Yes, because they always have a choice not to work for two dollars an hour if it's too low for them. When lots of people make this choice, then businesses will raise wages until the needs of their company are in equilibrium with the needs of the populace. Some people may still choose not to work for the wage that is offered, and some will choose to work for the wage that is offered, but everyone involved will have a choice in the matter which is different from the involuntary unemployment we see, today.brianeyci wrote:I'll answer your entire post after this, but here's the question. If you accept that some jobs everybody can do, then are you willing to let the market decide their fate rather than accept that there's a basic level of decency in the minimum wage. If the market says that mopping floors or piling shit or whatever is worth two dollars an hour, are you willing to let them be paid two dollars an hour.
My cut-off point would be 100% of income spent on rent, if that's what someone wants to do with their money.The minimum wage puts a dollar value on every person's work regardless of their skillset. This is a basic tenent of human rights, that everybody is worth something. Just defining that worth is the only problem to me, but you seem to be willing to let the market define the worth. For me the worth is clear--50% or less of income spent on rent. What's your cutoff point?
Here is the logical fallacy in your argument:
You are unwilling to allow the market to dictate the wage rate under specific circumstances. Instead, you argue that we should impose a restriction such that no one who works (I assume you would require them to work a certain number of hours to qualify for consideration) should have to spend more than half of their total income on rent. BUT WHAT DETERMINES THE PRICE OF RENT IF NOT THE MARKET? You are, essentially, placing an unnecessary condition on one market by tying it to another market, with no justification or thought process behind this system of price-fixing.
I may have to go and get some work done, but if so I will try and log on tomorrow afternoon and continue if you so desire.