AK_Jedi wrote:
I think Star Wars EU jumped the shark when they came out with the NJO. When the best way they could think of for continuing the story was to create some sort of uber organic alien race that wants to kill the entire galaxy, they are no longer worthy of writing more books.
I know people who would say that SW jumped the shark when the ewoks debuted at Endor!
True, the constant stream of imperial warlords was getting tireing, but still plenty to explore in all of the already established eras. Personally, I would have liked to see the events of some of the major events seen through the eyes of some minor player. For example, follow the exploits of a rebel grunt through the galactic civil war. Or even tell the story from the point of view of an imperial. There are literally dozens of untapped story ideas out there.
You know what I would like to have seen...an actual "GALACTIC CIVIL WAR!" What we got was nothing like that. Where were the imperials that weren't dickheads that joined the alliance after Endor. Whole sectors must have joined the NR intact. After all they didn't fight everyone. But no we get the x-wing novels.

A fleet more pathetic than the one at Endor takes Coruscant, and manages to hold it...sigh. Not a single battle occurs with more than a dozen ships. Why does the NR use mostly Moncal ships, rather that Kuat product. Why was the NR run by the rebels, when the most powerful factions should have been non-rebel?
Sigh...so much waste potential. Its telling when off the top of you head you can think of at least a handful of fanfics that are far better than this atrocity.
"The enemy outnumbers us a paltry three to one. Good odds for any Greek...."
"Spartans. Ready your breakfast and eat hearty--For tonight we dine in hell!" ~ King Leonidas of Sparta.