LeftWingExtremist wrote:my home work and social life was sacrificed to bring you this, so be kind in your criticism.
Well, interesting ship, would like to see some other views of it. Guess I
have to start off by saying what you have look like the "Alligance"
StarDestroyer. Which is basically a large version of the original. Since
your stats mention having 10 large guns, 104 other guns, and then just
250 PD guns, what would you say the roll is? The 250 PD guns are WAY
more then a ship like that would need, especially as it would not bve in
much danger from fighters unless on mass.
ON your troop cpacity, the ISD has it's massive amount of troops as it's
designed to be a 'jack of all trades' that can subdue a planet with force
from land as well as space.
My ship is designed to be a pure Anti Capital ship ISD. That is why it has
so few Ion cannons and virtually no ground forces, as it's roll is a space
based ship killer.
Hope the comments arn't too 'unkind'

But just giving a full review. Now
all I need is to get the same for my ship