For those of you without the book, the quote is on a page detailing the Kamino facilities, titled "Military Complex." The main text reads:
THE CLONE MILITARY EDUCATION COMPLEX, which dominates Tipoca City, is the biggest training center on Kamino. Its current production is dedicated to fulfilling the Republic contract, the largest cloning project the Kaminoan government has ever undertaken. When Obi-Wan arrives, Tipoca is already primed to deliver 200,000 clone troops, while facilities across the planet are equipped to produce millions more. As prime minister Lama Su walks Kenobi through Tipoca's public display floor, he has no doubt that the Jedi will be impressed with his superbly organied operation.
So, as you can see, it is 200k individual troops. The relevant quote is a caption on a screenshot from AotC from the sceen where screen is filled with white-armored clones marching for display.
The first batch of clone divisions are ready for deployment; millions more are undergoing intensive performance evaluations. Troops are drilled in formation on outdoor training grounds, which are occasionally unusable at the height of the rainy season due to increased electrical disturbances.
Further, it's not clear what size a "division" is. From later in the book:
Republic Troopers
On Geonosis, the Republic deploys two full battle armies, with Yoda and Mace Windu commanding one each and other veteran Jedi Knights in charge of eight corps of 36,864 troops each. All other divisions are led by specially trained clones: Commanders head regiments of 2,304 men; clone captains lead companies of 144 men; lieutenants head platoons of 36 men, and sergeants comand squads, each made up of nine clone troopers.
8*36,864=294,912...I'm confused.