Lemm say it this way
The STATE(That not being you)
Gets a bunch of people who have not seen the inside of a school of higher education since they where their themselves , ooh thirty years ago and puts them in a room where they come up with a *Circulum
The Ciruculum is what is given to teachers at the begining of the year and by the end of the year they are expected to teach all of it to the students for the End of Year Tests.
Depending on the school if you don't pass a final exam you don't pass that class, however there are retake aviable.
In the mean time however you will besides being taught at by Communted Collage Graudates(If your lucky, I remeber one teacher for example who was STILL trying for her degree yet taught us fresman Geomerty) from the Teachers Edition(No lie, 2/3 of my Teachers I had used Worksheets and assigned Home-work exactly how the Teacher's Edition Suggests WORD FOR WORD for the enitre year)
The typical Day consist of the Avarage student depending on where in the US now as every single school system is diffrent from the next will get up between 5:10 AM to 7:30 AM depending on when thier school starts, Get on a big slow, bad cornering death-trap know as a School Bus where they will be off-loaded like cattle, Then they have five to twenty minutes to sit around doing nothing or eat the school provided well balanced meal
Or as everyone else calls it.
A muffin..
After the student have calm down from all the exicment of the balanced meal they are hearded into little rooms, typical class size is twenty eight and one teacher for anywhere from fourty two minutes to one hour five mintues. Then the bell is rung and the students normaly walk through extremely croweded hall-ways to another small room where they will repeat this proccess two or three more time
Then there is a break for Lunch depending on when it could be anywhere from Nine fourty to Two oclock. Each school system has a varried amount of Periods so it could be as little as Five or as much as nine.
Bascily the School-system of USA is so ass-backwards when it comes to so many things, From Fundinf Allotcation to massive overcrowding, To people a monkey could outsmart are expected to teach Science it leads to a bunch of unhappy people(Students and Sane Teachers both) Worried and over-worked people(The Office staff with the exception of Vice or Otherwise Principles) and the three to five happy ones who would be the upper management, The Principles, Generaly these people sit in thier offices and either, Sleep, Pratice begging for more Funds for thier school, Or meet the Student Bodies idiot and dumb sections.
Hope that helps shead a little light on the Cluster-Fuck that is American's Education system
Oh one thing I forget, Depending on where you are going you will be going to diffrent little rooms
Because of *Requirements
The First High-School I ever went to(ninth, I went to three)
4 Years of Engish
4 Years Science
2 Years of a Laungage not English
1 Year of History
My second school was the same in English but I only needed Three Years of Science and no Forigen Laungage
My Third school had Two years of Science Two Years of History and THREE years of a non-English Lagunge
Of course this begs the question when I wanted as (You do when you start school) I annoced when they had Gudiance meet with me, That I wanted to be a Computer Engineer and work for Nvida(I'm getting closer to that goal

) how exaclty did any of that help me? The science class applyed somewhat, The non-english not at all, The History I enjoyed because of all the Projects(Make a Diarama, Subject? WWII, Of? Omaha Lots of plastic Army men and some Fireworks later...

And I took some electives after I went through the of course one year of computer Science I general had nothing at all helpful excpet Prehaps on a Appernce on the Game-show Jepordy, Otherwise I spent roughly 3 years of High-School Learning nothing that would help me in the slightest...
Some notable examples
1. My Eleventh Grade History Teacher was fire from three diffrent places for Incomptence, Including, Mcdonalds, Burger-King, And her Former School she worked at. They are that desprate for new teachers
2. Janitors are paid roughly 1.3x as much as the Teachers are and for some odd reasons this genreation is an oddly tiddy one, They don't have much to do
3. If you want resoutles you have to have money
Schools don't have much of the green stuff. I remeber our Caffitera when the price of Lettace climded by roughly six cents could no longer afford to buy it because they would run over-budget.
4. I gave my old school a call up last week, Only 4/5 of the Senior Class Graduated, 1/3 of the Senior Class where *Repeats
5. During my 11th and 12th Grade Years I spent roughly 5 hours of the seven and a half hour school day.. Asleep
I passed every class with no less than an 85.
*Vent off