What the deuce? That's crazy. You just described the situation I'm advocating! The war started, now my admiral drops the attack he's currently launching, as the battle's underway, your diplomatic talks start, the big battle ends, and after that, news arrives of your presumed defeat as the talks are still winding down.So therefore the real sequence of events is: 1) War starts, 2) Big battle begins, 3) Diplomatic talks start, 4) Big battle ends, 5) News arrive as diplomatic talks are winding-up.
The affairs between the Silver Flame and the Mekidar, as just initiated with you in-game, will conclude after the forthcoming battle ends.
Unless, of course, you are describing the brief cruiser skirmish I just fought as a "Big Battle." If that was the case, you'd be even more off, as that engagement, launched very much on the immediate heels of my battlefleet's arrival (the earliest you could possibly have known of my move and sent a scout cruiser,) and considering the far greater distance your cruiser would have had to travel, would have transpired just as or before your scout was able to buzz my battlefleet.