There are plenty of things that could decrease the number of car accidents without limiting the speed of the car, because remember, especially on country roads, driver fatigue becomes a safety issue as well, so there's a point at which lowering the speed actually decreases safety.
For example, we could limit the number of passengers for young drivers, seeing as having passengers increases the likelihood of a car accident. (I heard somewhere that this was even more pronounced for young male drivers, but I can't find a report on it with my laziness, and besides, making the law different for young male and young female drivers would never fly, because it's discriminatory or something.)
These nice people wrote:
According to the most recent Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) study on crash rates by the number of passengers across different driver age groups, crash rates for teens rise significantly as the number of passengers increases. This is especially true for the most inexperienced drivers (16- and 17-year-olds). In 1999, 16- and 17-year-old teens driving with no passengers were involved in 1.6 accidents per 10,000 trips, yet the rate rises to 2.3 accidents with one passenger, 3.3 accidents with two passengers, and sharply rises to 6.3 accidents with three or more passengers in the car. This latter number is three times greater than the accident rate per 10,000 trips for 18- and 19-year-old teens driving with three or more passengers (2.1).
But the main problem with crashes over the Easter weekend is the number of people on the roads, who are more likely to be travelling on unfamiliar country roads. I'd like to see statistics on how many fatalities there are relative to the number of cars actually driving places, but I have no idea where to start looking.
ROAR!!!!! says GOJIRA!!!!!
"I would say that the above post is off-topic, except that I'm not sure what the topic of this thread is, and I don't think anybody else is sure either."
- Darth Wong
Free Durian - Last updated 27 Dec
"Why does it look like you are in China or something?" - havokeff