Now onto new picture to dest...lighten the mood.


Look Cade found spare Vader pants!
Moderator: Vympel
That's a Vong?Tiriol wrote:A Yuuzhan Vong Sith?
Good news: the Vong apparently re-establish their connection to the Force.
Bad news: Zonama Sekot and the Jedi Order do so bad job that the new Vong Force-sensitives are right away ready to join the dark side. And with a crab-like helmet, no less. Oh dear...
Appeal to the horny teenage male demographic strikes again!And why does that Sith chick feel necessary to run around in a strip dancer's outfit more fit for a Twi'lek dancer?
He was referring to the Skywalker picture. I personally wouldn't be sure that she was a bounty hunter or smuggler if the picture didn't make it so painfully obvious that Cade's friends are attempts at "Female Han Solo" and "Black Han Solo"Stofsk wrote:How do you know the Sith chick is a bounty hunter or smuggler? Maybe she's a whore.
Close. He's a space pirate.Civil War Man wrote:He was referring to the Skywalker picture. I personally wouldn't be sure that she was a bounty hunter or smuggler if the picture didn't make it so painfully obvious that Cade's friends are attempts at "Female Han Solo" and "Black Han Solo"Stofsk wrote:How do you know the Sith chick is a bounty hunter or smuggler? Maybe she's a whore.
P.S. Can't forget that Cade looks like an attempt at "Han Skywalker", so he's probably a smuggler, too.
Actually, I think the black guy is supposed to look like Lando Calrissian. Well, Lando did marry...Civil War Man wrote:He was referring to the Skywalker picture. I personally wouldn't be sure that she was a bounty hunter or smuggler if the picture didn't make it so painfully obvious that Cade's friends are attempts at "Female Han Solo" and "Black Han Solo"Stofsk wrote:How do you know the Sith chick is a bounty hunter or smuggler? Maybe she's a whore.
P.S. Can't forget that Cade looks like an attempt at "Han Skywalker", so he's probably a smuggler, too.