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Post by Dahak »

((btw, are we doing this fight in the mentioned PM-way? Would be the best way IMHO...))
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Post by Oberleutnant »

((Cursed forefathers, why did you have to make December 6th our independence day... Four new pages of text that I had to read through before getting here.))

After Anna had introduced Anton to the rest he merely exchanged a few words with them before he left them alone. Much to his disappointment, they were not the kind of people he really wanted to associate with. Especially the biker called Jack made him uneasy.

So goddamn American, he thought. He talks way too much.

When the Giovanni thugs came, Anton backed away. His hand moved towards his sidearm, a 9mm Glock pistol, which he kept under his suit as backup. He had never fired it outside the firing range, though. As the situation began to escalate, Anton started to seriously think about disappearing from the scene.

There was no reason for him to get involved in others' petty power games. With the woman handling the blade and her friends getting ready for action, he decided to make his move. He noticed that nobody was guarding the front door. Increasing his pace, he arrived there. As the palm of his hand touched the cold, metallic knob, a wave of relief went through his body.

He opened the door.

"Ebat'-kopat'!" Anton muttered, as he found himself staring at the massive back of Godzilla-sized thug, blocking the entrance.

Edit: Corrected some really bad grammar mistakes.
Last edited by Oberleutnant on 2002-12-07 03:53pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Dark »

Etienne had merely been watching, trying to keep track of conversations, successfully with the English and Greek, not so successfully with whatever Eastern European tongue that had been. The appearance of the Giovanni had passed by his notice until one of them said DuMont.

Oh, shit...was that DuMont or DuMonde? I better keep a low profile, I don't know why these goons might want me, unless it's about the stuff in the house...

Reaching inside his jacket, his right hand closed on the old .44 Army revolver he had saved as a momento of his mortal life. It was an antique, and rather inaccurate by today's standards, but even a vampire would know it had been hit by the oversized round. Guns weren't usually his style, but Giovanni weren't known for their ability to listen.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Larz »

Mal snickered "violence, violence, boneheaded violence. Thugs versus drunken literary miesers all be because of pages, paper cuts, paper cuts all that matters and gives onto vampiers." He grinned meniacly, shifting position so the cross once again lay upon his bare skin, a sizzling sound and the smell of burning flesh arose as smoke soldered of his chest. It was a very disturbing thing to see a vampire smile with such demonic pleasure as the holy crucifix burned a hole in his bossom.
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Mark S »

((Well, the power cord on my laptop is pooched so I can't get online from home for a while but I see that no one has moved with this for about two days. In the spirit of keeping the ball rolling, and assuming that Kelly wouldn't kill anyone off in the first fight, I'd like to just start this thing off. If I am not going in the direction that you intended, Kelly, I'm sorry and we can delete this post and move on the way you want. You're the boss. I just like this whole ad-lib, freestyle, seven points of view thing that's going on and am itching to keep it going (how can you tell).))

The owner had drawn her sword and the one I assumed was Alec DuMont was heading for her side. Whatever was going on, it looked like he was the one that was facing the music. As soon as the goon squad had registed that this was who they were looking for, they lept to action.

All hell broke loose.

Those still at tables trying to stay out of things and keep to themselves were swept to the walls and out of the way as the fight took full force. This wasn't my fight and I had tried to at least get behind the bar, but fate had a different plan for me. Fucking bitch.

For whatever reason, I think it had something to do with my proximity to the rambling wacko and the path DuMont was taking to the owner, I was targeted by one of the stuffed suits.

He pulled a gun from his armpit, jumped away from the Lady's sword slash and aimed for me. I leapt towards him and to the side, forcing him to follow a moving target and cutting his angle. He got off a couple shot amid the other bullets that were now flying and managed to plug me in the leg. I've had worse from a guy with a pitch fork. I was just hoping that it had gone all the way through.

When I came up from my dive I was beside him. His arm tracked over to center me again and landed right in my waiting palm. I twisted. He snarled. I smiled and twisted some more. The sound of the bones popping thundered in my heightened hearing.

As my attacker dropped the weapon I slammed home with my other hand. It was an open palmed hit to his ribcage. And... YES! I got the sweet spot. The rib cracked and was sent inward to pierce the heart. The big guy dropped like a stone.

"Learned that from a bald monk in China," I sneered down to his almost peaceful face.
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Post by Dahak »

((To keep it going, i'll do something, then too))
Somewhere behind him, near the bar, Dachlan could hear the starting of a fight.
Then Dachlan heard a shot. Now that's enough...
When he rosehis palm, a small fire twinkled alive, growing in size pretty fast, until it was a huge ball of pure fire.
With a dismissive movement of his hand, he threw the fireball at the nearest Giovanni thug, carefully aiming so that he only hit the thug.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Larz »

The Malkavian laughed meniaclly, from a satchel he had straped in the small of his back he produced 3 viles of holy water and two barbed, oak stakes. His face twisted in glee, the feral vampire coming through. He looked almost like a demon child, laughing and dancing as he moved towards one of the engaged giovani, throwing the holy water widly, he didn't seem to care who got hit by the sanctified water.
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Mark S »

I was standing over the inert form of my attacker feeling pretty proud of myself when a wave of pain racked me in the form of tiny droplets of searing water down my arm. I roared in pain and shook the offending appendage as if I could hope to shake the terrible liquid off.

How did somebody get a hold of holy water?! I couldn't remember the last time I had run across a man of the clothe that was actually enough of a man of God to make the stuff work. Most priests I had seen now-a-days were just going through the motions and paying lip service.

My attention turned, trying to find where the water had come from. I was destracted. I was stupid. I had left myself open and was slammed from the side by what I could only assume was freight train.

I hit the floor with a hud and slid head first into the statue of Horus. My newest attacker was not far behind and I managed to gather enough presence of mind to give him a couple good kicks to the head.

I was sure I had heard bones breaking but it wasn't enough. The guy was a giant, a mammoth, and now more than a little miffed at me.

With one hand the attacker grabbed my ankle and pulled, with the other he righted his neck bones. I came flying back underneath in time for him to grab my skull and press down. I flailed but to no avail, his grip was like a vice.

We struggled with him on my back and I had finally managed to get a hand free and extend my claws when I felt the distinctly uncomfortable sensation of someone pounding something very sharp between my shoulder blades. I had no idea whether it was a stake or a knife or what, but it wasn't good.

My only saving grace was his crappy aim. Not that he didn't keep trying...
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Post by The Dark »

Ah, shit... That was the only thought in my head as I saw the fight break out. Some Tremere can throw fireballs, like the guy that just did. I'm not that kind of mage. The holy water burned, and I still wondered about the fairness of a good Catholic boy being burned by holy water for something that wasn't his fault. I wasn't sure who had started the whole mess, but I sure wasn't planning on getting involved unless I had to.

That lasted until the Giovanni pulled out stakes. Guns I don't mind, but stakes bring out too much attention from those Knight wackos, and I don't like that kind of attention. When one of them jumped a patron from behind, I pulled out my little old souvenir from the War of the States. Most people think the old revolvers are primitive, until they're reminded that a single bullet from it masses more than a hundred bullets from their fancy assault rifles. Vampire or no, the shot I fired still smashed the idiot 'Vanni's right arm. I had just enough time to regret being so stupid as to openly interfere before one of the Giovanni struck the old revolver away from me, brandishing his stake like a knife...
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by Larz »

The Malkavian sang gregorian chants with glee as he ran towards the thug downed by bar patron that was next to him (Mark S). With a gleeful smile he sent one of the oaken stakes deep into the vampires heart, the barbs caught on the ribs, making the stake a rather permanent part of the Giovannis body until cut out.

With that Mal danced about the bar room, wildly throwing a vile of holy water at 'Vanni'. A dark laugh rang out from him lips as he continued to dance around.
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by haas mark »

((I got completely lost...))
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Post by Larz »

(( I've been lost, basically all hell has broken loose. People are fighting and thats about all thats going on ))
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by haas mark »

(( I figured. But both my Character and my NPC are kind of stuck right now... ))
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Post by Stormbringer »

(enough for now, all of you. wait till Kelly gets back)
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Post by Larz »

(( Good idea; however, I'm leaving the board for a month in 3 days, so come friday or so I'm going to wrap up my part ))
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Kelly Antilles »

The sound of metal on metal was all Anna could hear as she pulled her sword from the sheath. She saw the lead Giovanni side step, so she decided to concentrate on the guard to her right. She leapt forward and brough the blade down on his left shoulder, severing his arm from his shoulder. As he looked down at his dismembered limb, she smiled. "Never pick a fight on my turf." With a flick of her wrist, the blade sliced through his mid-section like a hot knife through butter. The guard had no chance, he fell to the floor dead.

She turned to check on the status of the rest. The madman was spraying what looked like holy water all over the place. Cursing in an ancient language, she moved to look him in the eye. "Stop!" she commanded. Somewhat reluctantly, he did so. She wasn't happy she had to Dominate the Malkavian, but she didn't want any bystanders hurt. "Sit down," she told him in the same tone. She blew out a sigh of relief as she saw him comply.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec was half way to Anna when the fight broke out. Soon fire arms, fireballs and holy water were flying.

Well, looks like it's all gone to hell. Anna's going to be pissed about this.

He was almost there. Anna was swinging her sword with a lethal grace. Even as she stopped the mad Malk, he felt the burn of holy water singing his cheek.

The lead thug charged toward Anna intent on taking her out while she was distracted. He had pulled a long wicked looking dagger. With a burst of super human speed Alec reached the thug tackling him.

They both ended up struggling on the floor, each desperately trying to wrest the knife from the other. Struggle though they might neither could gain the upper hand.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna saw the blur of movement and followed it to see Alec tackling the lead Giovanni. The glint of the dagger caught her eye and she screamed, "ALEC!!!"
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Post by Dahak »

While the Giovanni thug burned a happy scarlet, Dachlan shifted his attention to the other things happening in the bar.

As good as always he observed as Anna wielded her sword. He saw a flicker of movement, and then Alec and another Giovanni tackled on the floor.
Fire arms. How quaint. Why do they always use these crude things?
And what irritated him the most was this holy water throwing Malk.
Luckily, Dachlan was safely away from that.

His attention was drawn back to the tackle of Alec and the thug on the floor as he saw a glinting object. A dagger!
He decided to help him.
He concentrated on the Giovanni and with the power of his mind grabbed him while he was distracted fighting Alec, and tried to lift him high up in the air...
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Post by Stravo »

Jack was in motion as soon as the fight started. He could see that Alec and Dachlan had things well in hand with the lead thug. That left th eone closest to Jack who was turning to help his comrade. Jack leapt past the table like a hurdler and landed squarely in front of the Giovanni, with a whip like motion of his hand cartiledge crunched as he collapsed the Giovanni's trachea. Kindred did not have to breath, but there was the psychological effect of having your throat collapse on you that always bought Jack a few extra seconds.

He brought his right leg down like a jackhammer into the side of the Giovanni's right knee. A crunch of bone and cratiledge followed and the Giovanni howled in pain and surprise.

Jack felt a hammer like blow behind him as the third thug closed the distance and drop kicked him squarely in the back.

He let out a whoof of expelled air and went hurtling across the contained space, crashing against a table, splintering it as he fell to the floor.

He turned on his back and whipped out his 9mm and quickly assesed the situation.

Looks like the Giovanni brought friends.Jack mused.
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Post by Oberleutnant »

The Giovanni thug at the door was a lot faster than his massive frame suggested. Suddenly, he spun around, bumping into Anton and knocking him effortlessly on the floor. Producing an UZI-like weapon, he moved forward to help his struggling comrades.

Anton got back to his feet and dove for the nearest table. With the battle raging on, his hands trembling, he pulled out his Glock and aimed at the back of the large Giovanni. The situation was a mess, but there was a clear line of sight at his target. He squeezed the trigger and the pistol went off, hitting the Giovanni on his right shoulder.

The thug screamed in agony. He turned furiously and instantly spotted Anton, who had not yet recovered from the thought that he had actually shot someone. He sprayed a hail of bullets at the Russian. Glasses shattered and debris flew everywhere. Biting his teeth together, Anton barely managed to get under the table.
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Post by Larz »

The Malkavian submitted quietly for a bit before the chaos of his mind destroyed Anna's hold of him. He chuckled "scarlet fool, mind be teasers but the insane can nay control the sane for more than a cup of jov or twelve..." With that Mal stood up, an almost normal look upon his face as he put away the holy water.

"Cursed damn know not the pain of salvation, of pleasure in simplicity..." he touched the cross that hung around his neck, slowly burned away at skin which it touched. He now observed the spat as it occured, the fury in his blood seemed to drain away as he merely watched everyone else fight around him. Finally, his eyes feel upon the giovanni which he had staked, a dark smile crossing his face. He walked over to the stupified vampire, looking down with a meniacil grin on his face.

"Now... what should I do with you young fudge thats yet to curdle, should I bury you in my grave, sanctifiy the ground and plant a tree root through thy heart for a millena or two" He smiled darkly. Myths and legends surrounded the name of Mal, one of the most dreaded was his way of 'taking care' of kindred who crossed him. As he watched the torpered vampire, 2 stray bullets from the uzi wielding thug slamed into his stomach, knocking him down. He cursed in several different ancient languages as he stood up.

"You dirtied my cloak..." Mal moved towards the thug in an odd, zig-zag patteren that crossed chairs and tables. He looked blury even in vampires eyes as he used Celerity to close in on his target, a dark and feral look upon his face...
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Mark S »

I was pinned. My vampire foe had finally found a way to steady himself enough amid our combat and was kneeling, one leg on my neck, the other on my lower back. My vision consisted solely of the floor, the base of the statue, and chaoticly moving feet.

As the sticcato of an automatic weapon filled my ears, the thug on my back seemed to pause. He was lining up my heart. He must have been. But he waited too long. He gave me too much time to concentrate.

A second before his dagger or stake or whatever could hit home, I disappeared in a puff of mist. Well, I didn't disappear really. I WAS the puff of mist.

The goon hit the floor and lost his balance as I drifted up with the ventilation currents. I always find it facinating being in this state. Consciousness seems to expand. You see and hear everything around you, yet it's all... different.

I reformed above my attacker and brought my full weight down on his weapon arm. It was a nasty looking stake, I could see now, and it clanked to the floor as the flesh of his arm tore with his broken bone.

I grabbed the weapon and kicked the vampire in his thick head. He wobbled on his knees and tried to regain his senses. I looked up from him to see the Lady of the House paused in her deadly display of swordswomanship as she watched her friend DuMont struggling for his life. Our eyes met amid the battle. I motioned to our mutual enemy and indicated that her blade would make short work of him.

My atttention darted around the room. The crash of bodies, the clang of steel, the howls of the wounded or dying, my mind reeled back to another time and another place. A stern scowl painted my face. I was going back into the old mode. Even after all this time I still couldn't shake it.

I squeezed the wooden stake in my right hand and bolted for the giant at the door with the uzi.
Last edited by Mark S on 2002-12-13 10:03pm, edited 1 time in total.
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
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Post by Larz »

Mal reached the uzi wielding thug at the door, a meniacal smile on his face as he droped below his hips in time to avoid a spray of bullets in his gut. With renewed spirit the malkavain plunged an oaken stake in the vampires stomach, the barbed edges tearing at his inards. The thug reeled back from the pain of the blow, a shaky hand brought up the uzi to focus on the malkavian only in time to see Mal's foot finish a round about kick into the stake in his stomach, the stake was driven fully into the thug, his last actions before staggering back into a wall was fring a spray of bullets which slammed into Mal's shoulder, spinning him about as he hit the ground.
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Raxmei »

Aw ,crud The knot of bodies that Alfred had been exploiting for cover suddenly evaporated, leaving him dangerously exposed uncomfortably close to the battle. He dove under a nearby table to give himself some breathing room. Judging by the sounds of gunfire, the fight was getting terribly violent. Alfred wondered what they wanted that made them so touchy. Good thing it wasn't his concern. A stray bullet smashed through the table a few inches from Alfred's face. Now certainly seemed like a very good time to leave. As quickly and stealthily as he could, he made his way to the front door, hopeful that the combatants were too distracted to shoot him in the back. Screw you guys, I'm going home.
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