappeared.

"We have lost," said Fushai.

"What of the other ships? The reinforcements?"

"They were intercepted and destroyed."

"You cannot leave us here!"

"I will return," she said, twirling around and jumping in her escape pod.
"Something coming through the hyperspace conduit."

"What is it?"

"It is... it appears to be a scout vessel."

"We have our orders. Launch leeches."

"Leeches away. Unknown vessel... clearing hyperspace conduit."

"Prepare for ramming speed... ramming speed, now!"
"Three scouts lost to the Malakari. One to the Twelve Colonies."

"We did things their way. Now we do it my way," said Naabal.

"Orders from the Supreme Chancellor. We are to revive the mimics."

"The Holy One damn him."

"There are many volunteers."

"Of course they are." Naabal paused. "See to it that those without families, with few friends, are alloted the first spots. Keep those with children in reserve," he said his voice low.

"Yes my lord.

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Post by Trogdor »

"We're boxed in, and I don't like it at all," General Xaxin said in the next meeting of the High Council.

"What would you have us do, General?" Dr. Jerja asked. "Attempt to invade one of our neighboors? Even leaving aside all the moral and ethical issues with that, the technology to mount such an operation doesn't exist yet, except inasmuch as we can give Proximains guns and ferry them from planet to planet."

"I don't see how it takes much more than that," General Xaxin grumbled.

"Enough!" Vevis said. "We will not consider making war on another nation without provokation."

"And if you're waiting for that, General, you may be waiting for a long time," Reria said. "The Jovian Sunspots offered us a treaty of trade and research alliance."

"Then what do all of you propose we do about the fact that we're restrained to two systems?" General Xaxin asked.

"Science," Dr. Jerja snapped. "With more research we can more fully utilize our territory. Converting the atmospheres--"

"Being able to develop such machines is years away, doctor," General Xaxin snapped, rolling his eyes.

"The Stellar Imperium's proposed a plan of cooperative colonization," Reria said. "I say we take it. It'll be quicker than trading colony ships back and forth."

"I've reviewed that plan," General Xaxin said. "And it still doesn't address the problem that we're boxed in."

"General, I think you're forgetting why it is we seek to colonize worlds," Director Quqat said smoothly.

Xaxin glared at him, and Vevis knew that whatever alliance they'd had was over.

"Colonies are a means to an end," Director Quqat continued. "Or rather, various ends: resources, manufacturing capacity, and space for evolution chambers. We can gain resources from asteroid mining and trading with out neighboors. And manufacturing and research can happen in orbital bases if need be. Clearly, it is in our best intrest now to make as many ties as we can to other governments to bring us wealth and to make the most of the worlds we do have."

General Xaxin sighed. "Oh, fine, it's not like we have many other options. But I will not sit idly by if defense spending is slashed so that we can pursue pipe dreams like atmospheric conversions and ring worlds."

"They are not pipe dreams, they're--"

Vevis raised a hand to silence Jerja. "I'm sure no one is proposing that we strip defense of funding. Any other buisness?"

"Just one thing," Reria said. "I propose that we give the Angband Imperium the comm. channels for our other neighboors. Premier Daltonius may feel slighted if we don't return the courtesy he paid us, and Angband scouts will encounter our other allies soon anyway."

Vevis nodded. "Very well, I'll send him the frequencies myself later."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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Post by Nephtys »

The Kobol expedition had proceeded as planned, a colony ship descending upon the legendary birthplace of humanity. From Orbit, four Strike Raptors escorted it, despite the two long-range DRADIS contacts. One was moving in fast. Unknown to the crews of the Raptors and the expedition, it was the Somtaaw advance scout...

Raptor 362
"Camper to Expedition. Bogey-One is approaching on direct intercept with Kobol... request weapons free to engage. Radiological alarm confirms nuclear payload."

"Expedition to Raptor 362, weapons free. Repeat, weapons free."

"Affirm, Expedition. Firing solution cleared, target lock. Fox two."


"Target is deflecting, and returning fire. Inbound missile... bank hard!"


"Expedition to Raptor 362, report status? Report!"

"..*crackle* Raptor 362... reporting bogey splashed. Returning to landing site now. Minor damage from proximity blast..."
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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief when the last Kushan scout was destroyed. Now that his system was finally free of the maurading scum, he could move his defenseless colony ships about more freely. Finally, his company could get some real colonization done.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali

"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
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Post by brianeyci »

"Continue fortification of the warp points into Malakari, Angband and Kryptonian space," said Naabal. "Has there been any word from the Supreme Chancellor about permission to open trade relations with any of these factions. I would not like to--"

"Yes," said Praxta. "It's--"

"I've never seen you so white before."

"The Council says that they are infected."

Infected. Impossible!

"Who? The Angband? Their organic ships are--"

"All of them."

Naabal sat back. "All of them. The Beast--"

"--have infected this entire galaxy."

"Then it is clear. We must cleanse the galaxy of infection. Continue fortification of the warp points but do not traverse them. No doubt the Beast has constructed defenses awaiting our attack. We must wait and marshall our forces before our next strike."

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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

The galaxy just kept getting more interesting. Who would have thought there would be a whole race of intelligent transforming machines? It was like Arthur was living one of the sci-fi rags he used to read as a kid. This could set their understanding of computers ahead by generations, provded these Cybertronians were friendly. If not, well, they could be dealt with.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali

"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
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Post by Kojiro »

Prime mused to himself. Battling themselves to the point of extinction for so many years had left the transformers with little understanding of the galaxy or it's inhabitants. Never the less, in the little time they had retaken to the stars, they had encounteded several races. Thus far they were on friendly terms with all of them, and Prime had heard rumours of more from other governments. He absolutely would not let the newly formed Cybertronian Union make any enemies. Peace and freedom for all sentients. For no other cause would he allow a transformer under his command to fight.

He had sent messages to several neighbouring governments, and continued to send the same offer to any new contacts. Since the Transformers were natives to a cold ice planet, they were happy to give away the rock and gas planets in their systems in exchange for the recipient allowing them to colonise ice planets in their systems. His dream saw the Transformers spread throughout the galaxy, peaceful and prosperous on the tiny ice plants and moons that others had no use for. Already several governments, pressed for space had taken him up on his offer.
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Post by brianeyci »

"How much progress are you making on the crystalline technology?" said Naabal.

"Little. The crystals are highly violatile and react substantially to gravity fields. We have manufactured a crystal shard cannon and used crystals to enhance the yield of our thermonuclear weapons, but that is all."

"And the ancient ruins?"

"We have discovered an intact artifact of unknown origin. Unfortunately it is non-functional. Estimates are that it can do significant damage to interstellar engines."

"Crystalline technology has top priority."


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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

Expansion was coming along nicely. Long range scans showed the Malakari were not number 1 yet in planets colonized, but Arthur was confident that would change. The machine people were nice enough to send Arthur star charts for a dozen different systems the Malakari had not yet visited, and comm channels with two new races, so the Malakari returned the favor.

Arthur doubted that the Kushans would try to come through the warp point, and had no intention of going through theirs. The Kushans and Malakari had a decent enough unspoken arrangement. The Malakari had free run to expand west of the central cluster that they both shared, while the Kushans could expand east. Perhaps when the two empires clashed again, they would both be massive empires spanning hundreds of worlds. Or perhaps not. Arthur was already running out of unclaimed territory to expand into, hopefully the Kushans were having the same problem. Only one thing was for sure: it was a big galaxy out there, and anything could still happen.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali

"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
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Post by Trogdor »

"So far the exchange system we've worked out with the Stellar Imperium is going smoothly," Reria said. "We've already traded a planet with them for one in a system belonging to us. And fortunatly the number of rock worlds in their territory are equal to the number of gas worlds in ours, so neither of us will have a planet in the other's system."

Director Ququat nodded, removing a small, wooden object from his pocket and stuffing one end with some kind of dried up leaves. "It's working out quite nicely so far, save for the fact that due to the relative haste of the population exchange and each side's colonization, we've currently got methane worlds with Proximians and hydrogen with these humans. But I've already had a transport built to fix this little problem."

"How are you going to get people to just pack up and leave their homes?" Dr. Jerja asked. "And what is that thing?"

Ququat smiled. "This, dear doctor, is called a pipe, and it is used for smoking something called tobacco. I got it from the Angband Imperium. Apparently, smoking is something the wealthy indulge in over there."

"I wasn't aware that we'd begun trading with them," General Xaxin said.

"We haven't," Reria said.

Ququat shrugged. "People smuggle things. No doubt some of the Angband Imperium's wealthy are currently enjoying a bottle of Proximian illati, or getting a massage from a pocket comfort beast."

Jerja chortled. "Fine example you're setting. Buying contraband."

"It's merely a precursor to wider, more profitable trade," Ququat said. "The only thing we've got against the Angband is that we don't know them very well yet, after all."

Vevis decided it was time to bring the conversation back to buisness. "Back to the doctor's other question: how do you plan on getting all those people to leave for another planet?"

"It's really quite easy," Ququat said, still struggling to get the pipe lit. "Most people will leave a bubble colony for a world they can breath the atmosphere on in a heartbeat. Given how young the colonies are, almost nobody's really attached to their new homes yet. And for those who are, the Colonization Acts give us the right to evict them. We throw enough money at them and the public stops feeling sorry for them."

As soon as he finished explaining his pragmatic but rather cold-hearted plan, Ququat finally got the pipe going. He inhaled deeply...

And immeditaly began coughing. In his surprise and revulsion, Ququat flung the pipe across the room, hitting the opposite wall and sending smoldering tobacco flying.

Jerja burst out laughing. "Must take some getting used to."

Still sputtering, Ququat said, " that."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

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Post by brianeyci »

Ckeuak System
Ckeuak II

Viishan stared at his radar screen his eyelids drooping. Night watch. The entire command center was empty except for himself, and two young ones manning the listening posts. Viishan didn't expect much. Just a few days a year of rest and service to his nation.

A beep.

The radar screen lit up and the room darkened. Viishan stood up. The panoramic view of space faced the small satellite field they had built on the wormhole to human territory. Opening with a flourish, the wormhole illuminated the stars.

There was nothing to do but watch--it was all automated. One ship came through the wormhole, two ships, three ships, four ships, five ships. The satellites fired their missiles and laser beams destroying the point ship, but there were too many. Eventually they all closed on the satellites.

And flew straight by them.

Viishan looked at his computer console. Most of the ships were unarmed, some of them armed with only token weapons. Probes, sent to test the defenses. There was only one purpose for such an attack.

"Contact the Council. We are being invaded," said Viishan.

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Post by Trogdor »

"We've made contact with another power," Reria said at the next council meeting. "The Cybertronian Union. Intelligence is sketchy at this time, however, we know that they've signed a treaty with the Stellar Imperium, that their leader is named Optimus Prime, and that they're entirely mechanical lifeforms."

"Mechanical lifeforms?" Dr. Jerja asked, immeditaly curious.

"Optimus Prime?" Ququat asked. "Why didn't he just name himself 'I'm number one?'"

Vevis rolled his eyes. "Send the standard first contact greeting, Reria."

She nodded. "Yes, High Thinker."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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Post by Dalton »

"The Kiith are trying to attack one of our colonies, sire."

"Really now. How bad was the damage?"

"Er, no damage at all, sire."

"Send the fleet."

"Yes, sire."
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster

May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce.
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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

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Dodo System

"So it is settled. We will fight the beast invasion as one," said Lord Naabal.

"Erm, yes, the beast invasion, of course. And you'll give us the systems east of Dodo and Semenov?" said a round faced pudgy character wearing spectacles and paying little attention to the monstrosity before him.

"Those systems are yours. And the refugees--"

"We'll hand the refugees over to you, fine."

Lord Naabal reached forth with his hand to greet the human. The human was small, no doubt some underling sent by CEO Arthur who couldn't be bothered to meet with him in person. But Naabal hadn't expected Arthur. The Somtaaw Council after all wouldn ever meet or see Arthur, so Naabal didn't expect the humans to extend the same courtesy.
The galaxy was getting very interesting. In a move of desperation, the Kushans had allied themselves with his company. It would be fun to see how this turned how.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali

"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
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Post by Trogdor »

"We've opened a dialoge with the Cybertronian Union," Reria announced at the next Council meeting. "All signs indicate that they're friendly, and we should have a treaty firmly in place by next month at the latest."

"Very good, Minister," Vevis said. "Have we learned anymore about them?"

"A bit," Reria answered. "They're an ancient race, much older than ours. The reason they're on par with us is because of a huge civil war. They are, or were, symbiots like us, but their Workers and Warriors--the Autobots and Decepticons--disagreed on their place in the galaxy."

Vevis shivered slightly at the thought of a civil war between the Thinkers and Workers. Judging by the looks of everyone else, the idea disturbed them, too.

"Would never let my people do that," High Worker Broog said emphatically.

"Nor would I," Vevis agreed.

"Something I'd like to call to the council's attention," General Xaxin said. "The Kiith Somtaaw are making waves; they seem to believe that the entire galaxy is infected with something they call 'the Beast.' Intelligence is sketchy, but what we do have indicates that they may be readying to go on some crazy crusade over this."

"General, I think we can hardly act against one of our allies over such vague data," Reria warned.

"I'm not proposing we mobilize for war," Xaxin said. "I'm just suggesting that we build more defenses."

"This wouldn't happen to be your way of getting more money in the military budget, would it?" Ququat asked sardonically.

Xaxin glared at him. "I would never do such a thing."

Ququat withered undering the soldier's glare. "I'll see what spare funding I can find in the budget."

"In the meantime, perhaps we should try and strengthen ties with the Angband?" Reria suggested. "It could deter the Kushans, or at least give the Angband more resources if they're invaded."

"Good idea," Vevis said. "I'll write up the message."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
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Post by brianeyci »

"The Kryptonians have entered our home system."

"How was this allowed to occur?"

"Their attempt to run the wormhole blockade suceeded last month. We believed we had hunted every last ship, but we confused their second attack through the wormhole with their older ships attempting to return to their own space."

"Destroy the vessels."

"Our scientists have detected changes in the occupants of their rocket ships. We believe some of them now possess--supernatural powers."

"The Beast Infection," said Naabal. "Are you saying you cannot destroy them?"


"Then fire a thermonuclear missile at the spies and be done with it."

"Yes my lord."

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Post by Nephtys »

Picon Inquirer, Weekend Edition Top Story:
Expedition ordered to the East!
Bonnie Tseung, Associated Colonial Press.

Caprica City, Caprica. Earlier this week, a stunning resolution has been passed in regards to Colonial Policy of the unknown aliens to the Galactic East. An expedition unit, composed of the Frigate Posideon, and her compliment of Raptor craft had made FTL Jump, beyond the Red Line from the boundries of the Kobol system following the loss of several civilian Surveyor ships in the past few months.

While the Quoroum was split previously and spent nearly two months in debating this topic, additional reports of strange sightings have made it clear to the quorum that more information is needed. "We are not alone in this cluster of stars. We created life before... and now we see that others have done the same." President Adar said in a press conference this morning, "For the colonies to prosper, we must begin peaceful relations if possible, and show that we will are ready to defend ourselves if required."

More on the developing story as details become available. (~P.I.)
Lieutenant Aries 'Pepper' Rothery briefly set aside a hard copy of the newspaper, and waited impatiently at her ECO who had probably left the paper in one of the documentation drawers carelessly, by the flight manual. "How long?" she growled.

"Not much l---we've recieved permission to spin up FTL drives. All ships to make jump in... sixty seconds."

"Good enough. Frack this waiting." Pepper mumbled, as the other Raptors of her squadron formed up, and the shape of the frigate Posideon came into view. The fleet silently vanished into the black, a trail of blue ending in a red shift, winking each craft out of view...


...and back into existance after a brief but nauseating transit. The fleet formed up, in perfect formation in uncharted territory...

The Radio Crackled immediately after.

"Posideon, Jollies... reading twelve hostile contacts, approximatel five meters in diameter. They've vectored on our position, contact in fifteen seconds."

Rothery gripped the handle of her stick carefully, and looked back. "Get ready to switch to active tracking, we've got in-b----" she was cut off, as a shuddering blast glanced by the wing of her Raptor. Instinctively, she fired the main engine and RICs, gaining velocity.

"Raptor Squadron, Posideon... Raptor 562 is hit and no longer responding. Hostile contacts approaching in formation... prepare to engage!


"My Gods, that's a lot of them..." the EWO mumbled. The small multipurpose ship adjusted again, shifting her nose and weapons towards the formation of hostile attack pods. "Enemy targetting is painting us..."

More blasts from the energy weapons streaked out, a lancing shot clipping against another Raptor, which swerved out of formation from damage. A few bursts hit against the Posideon's hull, glancing the heavy armor of the frigate.

"Raptor Squadron, Posideon... Open fire, all ships. You are authorized to use heavy ordinance. Main flak battery, fire for effect!"


Blasts filled space from the heavy gatling cannons mounted upon the nose of each raptor, and the large salvo of missiles streaking to the tightly packed attack group. The flak cannons from the Posideon sent out swift shells, detonating in the middle of the formation even as the pods prepared for a second volley of laser fire. Shrapnel and KE penetrators shredded through the formation before any such reply could be made.

Within seconds.. it was over. One Raptor was lost and two more damaged. Pepper watched in stunned silence as within ten seconds, the engagement ended with an unnerving silence.
Last edited by Nephtys on 2006-04-20 01:12am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by brianeyci »

"The Beast has invaded the Ckeuak system."

Naabal scowled. "What of our multibeam frigates? Have they finished construction?"

"Soon. We have tested the new weapons systems and they are working at less than optimal efficiency. Instead our engineers have suggested we use conventional thermonuclear weapons or projectile cannons until our crystal shard technology has matured."

"I do not care about that. Send the vessels as quickly as possible to the Ckeuak system. The Beast must not be allowed to gain a stronghold there."

"It will require significant diversion of resources."

"Do what is necessary. Our other borders are secure for now."

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Post by brianeyci »

"The Beast is holding position in Ckeuak."

"Why do they not strike?"

"Perhaps they fear our counterattack. Or are waiting for reinforcements. They may not have the numbers to lay siege to our planets."

"This is a blessing. Divert all available ships to Ckeuak. We will purge the system of invaders."
"Word from Ckeuak. The Beast has deployed a second capital ship."

"One light frigate will not pause our wrath. Continue the advance."

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