Come up with your own Force Powers

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Come up with your own Force Powers

Post by OmegaGuy »

Based on the observed capabilities of the Force, come up with new Force Powers.

Tear Asunder:

Dark Side power.

The Sith literally rips the body of his opponent apart from the inside and splatters it all over the area.
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Post by Stark »

Oh, so you mean 'like in the stupid games where push, pull and choke are different powers even though they're all TK'? Okay, I can play that.

Force Orgasm. Does what it says on the tin.
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Re: Come up with your own Force Powers

Post by Elheru Aran »

OmegaGuy wrote:Based on the observed capabilities of the Force, come up with new Force Powers.

Tear Asunder:

Dark Side power.

The Sith literally rips the body of his opponent apart from the inside and splatters it all over the area.
Been done. Check Tales of the Jedi out sometime.

And mine? Force Depilate. Never have to shave again...
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Post by nickolay1 »

Autonomous flexible force barrier adapted for male genitalia.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Things I'd like to see in a Star Wars videogame.

Force Heart Crush

Force Spine Rip

Force Neck Snap

Force Mind Rape (leaves the victim a drooling idiot)

Force Make Shit Explode (Gambit's power from X-men)

Force Assited Aim (for your gun)

Force Impose Will (one enemy is now your puppet)

Force Confuse (enemies start shooting anything that moves, including eachother)

Force Bend Over and Take it Like a Bitch (self-explanatory)
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Post by Surlethe »

Force condom. You don't cut down on sensation, and you get even more of the contraceptive power.
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

How about Force Play the Stock Market. The dark side version can be Force Insider Trading.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Heres mine...

Force Beam.

I figure, if you can direct the Force as a coherent 'lightning' why not add TK to that.

Force Beam is a coherent blast of directed TK, hitting a target less than an inch across. While doing little damage, per se, it obliterates anything in that tiny area and vastly overpenetrates.

The result is kind of a TK shaped-charge.

Its short ranged, in fact you have to be within twenty feet or so for it to work, but it can blast through any known material, including forcefields.
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Post by Stark »

Wow. You really wanked hard on that one. I like it!

How about Force Futures. It allows you to see all possible futures, and select the one you want by manipulating quantum fields? BOOM! I win the wank! :D
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Post by General Soontir Fel »

Force Saw.

Conjure up an invisible disk that will slice through anything.
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Post by 000 »

Force Avalanche, Force Earthquake, and Force Fireball. They're tres cool!
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Post by brianeyci »

Nobody go for the obvious alliteration yet?

You know what I'm talking about. You know you want that power.

....Force Fart!

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Post by Surlethe »

No, I want the fast Force fuck.
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Post by Xon »

While we are going for the completely stupid, how about Force Multiple Orgasms, the upgraded version of Force Orgasm!

Note; dont use on machinary your life is dependant on. :P
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Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

Xon wrote:While we are going for the completely stupid, how about Force Multiple Orgasms, the upgraded version of Force Orgasm!

Note; dont use on machinary your life is dependant on. :P
Now that's just redundant. Force Multiple Orgasms is obviously just Force Orgasm with three more ranks in it, not a separate power.
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Post by Star-Blighter »

Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:
Xon wrote:While we are going for the completely stupid, how about Force Multiple Orgasms, the upgraded version of Force Orgasm!

Note; dont use on machinary your life is dependant on. :P
Now that's just redundant. Force Multiple Orgasms is obviously just Force Orgasm with three more ranks in it, not a separate power.
But does it use wisdom, or charisma as the modifier?

It makes a difference, really....

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Post by Old Plympto »

Force Impotence... it's used on other people.
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Post by DesertFly »

Force Brew. Never be without a tall cold one.
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Post by FTeik »

Feeling the pleasure of your darkside-doppelganger having sex.

Shapeshifting into forms, that have different mass, size, densitiy.

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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Force Poke. Just to be annoying.
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Post by freker »

Force grow and Force shrink

makes good use when your oppenent thinks he can overwhelm you with size
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Force Lock.

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